
Guest Post with Author Becky Lower and Giveaway

Meet Becky Lower, author of Tempestuous Debutante.

Ever since submitting my first screenplay to Bonanza at age twelve, I have had a love affair with the American west. Perhaps it has something to do with an old family legend that I have a Cherokee Indian great-great grandfather. That might explain why I tend to plunk my characters into the middle of momentous historical events that helped shape the United States. I pursue my passion for history by watching The History Channel, visiting old graveyards and civil war battle sites and by writing about it.

I also like to intersperse my historical writings with lighter novels about mature women who are getting to reset the dial on their lives with a second chance at love. Romance isn’t exclusive to the young, and there are as many tales of love after forty as there are stars in the sky. I want to write about them all.

I am a graduate of Bowling Green State University and currently live in Oberlin, OH with my puppy-mill rescue dog, Mary.

Places to find Becky:

Why All My Heroes Are Nice Guys

Someone pointed out to me recently that I don’t write a lot of Alpha heroes. No bad, cave-men style guys for a woman to take on in hopes of finding their gooey centers. No, my men are all nice well-mannered gentlemen who help my heroines out of a potential crisis, and in so doing, the women can’t help but lose their hearts to them.

But the observation made me stop and wonder—why? Have I not had any experiences with bad boys in my life? Sure, my dad was a gentle soul, and my brother has followed in his footsteps. They’re both nice guys. My sisters’ choices for husbands haven’t been the best—they skate on the edge of badness, but they’re not part of my life, so they don’t really count. One of my sisters and I racked our collective memory banks, trying to find a bad guy in my past.

Here’s how the conversation went:

She: What about that guy from the root beer stand when you were working there on summer break? Remember him? The guy who would never flush the toilet?

Me: Does that count as a bad guy? He just had bad social skills.

She: Okay, how about this one. There was a guy you went on a blind date with, who was despondent over his girlfriend breaking up with him. When he got to wherever you were going, he left you in the car and walked into the place alone.

Me: Does that count as a bad guy? I thought he was just rude.

She (sternly): There are various levels of bad, Becky. A man doesn’t have to be a Neanderthal to be bad. Think harder.

Me: What about the guy I was on a business trip with, who was so frightened about walking through the streets of downtown Chicago at midnight that he took off jogging when he heard footsteps behind us, leaving me to face our potential attacker by myself?

She: Bingo! Bad guy personified. My work here is done.

So, as Sis helped me realize, I do have a few brushes with bad guys in my past. No thugs, with felony records or domestic violence in their DNA, that I’m aware of, but to some extent, they weren’t very nice. I guess I’ve chosen to repress those memories and only focus on those men who were nice guys. My current favorite is Parr O’Shaughnessy, the hero of The Tempestuous Debutante, who is the only one who sees through the heroine, Jasmine’s, façade and understands her. He believes in her even when her father doesn’t, and encourages her to go after her dreams. How can you not love that type of man?

On the other hand, if a motorcycle-riding, tattooed guy with a Do-rag pulled into my driveway, I’d probably hop on the back of the bike. So maybe I am more drawn to bad guys than I originally thought. I should write one into my next book and see what happens.

For more about Becky Lower’s current works, visit her website at

It’s Jasmine Fitzpatrick’s year to shine at this season’s Cotillion and men will be throwing themselves at her. But she sets her sights on a man she’s never met, the Viscount of Foxborough. He’s wealthy and has an English title. Only a few things stand in her way: a wealthy, young, beautiful widow who captures the viscount’s attention immediately, her fear of riding horses when he owns a breeding stable and racetrack, and the viscount’s stableboy, Parr.

Parr O'Shaughnessy loses his heart to Jasmine the moment he meets her. However, he has no title to interest her. He left behind an impoverished existence in Ireland when the viscount offered to bring him and his famous horse to America to build a dynasty together. He believes Jasmine barely noticed him when she was introduced—she only had eyes for the viscount. He struggles with his loyalty to the viscount and his love for Jasmine. But winning her love might mean losing all he has worked for.

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Check out the Cotillion Ball series:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $5 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a question or comment for Becky.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Becky Lower for sponsoring this giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mary Kirkland said...
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Mary Kirkland said...

If a big alpha looking tattooed guy dropped by my apartment and asked me to run away with him, I might think about it too. lol Gotta love those bad boys.

May said...

Yup... totally agree with you about bad boys. :)

Love those dresses on the book covers!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I love Amazon, so fingers crossed for the gift card. :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

Marcy Meyer said...

Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

Regencyresearcher said...

I don't like bad boys and don't see the attraction. What mature woman wants a boy , anyway? Most of the men called bad boys are some unconventional types, some are rebels with and without a cause, and some just are eccentric. The really bad nes can not be redeemed by the love of a good woman-- despite what novels say. History says otherwise. Once read a bok in which a man whose only asset seemed to be his motorcycle , talked a professional woman into riding off into the sunset with him. I have remembered the book but always with dissatisfaction. Not at all a happy ending. I like good men and I like men with their clothes on in public.

Barbara Bettis said...

I love your blurb, Becky, and I can't wait to read the book. I nourish a liking for nice bad boys--who can be redeemed--in a story. They represent the kind of forbidden adventure I'd never undertake in real like :) Thanks for giving us good guys with happy endings. Barb Bettis

Lyn Horner said...

Becky, after reading your blog, I realize my heroes are all really nice guys too. Oh, they might act tough, look tough and intimidating, might even behave in a seemingly obnoxious way at times, but inside they're true good guys. Thanks for making me see this.

BTW, I love your header! Lyn

Ella Quinn - Romance Novelist said...

Great blurb. I have a guy with a do-rag and a Harley. He's my husband. Tweeted.

Theresa N. said...

My favorite American history to read about is the American Revolution.
Thersa N

Lana Williams said...

Fun post, Becky! I like bad boys who aren't really bad boys after all, at least not once the heroine gets a hold of them! Tweeted!

Becky Lower said...

Thanks, Lana. I agree a good woman can do wonders for bad boys, but only if they want redemption.

Becky Lower said...

I'm working on a book about the aftermath of the American Revolution. Rather a turbulent time in this country, which is great for writers.

Becky Lower said...

Hi Lyn, Thanks for commenting. Tough guys with marshmallow insides are my favorites.

Becky Lower said...

I'm in full agreement with you. While a bad boy may increase the angst and conflict in a story, they still have to have an underlying something that makes a good girl want to bother. A motorcycle, however hot it may be, is not enough.

Becky Lower said...

Thanks, Barb, for dropping by. I agree that the only bad boys I want to meet are between the pages of a book. Except, of course, for the guy on the motorcycle in my driveway.

Mary Preston said...

All of the books look wonderful. I've just found myself a new author to add to my list.

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