
ARC Review: Crash Into Me by Tracy Wolff

I really liked this book. At first what drew me in was the best friend's little sister trope and the fact that he is a rock star. How can you go wrong with either of those? But what kept me reading were the fabulous characters, and the great writing. Tracy Wolff has done a great job of taking a familiar trope and turning it into something unique. I really loved both Ryder and Jamison as well as the secondary characters. I found myself invested in all of them and not just the hero and heroine. I cannot wait to read more from Tracy Wolff, and I really hope that each of these guys get their own story!

Jamison Matthews has wanted Ryder Montgomery forever. He is the lead singer of her brother's band Shaken Dirty and now that they are famous he has more girls after him than ever before. But even if that wasn't the case, her brother would never allow anything to happen and she doesn't want to be just another notch on his bedpost. After losing her job, her car and her boyfriend, Jamison decides to go on tour with the band while they finish their tour. The more time that they spend together, the more their attraction and feelings grow. But after Jamison's brother Jared catches them making out, he tells Ryder to stay away from her. Ryder and Jamison refuse to fight what is going on between them and begin a casual fling together while vowing to keep it a secret from everyone. However things quickly begin to feel less casual and start to become much more serious than either of them intended. With everything standing in their way, is it possible that they could turn their fling into a real relationship?

I loved Ryder. He was sexy and sweet while being a little damaged. He feels as though he isn't good enough and tries to keep himself from letting anyone in after what happened with his last girlfriend. Even though he knows that Jared doesn't want him with Jamison, he knows that he cannot stay away from her. I loved that he went after her and didn't let anything stop him from being with her. I also really liked how he thought that she was so beautiful despite the fact that she wasn't a super skinny beautiful model type. It was nice to see a hero really fall for someone based on who they were and not just what because of how they looked. I really liked Jamison. She was sweet and caring and determined to do things without the help of her famous brother and friends. I loved that she was a normal girl. She was just very genuine and seemed like she could literally be the girl next door. Jamison and Ryder had a ton of chemistry and they were extremely hot together. I loved their sexy scenes together, but I also really loved how sweet they were together. These two had a connection that was clear to see from the start, but I thought it was great how much closer they got as the book went on. Despite all the obstacles in the way these two were absolutely perfect for each other even if it took them awhile to see that.

Overall, I really liked this book. The characters were interesting and deep, and very likable flaws and all. I found myself becoming very invested in all of them and not just Ryder and Jamison. I really want to get to know the rest of the guys better and I hope that we get all of their stories as well. Ryder and Jamison were very easy to fall in love with and I loved watching them as they fell in love with each other and got to their HEA. I also really enjoyed Jamison and her interactions with the guys. I loved that she was really a part of the group and all the guys really cared about her and vice versa. Tracy Wolff is an author that I hadn't previously read before, but after reading Crash Into Me I will definitely be looking for more of her books in the future. I loved her writing style and her characters and this book kept me so interested that I couldn't put it down until I had finished it in one sitting. This book has everything that I look for in a great romance story and I really think that it is a must read. I highly recommend that you pick this one up, especially if you love a great rock star story!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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