
Interview with Author Lindsey Piper and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to Lindsey Piper. Lindsey is celebrating the recent release of her book Caged Warrior and has stopped by to answer a few questions.

Lindsey Piper is the alter ego of an award-winning historical and contemporary romance author. Her hotly anticipated DRAGON KINGS series is her first foray into paranormal fiction. She lives and writes in Chicago.

Places to find Lindsey:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I'm a show-off but not a flirt. I'm a cook but not a chef. I'm a fan of horror films, not musicals. I've only ever visited one of the places I've written about. I married my husband nine months to the day after our first date. And I cried when I received my first advance check for my debut novel—as a stay at home mom, it was the first money I'd earned on my own for six years.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Always. But then again, I also wanted to be a paramedic, breed Siamese cats, be a history professor, draw comic books professionally, and ride the rodeo as a barrel racer.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter? a point. I need to know my characters first. If I don't know them, I can't tell if I'm making them behave in inconsistent ways. Same with worldbuilding. After about two thirds of the first draft, I can see the ending. That's when I sit down and figure out how to get there!

Where do your ideas come from?
Song lyrics are a big inspiration. If you stick me in a car on a long journey with a couple new albums, I'll have new story ideas by the time I arrive. The same thing happens if a movie or TV show has an dissatisfying plot element. I need to “fix” it in my mind, and that leads to all manner of ideas.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
The hardened survivor of a dying race teaches a reluctant woman the skills she needs save her son—only to reveal her own astonishing powers. (ooh, 140 on the dot!)

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I have the reading attention span of my 9yo, so I've been very much into novellas, mostly contemporary romances. Quick little tasty bites!

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Straying waaaay outside of the romance genre, my favorite book is Atonement by Ian McEwan. He's a master of twist endings. This tragedy is exceptionally crafted and the finale kicked me in the gut. The film starring Keira Knightley is very faithful, which was a pleasant surprise.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Intricately plotted scenes. If I could write a romance that took place in a room or on a long walk, I'd totally do it. Maybe that's why I love the “Before” trilogy so much: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight. Jessie and Celine basically walk and talk themselves into a lifelong love affair.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Lorelie Brown, Victoria Dahl and Vivian Arend because they're three of my best friends and we'd have a loud, obscene, fantastic, drunken helluva night.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I'm hard at work on book three of “The Dragon Kings,” called HUNTED WARRIOR, due out from Pocket in summer 2014. Bring on Malnefoley's story!

I probably cheated by choosing three friends as my “authors at dinner” question, so I'll pass it back to commenters: Which three authors would you have dinner with, and why?

Ten years ago, Audrey MacLaren chose to marry her human lover, making her an exile from the Dragon Kings, an ancient race of demons once worshiped as earthly gods. Audrey and her husband managed to conceive, and their son is the first natural-born Dragon King in a generation–which makes him irresistible to the sadistic scientist whose mafia-funded technology allows demon procreation. In the year since her husband was murdered, Audrey and her little boy have endured hideous experiments.

Shackled with a collar and bound for life, Leto Garnis is a Cage warrior. Only through combat can Dragon Kings earn the privilege of conceiving children. Leto uses his superhuman speed and reflexes to secure the right for his two sisters to start families. After torture reveals Audrey’s astonishing pyrokenesis, she is sent to fight in the Cages. If she survives a year, she will be reunited with her son. Leto is charged with her training. Initially, he has no sympathy for her plight. But if natural conception is possible, what has he been fighting for? As enemies, sparring partners, lovers, and eventual allies, Leto and Audrey learn that in a violent underground world, love is the only prize worth winning.

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Check out the Dragon Kings series:
Click for info.

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To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: Which three authors would you have dinner with, and why?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
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kathy p said...

I would have a meal with Nora Roberts, Linda Howard and Abigail Roux!

Rebe said...

I'd love to have dinner with Patricia Briggs and Ilona Andrews (there are 2 of them, so that counts as three, right?). I think they would be so much fun!

May said...

Eloisa James, Julia Quinn and Connie Brockway. They always seem like so much fun...

Beautiful Disaster said...

Christine Feehan, Kresley Cole, and Gena Showalter because I enjoy all their books. I think they would make great dinner company.
Thanks :-)

lorih824 at yahoo dot com

Marcy Meyer said...

That is a hard question, but I'd have to say E.L. James, Abbi Glines and Elizabeth Reyes. I think that would be a fun get together!

SheriV said...

Patricia Briggs, Heather Long and Lexi Blake. :) I would be in heaven.

Stormy Vixen said...

Christine Feehan, Laurell K Hamilton, & Sherrilyn Kenyon. That's to start with though, I have a lot more authors that I really like. Thanks for the post and the giveaway. I am looking forward to reading this series.

books4me said...

I would want to have dinner with Laura Kaye, Alexa Grace, and Tonya Burrows. These are all authors that I love reading and strive to write like!


lorimeehan said...

Wow this is a hard question o just narrow it down to three. Hmm...Jill Shalvis, Sarah MacLean and Nora Roberts.

Annwitch said...

I think Jen Lancaster because she is funny, Nora Roberts because she is amazing, and Eloisa James because she is so creative.

wanda f said...

Cant wait to read this

Texas Book Lover said...

Jill Shalvis, Ruthie Knox and Colleen Hoover just because they consistently make me laugh on their blogs and most days I need those laughs!

Mary Jo Burke said...

J K Rohling

Unknown said...

Hmmm...the three authors I would have to choose would be the first three that really got me hooked on pnr/uf: Christine Feehan, Patricia Briggs, and Karen Marie Moning.

donnas said...

Hard question. I dont know that I can easily pick 3.

Unknown said...

Hmmm, let's see. Definitely J.R. Ward, Lauren Dane, and Shelly Laurenston. All three have a very quick, biting wit, and I could see the conversations going down some very interesting avenues.

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