
Guest Post with Author Taryn Elliott and Giveaway

Please welcome author Taryn Elliott to the blog. Taryn is celebrating her newest book, Seduced which she co-wrote with fellow author Cari Quinn.

I'm from the great state of New York--upstate NY, thank you very much. My family consists of a brother who takes care of keeping the snarky side of me alive and a dog that is more spoiled child than mutt. My writer-friends are the glue that keeps my crazy ideas more in the sane category, and my non-writerly friends are the reason I'm not a complete hermit. I can't go a day without laughing and I truly do fall in love with each and every one of my leading men as I write their book. Music is life and every story has its own soundtrack..

Places to find Taryn:

USA Today bestselling author Cari Quinn wrote her first story—a bible parable—in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. Now she gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars. When she’s not scribbling furiously, she can usually be found watching men’s college basketball, playing her music way too loud or causing trouble. Sometimes simultaneously.

Also, if you're on Facebook, I have a co-authored reader group with the fabulous Taryn Elliott called the Word Wenches where we post daily man candy, share smexy excerpts before you can get them anywhere else and hold lots of contests if you're interested in joining!

Places to find Cari:

Hi Dani, and the readers of Ramblings From This Chick! Thanks so much for having us on your blog. I'm Taryn Elliott, the quirky and crazy half of the creators of the Lost in Oblivion rock star series. My partner in crime is currently buried under a metric ton of edits and another writing deadline that would make anyone weep. So I'm going to do some double duty today.


Kinda sounds dirty.

Ahem…now is not the time to channel Simon. Terribly sorry. He sneaks out when I least expect it. Anyway...I'm here to talk a little bit about SEDUCED and tease you delightful readers into giving our boys a try.

Cari and I are total music nerds. We meet up every Friday to catch up and talk writerly endeavors. Most of the time it's more therapy session than anything else, LOL. Hey, we save TONS on therapy bills! Being a writer is a really solitary existence. I know I need to go out and sponge in the human element every once in a while or my writing gets very stale. Another gateway for my creativity is music.

This is where Cari and I click on a basic level. Some Friday nights we spend the whole chat swapping songs on Spotify to listen to. And sometimes we end up on YouTube watching vids. The song and video I brought with me today actually was a major inspiration for “The Becoming” in SEDUCED.

It's the break out song in the book that catapults the boys from obscurity to insta-fame on YT and the music blogs for the Los Angeles set.

I can't even remember who found the song first—I'm pretty sure it's Cari. But we watched the video—possibly NSFW…so it's up to Dani if she posts the vid or just a link. ;) RAWR. Ahem…sorry. AGAIN. I get caught up.

But the song…Holy Hanna. It's haunting and sexy, dark and gritty, and haunting…did I mention haunting? Yeah—it's one of those songs that crawls under your skin and makes you want to find your significant other for a good liplock.

We got so many people watching it and swooning over it on Twitter that What Now actually started following us and one of the band members thanked us! Talk about a thrill! I totally had a fangirl moment. LOL

It was a small taste of what that indefinable thing called BUZZ is.

And we folded that into the story. All it takes is one person talking about a song to another person then another, then a tweet, then an email, then a FB post—the way a song can explode on the scene is indefinable and as hard to catch as air. All the artist can do is hold follow the lightning and hope it turns into more than 15mins of fame.

And that's what we've done with the guys from Oblivion.

Now it's up to them to take the shot they've got, or let their past and insecurities overshadow their big break. That's the overall story in every single one of the books. How they deal with fame—do they self-sabotage, do they let fame change them, or do they rise up the charts and show the music business there's a new band in town?

Soooo many different things to utilize in the individual books!

So, I give you MOVE LIKE A SINNER by What Now. Our SWOOOONTASTIC inspirational song!

Thanks so much for having me on the blog today. Cari's waving from under her deluge of edits on her desk. LOL We've got a really great giveaway going on and we've been offering up a copy of SEDUCED to every blog stop we do.

If you like gritty rock star stories with a teaser of romance give our guys a try. ROCKED will be out in September and that will be a scorching hot full on romance. You can see just how a Catering Tour Chef can bring Oblivion's bassist and composer, Deacon to his knees.

Come to think of it. If he got down on his knees he might actually be more her height. That boy is HUGE!! 6'5 and a work of art with muscles and tattoos that can make any woman sit up and take notice. ;) Here's a little snip of Harper's first meet with Deacon…

The clang of metal trays and crinkle of white paper table covers was part of her everyday symphony. Roll it out, roll it up, rinse and repeat. Crap, she was only six days into the tour and already she was tired of tuna salad and cold cuts.

