
Interview with Author Kimberly Kincaid and Giveaway

Meet Kimberly Kincaid, author of the book Outside the Lines.

Kimberly Kincaid writes contemporary romance that splits the difference between sexy and sweet. When she's not sitting cross-legged in an ancient desk chair known as "The Pleather Bomber", she can be found practicing obscene amounts of yoga, whipping up anything from enchiladas to éclairs in her kitchen, or curled up with her nose in a book. Kimberly is a 2011 RWA Golden Heart® finalist who lives (and writes!) by the mantra that food is love. She has written two digital novellas, Love On The Line and Drawing The Line, about hot cops and sexy chefs, with a third novella, Outside The Lines, due this summer. She is also thrilled to have collaborated on a Christmas anthology with Donna Kauffman and Kate Angell, titled The Sugar Cookie Sweetheart Swap, to kick off her Pine Mountain foodie series with Kensington this October. Kimberly’s first full-length novel, Turn Up the Heat, will follow in February 2014. She resides in northern Virginia with her wildly patient husband and their three daughters.

Places to find Kimberly:
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A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
An Ivy League doctor and a streetwise, rough-around-the edges restaurant manager must plan the charity event of the year together, despite having once been engaged.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
This is going to sound sadistic, but the more emotional, the better. I love writing my dark moments, where you think there’s no WAY the hero and heroine are going to ever end up together (of course, they always do!) All that emotion is really the crux of romance for me. Also, I’m not going to lie—I love writing love scenes. Different emotion, same idea. I love balancing sizzling heat and soft tenderness on the page.

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
It would be a crazy-good dinner party, but I’d pick Shakespeare, Judy Blume and JR Ward. Mostly just to see what would happen

What are you favorite types of stories to read?
I read almost exclusively romance, with a tiny bit of literary/mainstream fiction and thrillers thrown in there. I am a huge sucker for happily ever after. I love that sense of bliss when a story is clearly “done”. While I like all romantic subgenres, I am particularly partial to sexy, sassy contemporaries with Alpha heroes, the more “working man”, the better.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I am ! I’m currently writing Pine Mountain book #4, to go with the single-title foodie romances coming out with Kensington starting in September. I’ve also got plans for another digital novella brewing on the back burner. So for all you Aaron fans in Outside The Lines, don’t worry. I don’t intend to let him get away without an HEA!

As an ivy-league ER doctor who eats double shifts for breakfast (and lunch…and dinner), Blake Fisher has little appetite for anything other than work.

Being on the staff at Brenstville Hospital means taking care of people, a need Blake understands all too well from losing his brother to cystic fibrosis eight years ago. When he’s asked to coordinate a carnival fundraiser for the cause, he jumps at the chance to help others with the disease…until it lands him side by side with the one woman he never thought he’d see again: his ex-fiancée.

Streetwise and rough around the edges, Jules Shaw is no stranger to earning a living through hard work. But when her job as the restaurant manager of Mac’s Diner puts her shoulder to really broad shoulder with Blake Fisher, she nearly balks. She’d rather dodge and deflect than admit the real reason she broke things off, but the catering contract for the carnival means big business for Mac’s, and feeding people is Jules’s lifeblood.

As Blake and Jules join reluctant forces, they quickly rediscover the spark between them. But the possibility of a future together hinges on coming clean about the past, with potentially devastating consequences. Can Blake and Jules overcome their drastically different backgrounds and learn to love again, or will they always be outside the lines?

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Up For Grabs:

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  • Please leave a comment for Kimberly.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Kimberly Kincaid & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Pleased to "meet" you Kimberly. I hadn't heard of these books before and will add them to my must read list! Thanks TBT and Kimberly for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I have read some Culinary Romances and really enjoyed them so I want to read more. These ones sound great and I can't wait for the new foodie romances coming out in September.

May said...

Great cover and sound like a fun book to read!

Lory Lee said...

Been hearing your name for so long but haven't read any of your books :(. They're so hard to find in our bookstore. Anyway, thanks for the giveaway. :)

Marcy Meyer said...

Great interview! Love the blurb, the book sounds great! Can't wait to read it! Thanks for the great giveaway!

kathy p said...

can't wait to read this book!

Charlotte said...

Another book to add to the reading list.

Megs said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I've not read either of these books, but I'd like to. Fingers crossed for the giveaway! :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

Patricia Eimer said...

I love foodie romances so I can't wait to read this

Unknown said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway.

Jess1 said...

Your comment about liking to write deep emotional scenes appeals to me. Those scenes keep me glued to the book while reading it.

JenM said...

I always love foodie romances, especially if they are angsty and yours sound like they are. Best wishes on the release.

Beautiful Disaster said...

Sounds like a fantastic read. I'm looking forward to starting it, soon. I've gotten so behind on my TBR stack.
Thanks :-

lisagkendall said...

When you write the emotions, especially the dark scenes, do you feel drained? does it take everything out of you?

Sue G. said...

Judy Blume! I love Judy Blume. I spent many nights during my younger years learning a lot from some of her books! ;)

Sandy Kenny said...

Thank you for the great book blurb and the cool interview. I love it that you like to write the emotional scenes. I know that when I am writing I think the emotional scenes are the ones that are the best. Unfortunately for me I get emotional right along side of my characters (and since I write in my minivan--no office at home--it looks really weird sometimes to my neighbors...). Do you get emotional with your characters as well?


SheriV said...

I love the cover! :)

Cathy P said...

I love the cover and the excerpt wetted my appetite to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Maureen said...

I'm curious to see what happens in the story.

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