
Guest Post with Author Tracy March and Giveaway

I'm so happy to welcome back author, Tracy March. Tracy is celebrating the release of Tempted in the Tropics, book 2 in her Suddenly Smitten series. Tracy has stopped by to chat, please give her a warm welcome.

Award-winning author Tracy March writes romantic thrillers influenced by her career in the pharmaceutical field, and her interest in science and politics. She also writes lighthearted romances inspired by her real-life happily ever after.

Always up for travel and adventure, Tracy has flown in a stunt plane, snowmobiled on the Continental Divide, ziplined in the Swiss Alps, and been chased by a bull in the mountains of St. Lucia. She loves Nationals baseball, Saturday date nights, and Dairy Queen Blizzards—and rarely goes a day without Diet Coke and Cheez-Its.

Tracy lives in Yorktown, Virginia, with her superhero husband who works for NASA. They recently spent two years living in Washington D.C., and enjoy visiting often—especially when the Nats are in town.

Places to find Tracy: 

Sexy Desserts

I’m crazy about desserts. Read any of my books and you’re sure to find something sweet and decadent. I’m not a cook, and the best baking I do is with Nestlé’s pre-formed Toll House cookie pucks. Even so, some pretty awesome confections have snuck their way into my stories—from designer ice cream pies to voodoo cakes.

But not until Tempted in the Tropics had dessert been used for a game of sultry seduction. Mmm…delicious fun! After arriving in St. Lucia for their friend’s wedding, sassy bakery owner Paige and uptight doctor Lane call a truce in their business-related feud—at least while they’re on the island. A romantic dinner on the beach ends with them considering a fling that gets off to a sweet-and-sexy start with dessert—white chocolate crème brûlée.

Lane picked up the tray and led Paige over to the patio where two thick-cushioned chaises and a table faced the incredible view of the star-peppered Caribbean sky. He put the tray on the table, quickly dipped a spoon into the crème brûlée, and took a bite.

“Mmm,” he moaned, tipping back his head and closing his eyes.

Holy hotness.

Paige swallowed hard. “My turn,” she said, reaching for the other spoon.

He leaned in close and gently grabbed her wrist. “Oh no you don’t.” She could smell the creamy sweetness on his breath. Without hesitation, she kissed him, tasting delicate white chocolate and zesty lime on his tongue. If this was how dessert was going to go down on the island, she decided to eat it first at every meal.

Paige forced herself to pull away, then licked her lips, his gaze locked on her mouth. “Now can I have a bite?” She could eat the entire dessert whenever she wanted, but it was way more fun to play this game with him.

“You can have a bite for every piece of clothing you take off.”

Oh my…

“What about you?”

“Same rules apply to me. Fair enough?” He looked so damn sexy she considered tossing all her clothes in the pool and getting it over with. That way she wouldn’t be tempted to put them back on until they’d had a good, long time to dry.

“You’ve already had a bite,” she said, and sat on one of the chaises where she could reach the dessert.

He grinned, both dimples showing up this time, and kicked off one of his sandals.

“Shoes count?” Paige started doing some calculating. She had on exactly two shoes, and three pieces of clothing if she counted her teensy pink-lace thong that matched her bra. At this point, he had on one shoe, a shirt, shorts, and underwear, if he wasn’t going commando. For some reason, the idea struck her as super-hot, and a wave of warmth rushed through her. Commando or not, if they went bite-for-bite he’d lose his clothes first.

“Yep.” He pulled the other chaise close to hers, dipped his spoon in the crème brûlée, and offered it to her. Seven lords-a-leaping danced in her heart. He was going to feed her? She took the spoonful in her mouth and he pulled it out ever so slowly as the zing of lime and raspberry burst in her mouth, followed by smooth white chocolate.

Paige moaned, turning Lane’s playful gaze to sultry. She lounged back in the chaise, took a deep breath of the tropical night air, and gladly kicked off one of her sandals. “Small price to pay for a spoonful of heaven like that.”

He took another bite and off came his other shoe. Now things would start getting more interesting. She knew what to expect, to a point, and so did he. He’d seen her in—and nearly out of—her bikini, and she’d checked him out in his swim trunks. But Paige had a feeling that both of them were taking this game down to the skin.

