
Guest Post with Author Nazarea Andrews and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Nazarea Andrews to RFTC. Nazarea is celebrating the recent release of her book This Love and has stopped by to chat. Please give Nazarea a warm welcome.

Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog.

Places to find Nazarea:

There are a lot of kinds of vacations---winter getaways, spring breaks in Cancun, weekend trips—all kinds of places to go and things to do. I’ll be honest. I LOVE vacationing. I love going new places, trying new things—meeting new people.

There is something to be said about going to new places. The summer before my senior year, I went to Italy with my parents. It was a crazy, insane trip. We started in Sicily, where we spent a few weeks before flying to Naples and taking a car up north. We hit all the major cities—Rome, Florence, Pisa, Venice.

There was a lot to love about the trip—I was in Italy after all. I was seeing places literally thousands of years old—places until then I had only studied or written about. I loved it.

It’s easily one of the highlights of my travel life.

Then there are the trips that are like clockwork—the ones you take every year, on the same weekend. You go to the same places, you eat the same food, you see the same people. There is nothing new or exciting about them. We have two of those—every year, my husband’s family starts summer in Panama City Beach, and we end it there too. It’s always a good time—it’s relaxing and quiet, and I know exactly what to expect the entire time.

There’s pluses and minuses to both (yeah. I totally just said there are minuses to Euorpean vacations.) What I loved about the trip was how new and exciting it was, how amazing it was to be somewhere I’d never been.

I think Jamaica offered aspects of both. The stability of a familiar vacation and the newness of something you’ve never experience. I love both—if you had a choice, which would you take?

She wants a summer job and a ride to a wedding.
He wants an assistant and a distraction from the mess life his had become.
They didn't know they needed each other.

Avery Emili needs two grand. Two grand and a plane ticket--her sister is counting on her to get to Jamaica for her wedding. But the semester is over, and tutoring college freshman and high school students has dried up until the fall.

Atticus Grimes needs help--the messy split with his wife left the twenty-eight year old professor scrambling to keep things together as the semester winds down. Now he's got a research grant he has to actually do research for and all he wants to do is drown himself in a tall bottle of bourbon.

When Avery sees his ad for an assistant, all she's thinking is a summer job. But as they spend time together, in the office and out, both of them begin to realize something is there. Something that can't happen--he's a professor and she's a student. And both of them have histories, pasts that won’t let go.

Can two broken people pulled apart by expectations find a way to be whole?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky person will win an eBook copy of This Love
  • 1 lucky person will win a Swag Pack (US ONLY)

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: The stability of a familiar vacation and the newness of something you’ve never experience. I love both—if you had a choice, which would you take?
  • US Shipping ONLY for swag pack.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Patricia Eimer said...

Me I'm an adventure girl. I never like going to the same place twice if I can help it.

Sue G. said...

I love always going to new places. I love learning new things. It drives my husband crazy. He grew up always going to the exact same place every year! BORING!

krg said...

I always want to check out new places also.

May said...

I think I would want some place new to explore!

Marcy Meyer said...

Definitely new places every year! There are too many beautiful things to see to go to the same place all the time.

laurie said...

I always want to check out new places also.

Mary Jo Burke said...

Don't travel much, but would love too!

Em said...

New places, I like the idea of an adventure.

Connie said...

This sounds very intriguing and I’m betting the characters are going to take the readers on a fun ride! I’m looking forward to reading it and see what they do.

lorimeehan said...

I'd love to go to a new place for vacations unless you own a lake house then I'd be there all the time.

Susy said...

I love family vacations!!,

erin said...

Something new!!! Congrats to Nazarea on the new release!!!

kymom13 said...

As long as I'm with the ones I love and the place isn't dangerous, I love the adventure of visiting new places!


Mary Preston said...

No doubt I'd take the familiar and stability. I've had enough adventure in my life.

Wanda (A Book Lover's Retreat) said...

Although I need a vacation I would definitely take the newness of something I've never experienced. I haven't had enough experiences in my life. Thank you for the giveaway!

Wanda Barefoot

Natasha said...

Something new!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I would take: new places.

Nazarea Andrews said...

Thank you!!! I love new places, and sounds like y'all do too--I keep trying to talk my hubby into going to Europe again! One day!! <3

Leannessf said...

A new adventure!


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