
Feature and Giveaway: First Surrender by Katie Reus

He's dangerous, sexy, and everything she wants…

Sierra hit it off with Hayden from the moment they met. The dangerously sexy, tattooed ex-SEAL is one of the best friends she's ever had—and the main star in her wildest fantasies. But he doesn't see her that way. And she'd die of embarrassment if he found out she was still a virgin.

And he's about to make his claim…

Hayden's struggled to keep his attraction to the beautiful, dark haired casino chef a secret. He's not good enough for her. But when an attacker targets Sierra, Hayden's protective instincts go into overdrive. With the attraction between them burning out of control, he'll do whatever it takes to protect her and convince her they're meant to be together.

Six New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors (Laura Wright, Alexandra Ivy, Cynthia Eden, Katie Reus, Elisabeth Naughton, and Joan Swan) bring you six all-new contemporary and super sexy suspense stories of first loves, first attractions, first temptations, first times and first obsessions.

Pre-Order the Wicked First Box Set at for Only $0.99

Now Through Release Week!

First Surrender - The Serafina: Sin City Series
Copyright © 2013 by Katie Reus

Sierra's eyes widened when she saw Hayden barreling down on her and Jay. Her head throbbed, but Jay had gotten an ice pack for her which helped. Now they were waiting on the police so she could fill out a report. She'd have to make an official one at the casino too, but none of that concerned her now.

The craziest sense of relief pumped through her now that Hayden was here. She was still hurt that he'd apparently been going on some date, but she was grateful for his presence. At six feet five he was a freaking giant compared to her. Something she teased him about occasionally. Normally he wore a suit and tie to work but at the moment he just had on dark slacks and a buttoned up white shirt. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off his tattooed, incredibly muscular arms. Everything about him was big, intimidating and sexy.

Ignoring his brother, Hayden didn't stop until he was right in front of her, completely crowding her personal space. Even though she was standing, he had to bend down because of her shorter height. He cupped the left side of her head, gently rubbing his thumb over her cheek as he turned her head to look at the damage on the right side. She was too stunned by his touch to even think about protesting. Words caught in her throat as he lifted the ice pack away and made a low, menacing sound in his throat.

After a moment he turned her head back so that she had to look directly at him. There were so many emotions in his gaze and he was still rubbing her cheek in that soft, sensual way that made all her pain fade. He'd never touched her like this before. Sure, they'd hugged and he occasionally slung an arm around her shoulders in a friendly way but this felt different somehow. Either that or she'd hit her head harder than she thought. It was probably the head thing.

“How're you feeling, baby?” he rasped out.

She blinked in shock. Baby? Her mouth partially opened as he leaned closer. For a moment she thought he was going to kiss her, but then she realized he was looking at her eyes. Of course he was. She felt like an idiot for thinking otherwise. He was trying to check if she had a concussion.

“Are you nauseated?” he asked quietly.

The concern she saw in his face was almost enough to make her burst into tears. She was trying to keep it together but with him here it was damn hard. “No.”

“Did you lose consciousness?”

Jay had already asked her these questions but she just shook her head. “No.”

“Are you feeling dizzy or tired? Do you hear a ringing in your ears?”

“No to all of the above.”

“What about a headache?”

“Of course I have a headache. Someone slammed my head against a car.” She tried to keep her words light, but her voice cracked on the last word.

Hayden swore softly before gathering her against his chest. He wrapped his huge arms around her and even though she knew it was a mistake, she slid her arms around him and laid the uninjured side of her head against his chest. That masculine, raw scent that drove her crazy twined around her, soothing her as much as his hold did. Right now she needed his strength and wasn't afraid to admit it.

Katie Reus is the USA Today bestselling author of the Red Stone Security series, Moon Shifter series and Deadly Ops series. She fell in love with romance at a young age thanks to books she pilfered from her mom's stash. Years later she loves reading romance almost as much as she loves writing it.

However, she didn't always know she wanted to be a writer. After changing majors many times, she finally graduated with a degree in psychology. Not long after that she discovered a new love. Writing. She now spends her days writing dark paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense. To learn more about her please visit her website, blog, facebook or find her on twitter @katiereus.

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Good Luck!

This is a tour-wide giveaway hosted by Litconnect.
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May said...

Love these books! A great price for sure.. :) Will have to go and get it if I don't win!

Betty Hamilton said...

These books sound so HOT!! I would love to win a set!

Katie Reus said...

Thanks for hosting me! :)

Marcy Meyer said...

These books look great! I would love to read them! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Mick Loves Books said...

I'm definitely going to have to get this! Thanks for the giveaway!

Theresa said...

Love all of these authors! I cannot wait to read them!!!

Carolyn J said...

thanks for this blog

Amanda Ray said...

Loving the excerpts... definitely want to read more

robinky42 said...

Loved the excerpts. Can't wait to read these books.

Unknown said...

I cannot wait to read this whole set! I am anxiously waiting for the set to be released!!!

Julie said...

Love that excerpt, thanks for sharing it with us!

Nikki said...

Thanks for giving this book set. It's a great book set.

kiwi_chick_2882 said...

I've just added them to my TBR! Looks like the kind of books i love reading, over protective male, salty romance Yay!
Great expert! Thank you :)

Laura D. said...

Thanks for a great giveaway. I can't wait to read this set.

Unknown said...

Katie I Love your Books I'm a BIG fan of your Redstone Security Series..... Thank you for writing such Awesome Books!!!!!

Sue G. said...

Ooh, nothing like a big, hot, alpha male who is protective!

June M. said...

I have already pre-ordered a copy so I am not bothering to enter. Just stopping by to read the excerpt...Is it release day yet? LOL

Arely ZPerez said...

The excerpt is so sweet!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway.

Scaramouche said...

Definitely a TBR =)

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