
Guest Post with Author Robin Bielman and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Robin Bielman. Robin is celebrating the recent release of her book, Kissing the Maid of Honor and has stopped by to chat and share a little quiz with us. Please give Robin a warm welcome.

Robin Bielman lives in Southern California, a bike ride away from the ocean if she’s feeling really adventurous. She loves books and baking and running on the treadmill while watching her favorite TV shows. When she’s not reading or writing her next story, she’s spending time with her high school sweetheart husband and two sons, most likely watching, playing, or discussing baseball. She drives too fast, drinks too much caffeine, and if every day were Cupcake Day, she’d be a happy camper! She loves to connect with readers.

Places to find Robin:
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Hey everyone! Thanks so much for having me back at RFTC, Dani! I love it here and am so excited to celebrate the release of the first book in my Secret Wishes series, KISSING THE MAID OF HONOR with you and your readers.

First off, I’d like to set the mood. Since there’s a bachelor/bachelorette party scene in the book, I thought we could go with that vibe. So first things first ladies, I’ve got the “I do” party favor bag that my heroine and maid of honor, Sela, makes for the wedding party (and you all are in my wedding party today). Inside is edible finger paints, body shimmer lotion, bath salts, a penis-shaped lollipop, a Humm Dinger pleasure ring—it’s not worn on your finger, people—and a pair of handcuffs.

Luke, my hero and the best man, tries to peek inside Sela’s bag. Her cheeks flush, but she’s determined not to let his teasing get to her…

“Fine. You want to see what’s in the bag? I’ll show you what’s in the bag.” She dumped the contents on the table. “These?” She picked up the handcuffs and looked him straight in the eyes. “These I’d like to use on you right now.”

Next, I think we need some beverages. See that hottie over there in the corner that looks like Paul Walker? He’s making whatever your favorite drink is. And the cute guy in the other corner that looks like Ryan Reynolds, he’s serving up cake slices in your favorite flavor.

Okay, so now that we’ve got something yummy to eat, something tasty to drink, and eye candy to keep us company, how about a game? I thought we could play a little variation of “He Said, She Said,” focusing on Sela and Luke. I hope you’ll play along. It doesn’t matter if you’ve read the book yet or not—I’m hoping you’ll just find it fun to guess if the MOH (maid of honor) or BM (best man) said the phrases below. The answers will be posted at the end of the post. No cheating! ;)

1) “Glazed donuts and cheese pizza can lead to lots of fun between the sheets.”

2) “It is you that smells like liquid sanitizer, isn’t it?”

3) “Don’t know what? That bacon makes everything taste better?”

4) “I’ll grab my magnifying glass.”

5) “What can I say? I’m good.”

6) “Is that what that sound was? I thought Mrs. Witt’s pig had gotten loose.”

7) “Because I like to play dirty.”

8) “If it looks good enough to eat, then it usually is.”

I had a great time writing a book with a wedding theme and I hope readers love the story as much as I do. Getting to have a virtual celebration here with you all was great fun, too! Thanks for playing along!

So tell me, have you been to a bachelor or bachelorette party? What was the best part? And if you haven’t, what do you think about a Best Woman and Man of Honor becoming more popular?

(Answers: 1. Sela 2. Luke 3. Luke 4. Sela 5. Sela 6. Luke 7. Luke 8. Sela)

Kissing her best friend's brother never felt so right…

Sela Sullivan is resolved to be the best maid of honor ever, even if it means tolerating the best man. Insufferable, too-handsome Luke Watters is not only the guy who humiliated her at a kissing booth in high school, but he also happens to be her best friend’s older brother. Positive he’s the same arrogant jock, Sela vows to focus on her duties and steer clear of the frustrating—and frustratingly tempting—Luke.

As a world-renowned extreme-sports photographer, Luke is used to undertaking life-risking adventures. But risking his heart for the beautiful Sela Sullivan, who clearly still hates him for his rejection all those years ago? He didn’t see that coming. Sela inspires a passion he’s never known, and the more time they spend together, the more he craves her. But can he prove to the maid of honor he’s become a man of honor?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs For Entire Tour:
  • 5 lucky winners will win Bridesmaid Gift Pack

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: So tell me, have you been to a bachelor or bachelorette party? What was the best part? And if you haven’t, what do you think about a Best Woman and Man of Honor becoming more popular?
  • US entries ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Lilie said...

I have to honestly say I've never been to a bachelorette party. Why can't the Maid of Honor or Best Man become more popular, the bride and groom are already onto bliss!!

kipha said...

