
Interview with Author Jeanette Murray and Giveaway

Please welcome author Jeanette Murray to RFTC. Jeanette has stopped by to answer a few questions and to chat about her newest release, The Officer and the Secret. Please give Jeanette a warm welcome.

Kat (or Jeanette!) spends her days surrounded by hunky alpha men…at least in her imagination. In real life, she’s a wife and a mother, keeping tabs on her husband of seven years, her four year old daughter (often called Tot) and the family dog, a lovable (but completely stupid) Goldendoodle named Clyde. Hang around long enough and you’re guaranteed to hear at least one or two stories about these three.

What’s with the two names? Great question. Kat (or Jeanette) writes for a few different publishers. And due to the timing of some releases, two names just seemed like the right option. But Jeanette (or Kat!) can assure you, no matter which pen name you’re reading, you’re going to get sexy contemporary love.

Places to find Jeanette:

Favorite characteristics in a hero and heroine. Do you have any examples you would like to share?
For a hero, I adore a man who is strong enough to let go. There’s always the alpha man who takes control, and that can be sexy too. But I love a man who can be strong enough to not control every aspect. Who knows when his heroine needs to run the show from time to time, and doesn’t feel put out by it. I think my hero Red Callahan, from Taking the Reins (Kat Murray, my other pen name) is a great example of this.

For a heroine, I prefer ones who can twist the guys up in knots and have some fun with it, but untie them before it becomes cruel. I think of Madison from The Officer Breaks the Rules on this one. She loves Jeremy, and doesn’t mind winding him up. But she’s not cruel about it, and knows when to pull back.

What is a day in the life of one your characters like?
Oh, just lots of hot sex and fame. Naturally. Okay, kidding. It depends on which series we’re talking about. My cowboys? They live the lives they love. Daily work in the dirt, getting stepped on or bit by angry horses, and riding around their open range.

Those Marines, well. They’re just walking around all day looking hot in their cammies! Oh, and also training exercises, field exercises, PT, paperwork, organizing a deployment, training up for a deployment, coming back and recovering from a deployment…their days vary so much thanks to their jobs. But their jobs…important like none other.

What are your favorite types of tropes to read as well as write about?
Oh man, reading… I love a marriage of convenience. Harder to pull off in contemporary, but historicals it always gets me. The oopsie pregnancy is an interesting one to see worked out. Lost loves reunited is interesting too. And I loved writing The Best Friend’s Sister, in The Officer Breaks the Rules. Guess what rule Jeremy broke? Writing the scene where Tim finds out his best friend and his sister have been doing more than playing checkers together all night…that was a fantastic scene to write. One of my favorites thus far, overall.

After a rougher than expected deployment, Captain Dwayne Robertson craves the sense of normalcy that his friends can bring him. But when he returns home, there’s an unexpected, but pleasant, twist in the mix…Veronica Gibson. As he struggles to adjust to daily life again, Dwayne craves Veronica and the peace she brings him. But Veronica isn’t without faults. Dwayne hates lies, and Veronica’s entire past is a well-guarded mystery. When the completely unexpected happens, they both realize it’s time to lay their cards on the table and hope they’re ready for love.

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Check out the Semper Fi series:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: What are some of your favorite types of tropes to read?
  • US/Canada Entries ONLY!
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


May said...

I like the ones where a shy bookworm grows into a confident woman! :)

Unknown said...

I love a story where they fall for a BFF's sibling. The conflicts make for a wonderfully interesting book.

Sue G. said...

I like the strong, alpha guy falls for a shy girl who turns his life upside down!

Or falling for the brother's best friend is good too!

kathy p said...

love men in uniform stories!

krg said...

I usually enjoy the enemies to lovers, or friends to lovers stories. But I love to read any story with good banter and great chemistry!

Marcy Meyer said...

I like friends to lovers stories and long-lost love stories. Those are usually the best, but I love too many to mention them all.

laurie said...

I like the ones where a shy bookworm grows into a confident woman! :)

Di said...

I like arranged or marriages of convenience.

Beautiful Disaster said...

I like and enjoy them all.
Thanks :-)

Em said...

I like a shy/timid women

erin said...

friends to lovers and reunited/reconciled lovers. Thanks for sharing!

lorimeehan said...

Secret baby I'm sucked in every time.

Stormy Vixen said...

Thanks for sharing the great interview and the giveaway. I mostly love paranormal romance but I also love hot sexy alpha men in my books and Captain Dwayne sounds like he needs to be on my shelf. evamillien at gmail dot com

Natasha said...

I like all of them!
Thanks for the chance to win!

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