
ARC Review: This Love by Nazarea Andrews

I knew just by looking at the cover of this book that I was going to enjoy this story. This Love definitely did not let me down! Having never read a book by Nazarea Andrews before, I had no idea what to expect. I found her writing to be wonderful! The characters were great and the story had an amazing flow to it even with the switch between Atticus's point of view and Avery's. I loved that we got insight into both characters through their thoughts and feelings, and I reallyl think that that was part of why I loved this book so much! It was so easy to really connect to the characters.

Avery was looking for a research job before her senior year of college in order to make some money to be able to attend her sister's wedding in Jamaica. Atticus was looking for someone to help him with his research and the mess his life had become. Even though the attraction between the two of them was instant, they both knew they could never do anything about it for many reasons, not the least of which was him being a professor and her being a student. Atticus comes to rely on Avery for more than just research, and the two begin spending more time together both in and outside of work. As they get to know each other better, they know that it will be impossible not to give into the attraction between them and they decide that as long as they both know that there is an expiration date on the relationship that they should just go for it. But as they both start to heal each other from past relationships, it is only a matter of time before real feelings begin to develop and they find themselves not wanting to have an end date at all.

I loved Atticus, he absolutely stole my heart! Hello new book boyfriend! He was sexy and sweet and just all around charming. He was so thoughtful at all times when it came to Avery, going out of his way to do nice things for her! I also really loved that even though he was a little damaged after a bad marriage, that he was still willing to put himself out there and risk his heart because of the way he felt about Avery and the connection that they shared. I loved that he fought for her and never gave up on her despite the many obstacles that were in their way. I really liked Avery also. She also had some relationship issues after being left at the alter by her fiance when she was very young. But she was strong and unwilling to compromise herself for anyone else. Even though she would sometimes panic and try to run, Atticus would always find her and show her that he wasn't going anywhere.

Atticus and Avery were perfect for each other. I really felt their connection and all the emotions behind their growing relationship. Their love was so believable I never once found myself questioning the direction the author was taking them in. I really enjoyed seeing them grow as individuals and as a couple and getting to witness every step of their developing relationship. Besides the emotional aspect, the two of them had chemistry that was off the charts! They were absolutely scorching hot together! Andrews did a wonderful job giving each character depth, and I thought that they were all genuine, relatable and interesting. My only problem with this story was the way it ended. For me it was a little abrupt. I would have liked to see a little more of where they ended up and the events that transpired after they decided to spend their future together. But overall this book was a fabulous read that I just couldn't put down. If you enjoy a fun and flirty romance with a couple that can really steam up the pages, this book is a must read! I can't wait to read more from Nazarea Andrews in the future!

**ARC provided by Author**

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