Not good.

“Excuse me?

“Sorry, we're all done for the lunch rush, but you can come ba—” Harper stopped mid-turn, her eyes stuck on one of the most impressive chests she'd ever seen. And seriously, she'd seen a lot of nice ones over the years. But sweet Pete.

Wide, firm pecs filled out the vintage Journey t-shirt with little room to spare. In fact, the faded scarab logo had little tears in it from the stretch to accommodate his toned muscles. That had to be some seriously amazing man flesh under there.

She forced her gaze up, and up, and wow.

He smiled and a dimple dug into his left cheek. The slash of white teeth and the dent was bad enough but man…the eyes. Green. Middle of the forest green, earthy, and cool—the kind that contact commercials promised with their too beautiful to be real colors.

They had to be fake.

Who had green eyes with flecks of sunlit gold in the center? Not real people, that's who. Or…

“Anything protein will do. I have to get a work out in and I could sure use some fuel.”

Or rockstars. Fuck. Of course he was a musician.

Warning: get ready for a testosterone overload. The guys are in the driver's seat in Seduced - and the ride's gonna rock.

Twenty-three year old Nick Crandall has one focus in his life: Oblivion, the band he formed with his best friend Simon Kagan. With gigs coming up and the band members lacking focus after losing their drummer to rehab, they're out of ideas. Until Oblivion's bassist, Deacon McCoy, poses a surprising suggestion.

Bring in someone new. Two someones.

One You Tube video gone viral later, Oblivion is poised on the brink of stardom. With their new hot drummer chick — who comes in a package deal with a talented guitarist who happens to be head over pick in unrequited love with her - it seems like everything's falling into place. Or will the band Nick and Simon have fought to keep together disintegrate before their eyes?

Four guys & one woman + more success than they ever bargained for = trouble, of the sexiest kind.

Get Seduced by this novel-length introduction to the band Oblivion. This preview occurs before the four forthcoming books about each of the band members. Sometimes getting lost means finding yourself...

Purchase: | AmazonKindle | Barnes & Noble | All Romance |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky person will win copies of Gilded CageStarlight + Frontline
  • 1 lucky person will win the following:
    • Sterling Silver earrings
    • $10 Gift Card to iTunes
    • $15 Gift Card to Starbucks
    • paperback of Seduced

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Taryn.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter forms.

Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

This sounds like a great read. I havent read anything by this author but will be adding her to my tbr list.

May said...

Sounds terrific! Love it!

Charlotte said...

Sounds like a good book to read.

kathy p said...

Love the sound of this book!! Thanks for the giveaway!

JenM said...

As always, just say "rock star" and I'm there. I don't know what it is about rock star books, but I'm totally a sucker for them. Best wishes on the release.

Marcy Meyer said...

This series sounds great! I love rock star romances, and I love series! Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

erin said...

Congrats to Taryn on the new release! This looks and sounds fabulous ;)

Donna E said...

I love and enjoy music -- usually the instrumental, easy kind. But I also like music with a beat. Not sure I'd ever want to *be* part of a rock group, but reading about one just might be interesting.

Mary Preston said...

Congratulations!! SEDUCED looks like such a fabulous read.

lorimeehan said...

Taryn th book looks relly ood. I loved the post. I love music of all kinds. It's defiantly is a mood lifter.

Sue G. said...

Deacon sounds dreamy! Wow 6' 5"....mmmmm!

Taryn Elliott said...

Thanks for stopping by everyone!! We appreciate it so much.
Good luck on the giveaway and I hope you like our boys. ;)

Heritage Research Group said...

Seduced is such a great book! I loved every page. I would love to win a print copy of it. :) Or really anything you and Cari have written. Yeah, Once I find new writers, I want to read EVERYTHING!! And your book together was scrumptious. I can't wait to read what you do individually.

Janice said...

I didn't realize Move Like A Sinner was your inspiration. LOL I bought the album immediately after I watched the video. The band tweeted me quite a few times because I fangirled so much over the video and song.

Your love and knowledge of music shows in every page of SEDUCED.

Long may your writing partnership with Cari continue. Love you guys!

Kate Cobb said...

Just finished reading Cari's No Romance Required ... Can't wait to read more of both Cari and Taryn!

Maureen said...

It looks like a great story.

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

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