
ARC Review: Treasuring Theresa by Susana Ellis

Treasuring Theresa is a delightful, sweet Regency novella from Susana Ellis. She has taken the familiar city-mouse-country-mouse theme and created a short, lovely story of two very different characters that form a bond that neither really expected. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this charming story.

Lady Theresa has managed the estate of her ailing father for some time. She has no interest in society life in London. Her heart is with the neighbors and tenants of Granville Manor. When she realizes that her father is near death she travels to London to check out her distant cousin, Damian Ashby, who will inherit the estate. Damian is the Regency version of a party animal. He completely enjoys the London high life and disparages rusticating in the country. When he inherits Granville Manor he intends to hire a good manager and visit for only a week each year. Damian and Theresa immediately clash when they meet in London so Theresa’s future looks very grim. But things begin to change when Damian visits the manor. He has the chance to see Theresa in her element, running the estate with skill and compassion. They are both surprised to find themselves attracted to the other. Can a London guy and a country girl find common ground?

This was a very well written story. Even though it was short we had the opportunity to see both Damian and Theresa evolve. Both had to relinquish tightly held prejudices and open their minds to new possibilities. It is difficult to adjust your aspirations in mid-stream, but perhaps love can be the facilitator. Anyone that enjoys Regency romances would enjoy Treasuring Theresa.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |


Connie said...

Oh, this sounds exactly like the type of plot I love in a novel! I cannot wait to read it and am adding it to my Wish List.

Unknown said...

Hope you like it, Connie! It was fun to write!

Unknown said...

And thank you, Kellianne, for the great review!

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