Oh, yeah…that’s the way to eat dessert! Next time I’m out to dinner with my husband, and crème brûlée is on the menu, I’ll glance at him demurely and wonder…should I ask for that to go? ;)

How about you? What dessert seduces you every time?

The only thing they agree on is the sultry heat between them

Nothing’s more important to Paige Ellerbee than her struggling bakery, Sweet Bee’s. When Lane Anderson, the temporary new doctor hot enough to rival McDreamy, moves in next door, though, she’s sure things are looking up. Until he threatens her business in their first conversation.

Lane just wants to practice medicine responsibly—not argue with the flighty bakery owner next door. But when he finds himself traveling down to the Caribbean to play guitar for Paige’s best friend’s wedding, suddenly the sight of the blonde in a bikini eclipses the fact they can’t agree on anything. And as their vacation romance grows, his reservations about starting something after getting burned by love are washed away like sand on the beach.

But once Paige and Lane land back home, will these polar opposites be able to forgive their feud and find lasting love?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

Click for info.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Silver Charm Bracelet
  • 1 $100 Gift Card (Amazon or Barnes & Noble)

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Tracy's question: How about you? What dessert seduces you every time?
  • US ONLY for bracelet.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter forms.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Tracy March for sponsoring this giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecoptergiveaway


Bookgirl said...

The dessert that always gets me is smores. I just can't get enough!

Aline Tobing said...

Ice cream! I'm a big fan :)

Patricia Eimer said...

Ben and Jerry's. I truly believe on the seventh day God created Ben and Jerry's.

Unknown said...

Chocolate mousse, I could just roll around in it. Oh wait, I have .

Anonymous said...

I love cheesecake. Yummy.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! The bracelet is very pretty and I'd love an Amazon gift card, so fingers crossed. :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

AquarianDancer said...

Brownies. My roommate and I baked brownies almost once a week in college. I miss that. :-D

Anonymous said...

Don't know if we need to leave a separate comment for the second Rafflecopter, so I will just in case.

Tempted in the tropics sounds really great, so I'll definitely have to check it out. Thanks for the post, and fingers crossed for the Amazon gift card. :-)

~Lindsey V.

Unknown said...

Fresh Strawberrys with shortcake and ice cream!

Beth said...

Ice cream is my ultimate seducer. :D

Rita Wray said...

Has to be chocolate mousse.

Marcy Meyer said...

Thanks for the giveaway chance! Mine has to be chocolate covered strawberries!

Amy said...

I am pretty easy (ha ha) in that any dessert would seduce me as long as I don't have to bake it. Ice cream, cake, cookies, chocolate, etc! Congrats on the awesome book, Tracy!

Janice said...

Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter icing...YUMMY. Thanks for the giveaway!

lorimeehan said...

Key lime pie.

Mary Kirkland said...

The dessert that gets me is cheesecake with a drizzle of chocolate and strawberry sauce. I don't think there's anything as decadent as that.

Amy said...

S'mores, especially with dark chocolate.

Tracy March said...

Okay, everyone...I think I'm going to eat dessert for dinner! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing all the decadent sweetness. And thanks to Danielle for hosting me here today! Best of luck to each of you in the giveaway, and happy reading!

Natasha said...

Sugar cookies!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Damn that excerpts hot! I'm sold, lol! Cheesecake or banana pudding would be my dessert of choice, however, it's ice cream I bide my time and sweet tooth with most of the time. :)

May said...

Anything with chocolate!

TerrieLynn61 said...

Hot fudge sundae.

Sherry Butcher said...


Sherry Butcher said...

Would love to read this so if I win I'll get it and start.

Unknown said...

Dark chocolate raspberry cheesecake gets me everytime.

Unknown said...

Rasberry cheesecake with grahm cracker crust and a little bit of whipcream

Unknown said...

Ice cream! It will always get me in such a good mood like I'm in heaven!

Unknown said...

Rocky road ice cream, wow!!!

Unknown said...

I'm all for truffles..can't get enough!

Meghan said...

Cookies are definitely my Achilles heel.

Katha said...

Anything with chocolate in it. I love it.

Shadow said...

chocolate and cheesecake! yum! :D

Unknown said...

Boston Crème pie! Omg my mouths watering just thinking about it! lol

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