
ARC Review: The Trouble With Being a Duke by Sophie Barnes

The Trouble with Being a Duke was a nice book. It is the first book of Sophie Barnes’ new series, At the Kingsborough Ball. Nice is the most accurate word I can think of for this pleasant story. The writing was not inspired, but it was nice. The story was not unique, but it was nice. The characters were not special, but they were nice. This was not the best book I’ve ever read, but it was a nice Regency Cinderella-themed book.

Ever since his father died and he became the next Duke of Kingsborough Anthony Hurst has worked hard to abandon his rakish lifestyle and become a responsible leader of his family. He convinces his mother to hold another Kingsborough after a five-year hiatus. At the ball Anthony falls hard for a beautiful girl. She is Isabella Chilcott, an impoverished girl from the neighborhood. Isabella is practically engaged to man she does not love, but needs to marry him to help her family. She borrows a mysterious gown from the attic, dons a mask and heads out for one special night. Complications are many as Anthony pursues Isabella and she tries to stay true to her commitments. There is a bit of a mystery and a major resolution before the book is done.

I enjoyed The Trouble with Being a Duke because it was a nicely done story, but there were some shortcomings. Anthony was almost too good to be true. As a result, I didn’t quite buy the fact that he was supposed to be such a rake. Isabella clung to her chosen path even though there really wasn’t much reason for her to do so. Her parents were resistant to Anthony’s suit for no apparent reason (OK, the reason was later explained, but it wasn’t totally satisfying to me). The ending was somewhat dragged out without a clear climax. I liked that fact that the plot for the next book was introduced very subtly and it did not interfere with this story. The book certainly didn’t break new ground, it was an interesting twist on an old theme. I liked it and it will appeal to Regency readers.

**ARC provided by Edelwiess**

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