
Monthly Giveaway - September

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Each month here at Ramblings From This Chick a new prize pack will be up for grabs for one lucky winner. Here's a peek at this months prize.

1 lucky person will win a box of books and swag!

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Box of Books & Swag 

To Enter: 
  • Must be a blog follower.
  • US ONLY-Will substitute prize for a $10 Gift Card if someone outside US wins. 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
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Unknown said...

I love most genres but my favorites are paranormal romance, urban fantasy, historical romance, contemporary romance, dystopian and steampunk. I can't pick just one lol.
Thanks for the great giveaway :) Love the blog, such great reviews and recommendations.

Barbara E. said...

My top favorite genres are historical and paranormal, but I really like SciFi romance and steampunk too.

Laurie G said...

My favorite is historical romance closely followed by contemporary romance.


Hope you have a fantastic labor Day weekend!

Unknown said...

I absolutely love paranormal, I also like mysteries and thrillers. I've started to read a little contemporary too. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

kathy p said...

I love most genres, contemporary, historical, paranormal!

Theresa said...

Paranormal is my favorite!

Brenda Demko said...

Paranormal romance, urban fantasy and contemporary romance are my faves but I also read YA and NA as well. :-) Thanks!

AquarianDancer said...

Haha. Romance. I love all of the sub-genres within it, so I cannot choose. However, I began with Paranormal.

Diane D - Florida said...

My favorite genre is Historical Romance, which I absolutely adore.

Lauren said...

DEFINITELY paranormal romance and sci-fi romance. I like stories that don't have to adhere to the "rules" of reality. I get enough reality every's nice to escape it when I read! ;)

Kathleen O said...

I love Contemporary, Historical, with a Western theme.

Unknown said...

My favorite genre is contemporary romance.

LilMissMolly said...

I love historical fiction!

Marcy Meyer said...

My favorite genre is erotic romance! Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

Rita Wray said...

I like historical and contemporary romance. I also like Time Travel.

NoraA said...

I like almost anything but hard core S&M romance books. My main genres are comedic romance, paranormal romance and mystery, cozies, Urban Fantasy and sci-fi.

Em said...


Rebe said...

Hmmm, lately I've been reading a lot of UF and PNR. I'm a little burned out on historical romance these days. I've never read a lot of RS, although I've been glomming Carla Neggers' books lately, too.

Unknown said...

I love reading historical romance but now I've been starting to read contemporary romance. I don't know if I want to go to paranormal romance yet because then that would means I would have too much books to read. Bad for me since I won't concentrate for school

Sharlene said...

Historical & contemporary.

gamistress66 said...

historical and paranormal

Michelle said...

My favorite used to be paranormal, but this past year I've read more contemporary romance. There are so many great new authors in the genre. I'm loving it!

lorimeehan said...

Historical romance and if you mix a paranormal in that book I'm one happy girl.

Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm said...

I love all things romance. I've been reading romance since I was in high school. I'll also read any sub-genre but my two favorite are paranormals and erotica. But for the most part, there isn't a romance I didn't like.


Jen B. said...

I love romance but I like to switch it up and read a little bit of everything. jepebATverizonDOTnet

Stormy Vixen said...

I have several really, Paranormal, urban fantasy, military romance and erotic romance. Thanks for sharing the great goodie bag. evamillien at gmail dot com

Sue G. said...

Romance...contemporary, historical or erotic.

Linda Henderson said...

Well I read just about everything but read more contemporary & paranormal romance than anything. Also quite a bit of YA.

strawberryrose said...

My favorite genre is Paranormal all the way Baby. I have read other stuff I have also enjoyed but nevery strayed to far and always returned in a very timely manner.

Lexi said...


Fun to see people's preferences!

Mary Preston said...

I will read all genres, but Historical Fiction is my favorite.

krg said...

I have different moods but I mostly read contemporary romance.

donnas said...

Paranormal and romantic suspense.

Anne said...

Right now, it's urban fantasy.

cheryl c said...

historical and contemporary romance

javalotta said...

YA Paranormal

jmcgaugh said...

Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Romance

jessiel said...

Contemporary romance & NA

QuenKne said...

Romance - Contemporary; Erotic; Historical

Unknown said...

I really dont have a favorite but i am really more fond of thriller and historical romance.

Unknown said...

YA, and romance are my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Historical is my favorite genre. I also like erotic and contemporary.

Ashfa said...

Love fantasy and dystopian.

TerrieLynn61 said...

Paranormal Romance! Sifters and vampires are my favorite alpha males.

Glenda said...

My favorite reads are historical. Contemporary and paranormal are great too, I just go historical first.

Unknown said...

My favorite books are historical fiction.

Unknown said...

My favorite genre is contemporary romance. I like some erotic if its not too hardcore.

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