
Guest Post with Author Sara Daniel and Giveaway

Please give a big welcome to author Sara Daniel. Sara is celebrating the release of her book, Love Him or Leave Him and has stopped by to chat.

I write what I love—irresistible romance, from sweet to erotic and everything in between. On the personal side, I'm a frazzled maid, chauffeur, and slave to my children. I was once a landlord of two uninvited squirrels. (The children's book The Bravest Squirrel Ever by my alter-ego Sara Shafer is the squirrel's fictionalized version of that experience!) I'm crazy about country music and the drama of NASCAR. And I have my very own happily-ever-after romance with my hero husband.

Places to find Sara:

Dream Cast for Love Him or Leave Him

Connor = Channing Tatum How can I go wrong there, right? Plus, he's Duke in G.I. Joe, which fits perfectly with Connor's tough military background.

Becca = Sandra Bullock Yes, I'm showing my age here, but let's face it, Sandra is not showing hers. She could definitely play a character twenty years her junior. Plus, she starred in While You Were Sleeping—one of my favorite movies of all time—and I think Becca and Lucy have a lot in common.

Now to flesh out the rest of the cast:

Veronica = Reese Witherspoon Nobody else can play Veronica. When I wrote Construction Beauty Queen, I started with the premise “Legally Blonde does construction,” so Veronica was modeled after Reese from the beginning.

Matt = Matthew McConaughey He's not as perfect a fit, even if they do share a name. But I'm going with him because I could totally stare at him all day, and I'd love to see him muscled up and acting macho to play my Matt.

Zelda = Betty White I need an actress with enough spunk for this feisty role, and I can't think of anyone better.

Toby = Taylor Lautner Okay, I admit to not being current on the latest up and coming actors. My choices so far are proof of that! But after some Googling and consulting with my kids and their hip friends, I have to say that Taylor Lautner of Twilight fame would make a great Toby.

Rochelle = Catherine Zeta-Jones Rochelle is a curvy bombshell who's ready to burst on the scene.

Simon = Chris Evans Simon is nothing close to a superhero in right now, but you never know.

Jake = Ryan Reynolds I know you think I'm crazy. But imagine Ryan Reynolds in a fat suit like in Just Friends, and look out once that suit comes off and this man finds his mojo and his confidence.

Well, I have to say that this looks like a fabulous all-star cast. Who wants to walk the red carpet and rub elbows with the stars at the premiere with me?

Sometimes dreams are where you least expect them.

Connor O’Malley and Becca Sanders were once high school sweethearts, ripped apart by rumors in the small town of Kortville, Illinois. Connor left to join the military, and Becca stayed, waiting for her younger brother to graduate so she could live her dreams of traveling the world. But now that Connor's back as the town sheriff, Becca finds herself struggling to resist the too-handsome man who once broke her heart.

Connor loves Kortville—its quaintness keeps at bay the painful memories of Afghanistan he’s sure make him unworthy of any woman, particularly the beautiful brunette he’s always secretly dreamed of a future with. But when a scandal rocks the town, suddenly Connor and Becca must trust in each other if they want to weather this storm…and come out on the other side of it together.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky person will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: Who wants to walk the red carpet and rub elbows with the stars at the premiere with me?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Those sound like very good choices for your cast! It would be so fun to meet them.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I love Amazon, so fingers crossed for the gift card. :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

Marcy Meyer said...

Thanks for giveaway! I would love to walk a red carpet! Great cast!

Sharlene said...

Sure - You had me at Ryan Reynolds! Actually, you had me at Channing Tatum! Sandra Bullock & Reese Witherspoon are 2 of my favorite actresses, too!

JenM said...

I'm terrible at casting books, so I'm always curious to see who authors would cast for their characters. Sounds like it would be a great premiere.

Lori Mitchell said...

Sounds like fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Ooh pick me! :) Your cast sounds AMAZING! Would love to see that movie! Cannot wait to read! Thank you!
majorsqueenbee at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Love your choices for the cast. I would love to walk the red carpet with you.

Remus said...

Excellent choices! I would love to walk the red carpet with you :)

Sherri L

Stormy Vixen said...

Sounds like a great cast and I would love to walk on the red carpet with you.

Roses said...

I love Sandra Bullock. Thanks for having the giveaway.

Sue G. said...

I would certainly walk the red carpet! I love all the actors you picked. I think Sandra and Reece would be a hoot together.

Debbie's World of Books said...

Swoon! Love Channing Tatum.

Mary Jo Burke said...

Love casting movies!

Arely ZPerez said...

Oooh the cast sounds really good!

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