
Feature and Giveaway: Damaged 2 by H.M. Ward

The steamy sequel to the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling New Adult novel DAMAGED by H.M. Ward.

Home isn't supposed to be dangerous, but for Sidney it is. Returning home means that she has to face her past. It's not just the man who hurt Sidney that makes it horrible, but the family that didn't believe her. They were dead to her, but now that her mom is really dying things seem different. It's a chance to set things right.

What Sidney doesn't realize is that she's dragging Peter into a collision course with his past. Peter must deal with the demons haunting him if he wants to move forward with Sidney. He's willing to give up everything for her, even wade deeper into his past life to help her move forward. But, Peter isn't sure if he can get over what happened to him in New York.

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Check out the Damaged series:
Click for info.

H.M. Ward is a NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY bestselling author. Ward enjoys writing novels and novellas with twisting plot lines and unexpected turns. Her ability to shock the reader has grown a following of over 70,000 fans, and a social reach of over 17 million people. Ward has strong marketing skills and became a full time writer less than a year after her first novel appeared on the market.

THE ARRANGEMENT is her next series of young adult romance serials. These short novels feature Avery and Sean. If you liked SECRETS, you'll love THE ARRANGEMENT.

H.M. Ward's novel SCANDALOUS hit the Amazon top hundred list in Jan 2013 and became a USA TODAY bestseller. She has also been one of the top 100 Amazon authors at various times. This year, Ward will sold her 100,000th book.

Places to find H.M.:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky person will win an eBook copy of Damaged 2

Grand Prize Giveaway: 
  • 1 lucky person will win the following:
    •  Kindle Fire HD
    • Signed copy of Damaged 2
    • 21 eBooks from H.M. 

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: Why do you want to win?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter forms.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


QuenKne said...

I would love to win the Kindle Fire & Books - I have suffered from chronic pain since I was 14 and I am now bed-ridden. I use books to distract my pain and to make the time go by faster. With a Kindle I wouldn't have to worry about the weight of holding a book causing more pain and I could have unlimited books within my reach. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

I want to win Damaged 2 ebook because I love the book cover and very interesting description of the story.

kathy p said...

Have read so many great reviews for this book I would love to win and read it!

krg said...

Because you left me hangin' that's why!

Anonymous said...

I read the first book in the series and very much enjoyed reading. I'd love to be able to continue to Damaged 2.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! Fingers crossed.

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

Lori Mitchell said...

I want to win because the book looks amazing!

Glam009 said...

I will love to win because love damaged and love to read the second book :)
Thanks for the chance to win

Mary Jo Burke said...

What great prizes and the books look great too!

Stormy Vixen said...

Because I love to read and this book sounds like it would be very good. & if this one sounds good the others should be good too. If I had the kindle fire I could read them all plus others. Thanks for the feature and the awesome giveaway.

Chrisbails said...

I have heard great things about this author and series. I have the first book in my TBR pile. Would love to win. What great prizes. Thanks for the chance to win.

Mary Preston said...

This entire series sounds amazing.

Marcy Meyer said...

I have the first book on my kindle, ready to read, so I would love to win the sequel! Then, I could go straight into that one when I finish the first book. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Natasha said...

Sounds like an awesome read! I have the first one and would love to have the second one so I could read it too!
Thanks for the chance to win!

jessiel said...

I cannot wait to read Damaged 2!! Thank you for the post & the giveaway.

Leannessf said...

Read the first Damaged book and loved it! Need to read this one!

Leanne :)

Sue G. said...

I love finding new authors to read . It also sounds like an interesting series.

Maureen said...

I would love to read the next installment in this series. It looks great.

Arely ZPerez said...

Because this book looks good!!

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