
Shayla Black New Cover Alert!

Have you heard of Shayla Black? If not, then now’s the perfect time to get better acquainted…

USA Today bestselling author, Shayla Black is taking over the erotica scene, with brand new repackaging for her steamy novels… and we couldn’t be more excited for her new look, taking hot and sexy to another level with these sleek new covers. If you hadn’t heard of Shayla Black before, now you have. And we are confident that she won’t be easily forgotten.

Don’t miss Shayla’s “Wicked All Night” Novella in her new WICKED AND DANGEROUS anthology with Rhyannon Byrd.

Tyler Murphy was an LAPD detective, single and happy—until a near-fatal tragedy crippled his friend, fellow detective Eric Catalano. While Tyler supported Eric, he also became a shoulder for Eric’s wife, Delaney, to lean on. But with one naughty suggestion from Eric, a drunken night with Delaney spilled into erotic abandon. Before it was over, Tyler saw his best friend’s wife as a woman and yearned for more. When Eric struggled to deal with the aftermath, Delaney begged Tyler to leave. Crushed, he fled to Louisiana, hoping to escape his longing for the one woman he could never have again…and unaware of what he’d left behind.

After two years of living with regret, Tyler finds Delaney on his doorstep, her husband having abandoned her long ago. She’s protecting a shocking secret and desperately needs refuge from a stalker determined to see her dead. As they fight to stay alive and catch the killer, they struggle to resolve the guilt of their past pleasures. But they can’t deny that what was once a spark is now a flame burning out of control. To possess Delaney—body and soul—Tyler must heal her pain and thwart the evil that’s a mere breath behind her…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Wanted for Kidnapping: a beautiful blonde with a penchant for trouble. May be armed (with bad intentions) and dangerously seductive…

Kerry Sullivan is running out of time—and patience. With her brother wrongfully accused of embezzling millions, she can’t face one more humiliating hang up from the man she’s begging for help. Rafael Dawson may be one of the top electronic security experts in the country—and the only man who can prove her brother’s innocence—but his phone manners are appalling. Damn Yankee. Too bad kidnapping the man isn’t an option. Or is it?

There’s nothing Kerry wouldn’t do for her brother. There are lots of things she longs to do to Rafe Dawson when he’s lying tied up and naked in Kerry’s secret hideaway. Rafe is certainly something to look at, but her brother’s life is riding on her pulling off the impossible: getting this man who’s always in control to lose it. But when the tables are turned, Kerry finds herself at Rafe’s mercy. And the only way to get her way is to let him have his way—with her.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

The best way to go undercover… is to take it all off. If the Feds want to nail a Mafia kingpin, they need a slick trap to catch him. Enter Mark Sullivan, who’s totally built for the job—to go undercover as a male stripper in the Vegas club where the mobster works. The perk? The club’s owner. Sure she’s got some unsavory connections, but how can anyone with those legs be all bad?

When it comes to business, Nicola DiStefano’s a pro. As for pleasure, she’s been out of commission too long to care. If anyone can strip her of her inhibitions it’s the new guy who’s stirring her wildest G-string fantasies. But Mark and Nicki have more in common than sizzling sexual chemistry. They each have their share of secrets and motives, and with the mob closing in, what gets exposed is as irresistible as it is dangerous.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Shayla Black (aka Shelley Bradley) is the New York Times bestselling author of over 30 sizzling contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances for multiple print and electronic publishers. She lives in Texas with her husband, munchkin, and one very spoiled cat. In her "free" time, she enjoys reality TV, reading and listening to an eclectic blend of music.

Shayla has won or placed in over a dozen writing contests, including Passionate Ink's Passionate Plume, Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, and the National Reader's Choice Awards. Romantic Times has awarded her Top Picks, a KISS Hero Award and a nomination for Best Erotic Romance.

A writing risk-taker, Shayla enjoys tackling writing challenges with every book.

Places to find Shayla:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of either Mine to Hold, Bound and Determined or Strip Search

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.
  • US shipping ONLY.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to the Berkley for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Remus said...

I love the new covers! They would definitely make me want to pick up the book and see what it is about.

Sherri L

kathy p said...

Love the new covers!

Theresa said...

I love the new covers, especially the red stilettos.

Unknown said...

I think the new covers are nice, but I have to be honest and say that I prefer the old covers.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Beth said...

Very Fifty Shades[ish]. Nice. :)

Marcy Meyer said...

Love the covers! Can't wait to read them! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

lorimeehan said...

NO don't like the new trend in book covers at all. I'm a total cover whore and I love hot guys and beautiful covers.

TerrieLynn61 said...

The new covers are sensational! They are sleek and sophisticated. The artist did fantastic work. I also want to add thanks for this giveaway. :-)

Stormy Vixen said...

Love the new covers. Thanks for sharing them and Shayla Black. I love this author and would love to have these books. evamillien at gmail dot com

erin said...

look fantastic! Thanks for sharing ;)

Sue G. said...

Love the colors! Nice and bright and eye catching!

Jen B. said...

The covers are graphically stunning. The red shoe really pops. I think my least favorite is the belt. The colors are a touch dark for my taste.

Chrisbails said...

I like them all. I really like the pink one the most. The belt one is pretty hot also.

~Erica~ said...

They all look great, I would pick all them up just because of the covers on the shelf !!

lisagkendall said...

I like the new covers. The red shoe is stunning. Thanks for the post. lisagk(at)yahoo

Sandy Kenny said...

Although I do think that the covers are sharp, I do tend to like having a hot-looking guy on the cover...something to drool over! ;)

Natasha said...

I love the new covers!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle said...

I love the new covers. No need to worry about someone seeing this in my hands. ;)
I had no idea Shayla Black wrote as Shelley Bradley. I'm off to go add a bunch of books to my TBR list now!

Kaitlyn Weaver said...

I really like them! Thanks!

elizabeth said...

Although I understand the reasoning behind changing the covers, I do not really like them. They tell you nothing about the story inside.

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