
Guest Post with Author Lisa Kessler and Giveaway

Please welcome back to RFTC author Lisa Kessler. Lisa is celebrating the release of her newest book Moonlight and has stopped by to chat.

Lisa Kessler is an award winning author of dark paranormal fiction. Her debut novel, Night Walker, won a San Diego Book Award for Best Published Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror as well as the Romance Through the Ages Award for Best Paranormal and Best First Book.

Her short stories have been published in print anthologies and magazines, and her vampire story, Immortal Beloved, was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award.

When she's not writing, Lisa is a professional vocalist, performing with the San Diego Opera as well as other musical theater companies in San Diego.

Places to find Lisa: 

Rambling about Series

Hi everyone –

Big thanks to Danielle for the blog spot today! =)

I’m a big time rambler, usually about books too! Since Moonlight is the first book in a brand new series for me, I thought it would be fun to chat about series in general.

I’m a huge series reader. When I love a book, it makes it that much sweeter when I see it’s part of a series. It’s like knowing you’ll get to travel back to this same world again, sometimes even visit with the same characters you’ve grown to love. It’s addicting!

And as a writer, I now have two series out. The Night Series is my Mayan vampire series and now the Moon Series which is my werewolf and jaguar shifter series. There were some challenges I never expected when writing a series though. Both of my series feature VERY different heroes, as well as different writing styles. The Night Series is written in third person point of view with mysterious immortal heroes, and my new Moon Series is writing in alternating first person with a very contemporary set of heroes in the Pack.

Sometimes when I’m editing a book in one series while trying to write a book in the other series, it takes me a while to shift gears in my head to get the feel! LOL However, it’s so much fun to have the freedom to write in both worlds! I love it! J

So as a reader, do you enjoy reading series? What do you like (or hate) about series?

Thanks for chatting with me!
Lisa Kessler

Rancher Adam Sloan is more than meets the eye. As the heir to his Pack, the sexy werewolf's biggest challenge is keeping his kin's true nature under wraps. But a group of jaguar shifters threatens to reveal the pack, blasting into town killing humans in plain sight. And when he smells one at the local diner, his standing orders are to take her out.

Lana Turpin doesn't realize she's a moving target. Raised in the foster system, she only knows that she blacks out during the new moon and wakes up without remembering a thing. But now she's being tracked by some strange organization that wants her back--even though she's never stepped foot inside their compound. And the stranger across the diner is watching her like an enemy.

It should be a simple mission for Adam, but when he touches the frustratingly beautiful Lana, his inner wolf howls...mate. Now, the two must find and stop the people who hunt her...and Adam must keep his own family from killing the only woman he will ever love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Lucky person will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1 Lucky person will win a Silver Bullet Necklace
  • 1 Lucky person will win a Moonlight Necklace
  • 3 Lucky people will win a set of The Night Series

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: So as a reader, do you enjoy reading series? What do you like (or hate) about series?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kathy p said...

Ilove reading series that have multiple stories in them....

Rita Wray said...

I love a series. When I really like the characters I'm happy to know I'll see them again in an upcoming book.

Anonymous said...

I do love reading series books. I like that I get to continue reading about the characters I came to love the the first book. Sometimes, though, I like to read stand-alone books because I like the closure of a book I just finished reading.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! Moonlight sounds great because I love books with fantasy, like shape-shifters, and I love reading about ranchers and westerns. I look forward to reading the story and have my fingers crossed to win. :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

NoraA said...

Not only do I love reading a series, I also have collect them for my home library. Reading a one book story tends to leave me wondering what happens when I finish the book. The character is still alive in his or her universe. What will their next adventure be?

My shelves are crammed to bursting with series that I've been reading and collecting for decades.

Marcy Meyer said...

I love reading series! I like the continuation of the same characters, even if it's just a glimpse of what they are up to now. The only thing that can be annoying as a reader of series is waiting for the next book to come out. lol

Stormy Vixen said...

I love reading series! Both series about the same main characters and ones where the main characters are from the same world but differ each book. You get live the adventures and really get to know all the characters involved. Of course, waiting for next book to come out can be a pain, but with as many books that are out there, there are ways to be distracted. evamillien at gmail dot com

Mary Kirkland said...

I love reading series. I've been reading a couple of series for more than 20 years and still can't wait for the next book to come out. I like that each book has main characters that we might have seen in other books in the series and we get to know the background characters a lot better throughout the subsequent books in the series. I like seeing years later in a series how the characters in earlier books have grown, had kids ect.. and get a glimpse into their lives now.

Anonymous said...

I love reading series, But I prefer series not more than 5-6. Sometimes, it takes forever to know what is going to happen next. It's fun when it is an adventure and you follow each characters...I have some series that I keep because I loved them so much!

Unknown said...

I love reading series. I love the possibilities for character development, the recurrence of characters, and finding out what happens after the HEA.

Lori Mitchell said...

I love series, except for the wait in between books! Thanks for the giveaway :)

lorimeehan said...

I love series and I love cowboy shifters.

Lisa Kessler said...

I'm with you! :) THat's my favorite part of reading and writing them! :)

THanks for commenting!


Lisa Kessler said...

Awww thanks Lindsey! I hope you enjoy Moonlight! It sounds like it'll be right up your alley! :)

Thanks for commenting!!!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

I have a few series like that too Nora! :)

Makes me grateful for my Kindle now... I was running out of shelf space! LOL

Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Oh the waiting is terrible! LOL

But then when the book comes out and you can settle back in with these people you know... I love that!!!

Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Yes thankfully you can find multiple series to follow so you can fill in the time while you wait for the next book... Woot!

Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

WOW!!! Which series have been going for 20 years??? That's super impressive!!!

I have 8 books planned for the Moon Series so we won't make it to 20 years, but I hope you'll enjoy them anyway... :)

Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

So far all my series have been planned so I know how many books... The Night Series is 4 and the Moon Series will be 8... :) Not too long!

Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

I agree Mel!!! Great points!

Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Yeah the waiting is not much fun... But it makes the book that much better when you finally get it, right? :)

Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Yay! I hope you enjoy Moonlight... :)

Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Arely ZPerez said...

I love series, but sometimes I don't have time to read them all or I don't have money!

Unknown said...

I am a straight up series slut. I love being able to check up on my favorite characters after their HEA.

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