
ARC Review: Out of Line by Jen McLaughlin

I will admit that going into this one, I was unsure about whether or not I would like it. I really liked the sound of it though after reading the blurb, and the cover drew me in. I am glad that I gave this one a shot though, as I really ended up enjoying this story! The storyline was something that I thought was unique and original, which was nice and refreshing in a genre where a lot of the books can sometimes tend to be very similar. I will tell you upfront that there is a cliffhanger. I don't know why i'm always shocked by these, but with this book I really did think we were going to get an HEA. I was surprised that this one left the reader hanging and I genuinely had no clue that this wasn't a stand alone. I am glad however that we will be getting more of Finn and Carrie though.

Carrie is used to having her life controlled and has always had her choices dictated by her father. When she goes off to college, she is looking forward to her new found freedom. When her roommate drags her to a party, she meets Finn and there is an instant attraction. What Carrie doesn't know though is that Finn has been sent by Carrie's politician father as an undercover security agent to keep an eye on her. Carrie and Finn begin to spend more time together and their connection grows. Finn tries to see Carrie as just an assignment, but the more their feelings grow the harder that becomes. Carrie and Finn give in to their feelings and the chemistry between them, and they begin a relationship together. But with the lies in between them and the truth bound to come out eventually, can they really have a lasting relationship or are they headed for heartbreak?

I loved Finn! There were times that I just wanted to shake him and yell at him for things he would do or say. But I understood that he was trying his best to do his job and look out for Carrie all the while developing feelings for her. He thought he was doing the best that he could for Carrie and sometimes that meant trying to push her away. But even as he was trying to keep things professional he was drawn to her and I loved when he would give in to his feelings and just go for it. He was really sexy and also very sweet to her, getting her thoughtful things and cooking for her. Carrie was kind and independent. I loved that she wasn't who you would think she would be with the kind of upbringing she had. She was a genuine and nice person, who loved to do nice things for others and help out where she could. I really liked that she would call Finn out when needed and she wasn't afraid to put herself out there and risk being hurt because she believed in her and Finn. These two were so much fun to read about. They were sweet and fun, and extremely sexy. Their love scenes were smoking hot, but the best parts for me were when they were just hanging out together. These two had a connection that you couldn't help but root for. Carrie and Finn were perfect compliments to each other and they really seemed to be better together, each one allowing the other to be at their best.

Overall, this story was really enjoyable and I really liked it. Finn and Carrie are perfect for each other with a ton of chemistry and a realistic connection that really draws the reader in. I loved that they weren't instantly in love with each other and I think that their relationship was more believable because it was such a natural progression. These two are both such wonderful and deep characters that they are impossible not to root for and fall in love with. I am so glad that we are going to be getting more of Carrie and Finn because I am just not ready for their story to be finished. I cannot wait to read the next story Out Of Time and see where these two go next. The end of this book left me with questions, and I absolutely need more answers! This story is a great addition to the New Adult genre, and is one that I recommend to all fans of romance. I think that readers will find this sweet and sexy romance to be original and different from others out there. I am looking forward to reading more from Jen McLaughlin in the future and hope that we don't have to wait to long for more Finn and Carrie.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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