Just been to one this past weekend~!
The best part was playing the games and watching the bride open gifts! And the gifts were great~!
I think it's cool the Best Woman and Man of Honor is becoming popular. It's not always a girl friend that knows the bride most or a best man to know the groom most. There are many girls who has guys as their best friend and vvice versa; this is the 21st (is it still the 21st?) century~! Come on.

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Lilie! Well, I'm so glad you stopped by here to get a glimpse into a bachelorette party, then! At least I hope I gave you a glimpse.

My Maid of Honor and Best Man do take center stage and uh, definitely find their bliss. ;) I had lots of fun with them.

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Kipha! I love that you just went to one! What was the best gift the bride got? And you're so right, times are changing and I agree, the best "person" should stand beside their best friend.

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Dani! Thanks again for having me here today! <3

Sue G. said...

My sister's bachelorette party we went and saw Chippendale strippers. Normally this wouldn't have been so bad but I was 9 months pregnant at the time! I was a house!

Sharlene said...

I haven't ever been to a bachelorette party. Don't think they were that popular when I got married 22 years ago! LOL! The best woman & man of honor idea are interesting, but probably better if it is a brother or sister. I have seen Made of Honor! The man/woman best friend thing seems a stretch & something that can be carried off in fiction easier than real life.

Unknown said...

I have been to many bachelorette parties including my own. I've seen some tasteful and some distasteful ones. Most of the time they are just to celebrate the bride.

Rebe said...

I've only been to one bachelorette party that was a bit raunchy - we had pin the hose on the fireman, made dresses out of toilet paper, and went out to a club with the bride wearing a veil with little plastic penises on it. Usually my friends and I just have a nice night out, though. That 1 was about as crazy as we get!

RFTC Blog said...

Anytime!!! You know I love you and your books lots! Can't wait for more. =)

Chrisbails said...

I have never been to a bachelorette party before. I have been in a few weddings as bridesmaid or hostess of the wedding, but never a maid of honor. I think for the the bride and grooms that have friends as the opposite sex, the best woman and man of honor are great titles.
That is for the chance to win.
christinebails at yahoo dot com

Rhonda D said...

I have been to a bachelorette party. The best part was the bride wearing a veil covered in plastic penises. I loved it. I think the best woman and man of honor should definitely become more popular. I know most of my closest friends are men.
I just read the sample of the book and will be buying it on Friday. I loved it. Thanks for sharing!
Rhonda D

Robin Bielman said...

Aww, thank you! Your support means so much to me! (And I'm excited for you to read more!)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Sue! Oh my gosh. So... my friends took me to Chippendales for my bachelorette party! And I have to say, I was a little grossed out. The guys were uh, a tad too greased up for my liking. LOL And of course my friends made sure at least one of them got a little too close for comfort. What a trooper you were to go at nine months pregnant! I'm thinking you didn't have to worry about any guys getting too close. ;)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Sharlene! Happy 22 years! I think having a sibling that's the opposite sex be a best woman or man of honor is a really nice idea if the two are close. It seems nowadays almost anything is possible and some couples really like to do things differently. But you're right - in fiction we can do whatever we want!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Summer! I'm right there with ya! It's great fun because it's all about the bride-to-be and letting her know how special she is. (And okay, maybe being a little crazy, too, right? I mean what other time can you hire a stripper and it's normal?) LOL

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Rebe! I love it! And am cracking up at the pin the hose on the fireman. I think there's sort of a tradition of embarrassing the bride a little bit during her bachelorette party so it sounds like you guys accomplished that!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Christine! I've loved being in my friends' weddings - it's such an honor and happy time. And I agree with you on the man of honor and best woman titles. I have a hunch we might be seeing more of them!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Rhonda! Thank you so much for buying my book! I hope you enjoy it. You'll have to let me know, okay?

It sounds like this penis veil is the new thing. LOL I might have to google it. I haven't personally known anyone to have a man of honor or best woman, but I hope to hear about it more!

Robin Bielman said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by today!

Arely ZPerez said...

It's interesting! Best Woman or Man of Honor are not traditional, but who cares? It actually sounds pretty cool :)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Arely! Exactly! The bride and groom should do whatever makes them happy!

Wanda (A Book Lover's Retreat) said...

I have never been to a bachelorette party. I hear they can be pretty fun though. I agree. I believe whatever the happy couple want should be ok. You only get married once (hopefully, LOL) right?

Wanda Barefoot

Meghan said...

Wow! I really can't wait to read this! Adding it to my TBR list!! I always wonder if the author has any life experience that they put into their books? Thanks for sharing with us and Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com

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