
ARC Review: Unspoken by Jen Frederick

Unspoken is the second book in Jen Frederick's New Adult Contemporary Woodlands Series. This series centers around a group of guys who are roommates/friends. We first meet Bo in Undeclared, which is Noah and Grace's story. I have been excited to get Bo's story since I read Undeclared. I loved Noah and Grace, but there was just something about Bo, and I couldn't wait to get to know him better. Unspoken was a great follow up to the first book, and I enjoyed it even more than the first one.

AnneMarie is a sophomore at Central College who made the mistake of losing her virginity to the wrong person. After sleeping with a member of the lacrosse team, rumors begin to spread about her and she exiles herself to only being on campus when necessary. When her and Bo have a class together and become lab partners, he has no idea about what has been said about her. Bo and AnneMarie (AM to her friends) are attracted to each other from the start, but she has a rule about not dating Central students anymore and he has never been one for commitment. The pull between the two of them begins to be too much for both of them, and the feelings begin to grow. Bo and AM begin to pursue a relationship together, but they are both still struggling with their pasts. Will they be able to move forward and overcome everything, or will the obstacles in their way keep them from having the relationship that they both want and didn't know that they needed?

I really liked Bo. He was so perfect for AM. He was always looking out for her and protecting her. I loved that he gave her space when she needed it and he was very understanding. He was also very supportive. Bo was extremely sweet and it was impossible not to like him! AM starts off as a little battered and damaged, which was understandable considering everything she had been through. It was nice to see her really begin to stand up for not only herself but women in general. She really began to own all of her decisions and wasn't afraid to put herself out there in order to empower other girls and make sure that she did everything to prevent her own circumstances from happening to others. I think that she and Bo were exactly what the other needed and even though they grew as individuals, they were clearly better when they were together.

There are some things about this series and book that I really love, and then there are some others that I have some problems with. I love the characters in this series. All of the characters are well written and interesting. At times there are things about them that can annoy or grate, but despite those times, the author has done a great job of making sure that these are characters that the reader gets invested in and really starts to care for. I do have some issues however that things are brought up and dropped in this series. In this book, Bo and AM's mothers are mentioned on several occasions and their futures and relationships are brought into this story. But then as we get to the end of the book, nothing is ever mentioned again and we are left wondering if Bo and his mother have spoken and possibly started a reconciliation or whether or not AM's mother will leave Roger and/or stop relying on him for support. I just wish that some of these things would have been given some kind of resolution. Also, I was hoping to see a little more progression of the relationship between Noah and Grace. These two are hardly mentioned, and there are no clues as to what awaits them in the future. But it was nice to at least see that they are still together and happy. Although these books have a clear ending and there are no cliffhangers to be found, both Undeclared and Unspoken have very abrupt endings. I felt both times that these endings are very jarring, and I would have liked a little more resolution with those as well. I think both books could have used a few extra pages.

Overall, this series is one that I am enjoying reading. The characters are wonderful and I find them very interesting. Jen Frederick has done a great job of introducing each character and making you anxious for the next one's story! You can't help but want to know more about all of them. Despite the few problems that I have had with these books, I really do like these books and will continue reading the series in the future. These books are about young love and healing, and are a nice addition to the New Adult genre. If you enjoy sweet stories about college age love and romance, I think that you will find these stories to be enjoyable. These books are entertaining and the romance and characters are fun to read about and very likable. I am looking forward to more stories in this series, especially Finn's! I'm also hoping that Frederick will write a story for Gray! He was introduced toward the end of Unspoken, and I find myself really wanting to know more about him.

**ARC provided by AToMR Book Tours**

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