
Guest Post with Author Cari Quinn and Giveaway

Welcome to RFTC author Cari Quinn. Cari is here chatting about her book Love Bites.

USA Today bestselling author Cari Quinn wrote her first story—a bible parable—in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. Now she gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars. When she’s not scribbling furiously, she can usually be found watching men’s college basketball, playing her music way too loud or causing trouble. Sometimes simultaneously.

Visit Cari Quinn and be sure to join her brand new newsletter!

Also, if you're on Facebook, I have a co-authored reader group with the fabulous Taryn Elliott called the Word Wenches where we post daily man candy, share smexy excerpts before you can get them anywhere else and hold lots of contests if you're interested in joining!

Places to find Cari:
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The Power of Three

Thanks so much to Ramblings From This Chick today for having me! I hope you enjoy my post—and there’s a prize too, so please keep reading!

Today I’m going to talk about menage and why it’s so popular. As a writer, I know I enjoy writing threesomes for several reasons. First, they’re hot. I mean, come on, what woman wouldn’t love to have two gorgeous, alpha males catering to their every whim sexually? It’s a fantasy for a lot of women for a very good reason. Not only is the idea sexy, it also is such a challenge to write. Both men (or women, depending on your threesome) have to have their own distinct, recognizable personality quirks that reveal themselves in the bedroom too. Not only do you have to make sure all the body parts are doing what they’re supposed to, you also have to make sure it’s clear who is doing what and why. Let’s just say I totally understand those authors who whip out their Barbie dolls to make sure all the positions make sense! Though I’m working on getting a couple of real life research partners – *cough, cough* – ha ha, I wish!

Another reason I think menage is popular is the complex relationships that come into play when you have three people in a bed instead of two. There are such unique dynamics when you add another person that every sex act takes on a whole new dimension. I love going deeper emotionally as well as physically with my characters.

In Love Bites, the guys may be vampires, but trust me, Kellan and Lucas are also men through-and-through. And Sydney, their chosen lady for a night—or more—is very lucky to be the third spoke of their trio. Assuming she survives the pleasure from their attention…

Curious to find out more? Here’s Love Bites blurb and a short excerpt, then read on for a fun giveaway!

Vampire Kellan Barstow is tired of watching his best friend Lucas Phillips pine after his one true mate. Though he’s jealous that Lucas found his before he found his own, he wants him to be happy and hopes to spur him on to make a move toward his chosen human, librarian Emily Yost. But Kellan’s sick of Lucas's moping and decides one thing will convince Luke he needs to act.
Sleeping with another woman.

Except when Kellan and Lucas sleep with Sydney, a woman Kellan has flirted with for weeks, things quickly spiral out of control. Because Sydney may be more than merely a woman, and Kellan’s feelings for her soon go way beyond desire. Before long, Kellan and Sydney and Emily and Lucas are caught in a dangerous web of lust and love. And this love may do more than bite—it might end them all.

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“Our car broke down.” Lucas motioned vaguely over his shoulder. “Over there. Engine overheated.”

“Don’t have Triple-A?”


“What kind of car is it?”

“A Mercedes.”

Sydney cocked an eyebrow as Kellan released her and directed a murderous look at his companion. “Wow. Didn’t think those puppies broke down too often.”

“Bad luck.” Kellan smiled, flashing his teeth. “Until you came along, that is. So what do you say? Up for a ride?”

“Depends. Where you guys headed?”

“There’s only one place I want to be right now.” Kellan leaned forward and braced his hands on her car window. As his stomach muscles rippled underneath his wet T-shirt, her thoughts flatlined.

“Inside you.”

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. Her belly clenched when Kellan’s gaze openly followed the move. “Looks like it’s your lucky day, boys, because I love giving rides. But if we’re doing this, I insist on a hell of a lot more than just one.”

Kellan’s eyes never left hers. “Count on it.”

“You’re of age?” Lucas asked.

The phrasing struck her as odd, but she nodded. “Twenty-nine. Both of you?”

Kellan merely smiled, again showing off a mouthful of blinding white teeth much like Lucas’s. There was something almost feral about them, as if they were blades poised to strike. But rather than concern her, the thought only turned her on more.

“We’re above the age of consent, yes.”

“Then let’s go.” She hit the button to unlock her doors. They opened with a deafening click.

“You,” she murmured to Kellan, “can sit up front with me.”

Giveaway: I’m offering up one of my backlist ebooks to an international winner.
How do you enter to win? Just answer this question: How many is too many in bed? Yay or nay to menage romance?

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Lucky person will win an eBook of Choice from Cari's Backlist.

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: How many is too many in bed? Yay or nay to menage romance?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

I would say 3-4 anymore than that and its not fair to everyone.

Anne said...

Leslie brings up a point I always think about with menages. In a 3 way, unless one of them is bi someone must get less than the other 2. If it's three hetero guys focused on one woman, I would think she'd feel smothered/overwhelmed. In a 4some with 2 of each sex, everybody can get equal attention. Usually with 4 or more, I spend too much time trying to figure out what's going on and why isn't someone getting their eye poked out. So, I'd say three seems the most doable, 4 if the attention is spread around.

krg said...

3 is good, more doesn't seem personal enough to me for a romance.

Unknown said...

No more than 3 otherwise it is just to crowded.

May said...

I think in books, any number is fine. :) Can't picture more than 2 in real life.

Sue G. said...

As many as can fit on the bed at once? ;) Number doesn't bother me.

lorimeehan said...

I love ménage romance and the more the hotter! Lol

erin said...

LOL... I only like reading about menages :) in real life, me and my dog can be too much sometimes! Thanks for sharing!

Glittergirl said...

Menage of m/f/m is my favorite fantasy to read. The more the merrier although the mecchanics get real complicated, lol. Kate douglas wrote a menage scene n one of her wolf shifter books that blew me away - pack group sex of 5 or more as I remember! Wow was it HOT! Thanks for the giveaway.

Marcy Meyer said...

I think any more than 3 to 4 people in a ménage romance is too many. It's just too many things going on at once. lol

Christina said...

More than about 3 is to much if you ask me...then it gets to hard to keep up :)

Stormy Vixen said...

More than 3 would be too many at one time. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway. Sounds like a really good book and I am looking forward to reading it. evamillien at gmail dot com.

June M. said...

For me, more than 4 would be too many. After 4, I start getting a little confused wondering who is doing what to whom. I do love menages though. If one sexy hero is good, 2 is even better. I really like MMF menages, cause the MM action is sexy ;-)
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

No more than 3.

Mary Preston said...

3 seems to work best. 4 would just be too much I think.

Natasha said...

No more than 4. I love reading menages.
Thanks for the chance to win!

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