
Guest Post with Author Dixie Lee Brown

Welcome author Dixie Lee Brown to RFTC. Dixie Lee is celebrating the release of her newest book, When I Find You and has stopped by to chat.

DIXIE LEE BROWN started writing romantic suspense nearly twenty years ago. Then life took a few unexpected turns, and the writing career was put on hold in favor of starting a new life and a new job. One’s passion is not easily forgotten, however. Two years ago, Dixie started writing again-a YA novel-but, before she could finish, another idea pushed to the forefront and wouldn’t go away until a full-fledged novel was completed.

That idea became All or Nothing, the first book in the Trust No One series. All or Nothing placed third in the 2011 TARA Contest (Tampa Area Romance Authors) in the romantic suspense category.

Dixie now lives in sunny Central Oregon with two small dogs and a cat for company while she writes the third book of the Trust No One series. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, movies and trips to the beach.

Places to find Dixie Lee:
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Hi everyone. Thanks for having me here today. I’m Dixie Lee Brown, and I have a very special guest today who has agreed to answer a few questions regarding his role in my new book, WHEN I FIND YOU.

Dixie: Walker, thank you for joining us today.

Walker: My pleasure. Always happy to help.

Dixie: Oh, really? But you weren’t too happy when your boss asked you to track down a young woman and keep the mob from killing her. Were you? Can you tell the readers what was behind your reluctance?

Walker: Well, you see, that was before I knew Darcy. All I was told about her was that she worked as a nanny for a mafia family in Chicago. All sorts of things went through my mind. Like—what kind of fool woman works for the mob unless she’s in just as deep? Besides, every nanny I’d ever seen was bossy, judgmental, and just plain harsh. I was having a bit of a…crisis myself at the time, so no, I wasn’t looking forward to finding the nanny.

Dixie: You changed your mind. What happened?

Walker: She wasn’t anything like I imagined. Darcy is sweet with these amazing jade green eyes that look right through a man. Innocent eyes that record every injustice that’s ever been done to her, and there’s been a few. Anyway, she’d witnessed something the mob didn’t want her talking about, and they were out to kill her. They had the deck stacked against her, and she needed my help.

Dixie: I bet she was glad you showed up when you did, right?

Walker: (Soft laughter) No, ma’am, she wasn’t. It took me quite awhile to convince her I was on her side. (Rubs scar on forehead) That’s how I got this scar. For a little thing, she packs a good whollup.

Dixie: Yeah, I really like that about her too. I think you two are made for each other—but I may be a little prejudiced! So tell me…is Walker your first name or last name?

Walker: (Shakes head with a disbelieving grin) You didn’t just ask me that, did you?

Dixie: People will find out when they read the book anyway.

Walker: Of course, but not before my Darcy does.

Dixie: Okay, fair enough. Thanks again, Walker, for sharing your story with me.

Walker: Oh, I think I got the better end of the bargain. I got Darcy.

Walker and Darcy’s story, WHEN I FIND YOU, is available now.

Dixie Lee Brown continues her heart-racing Trust No One series with a sexy veteran determined to protect an innocent woman on the run.

As a former Marine, Walker could find a needle in a haystack. But when he's asked by the U.S. Marshals to track down a nanny fleeing from the mafia, he's sure she'll be more trouble than she's worth. Especially after the sexy little thing clubs him and leaves him for dead. Walker's stunned by her courage—and her curves—and can't help feeling drawn to this damsel trying to dig her way out of distress. He'll find her, and when he does, it'll take more than the mafia to tear him away.

Darcy Maddox never expected to be running for her life. But when it suddenly looks like foe may become friend, Darcy's faced with a choice: Go it alone or trust a man she just met—never mind the way his touch gets her heart pounding. The choice seems simple enough until she realizes it's not just her life at stake—it's her heart.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |
Check out the Trust No One series:
Click for info.


Dixie Lee Brown said...

Thanks for having me...and today!

Tasty Book Tours said...

Love Walker.....Thank you for hosting today!!

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