
ARC Review: How to Marry a Highlander by Katharine Ashe

How to Marry a Highlander (Falcon Club #3.5) was a nice little novella that follows up characters from the author’s previous book. Let me start by saying that I have loved all of Katharine Ashe’s books and I love her writing voice. This novella was pleasant, however, it just didn’t totally work for me. The main problem was with the premise of the book. It just wasn’t really believable. In addition, I felt like I was always missing most of the hero’s point of view. As a result, it seemed like he was someone I liked, but didn’t know. In spite of these troubles it was a cute story and I enjoyed reading it.

Teresa Finch-Freeworth became completely infatuated with an impoverished Scottish earl, Lord Eads, the first time she saw him. Unfortunately, he disappeared for eighteen months. During that time her family pushes her to marry the stuffy local vicar. When Teresa discovers that Duncan has returned to London she arrives on his doorstep, suggesting that they marry. He reluctantly agrees to marry her if she can find husbands for his seven half-sisters in one month’s time. He is attracted to Teresa, but has vowed never to marry because of his painful history. Teresa is optimistic and resourceful, but can she marry off seven wild Scottish girls and win Duncan’s heart? Can Duncan move beyond his tragic past?

How to Marry a Highlander was a light-hearted story with a lot of fun. Teresa and Duncan were introduced in the previous Falcon Club book, How a Lady Weds a Rogue. It is not necessary to have read the other books in the series to enjoy this one. The characters were very appealing. Teresa was lively, passionate and impulsive. Duncan was charming and sexy. His sisters each had their own personality and interests. There were just some issues that I couldn’t get past. Would a young lady of that time really propose marriage to a gentleman she didn’t know (or even one she did know)? Yes, it was a novella, and therefore, short, but Duncan put away all of his issues in one sentence, “Giving her what they both wanted, finally Duncan released the past.” Just a little too abrupt and simple. The situation for each sister was easily resolved with little or no conflict -- once again, probably because it was a novella, but it was just too simple. My recommendation is to read this story and enjoy it, but don’t expect too much depth or realism.

**ARC provided by Edelweiss**

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