
Guest Post with Author Lisa Kessler and Giveaway

Please welcome back to RFTC Lisa Kessler, author of Hunter's Moon.

Lisa Kessler is an award winning author of dark paranormal fiction. Her debut novel, Night Walker, won a San Diego Book Award for Best Published Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror as well as the Romance Through the Ages Award for Best Paranormal and Best First Book.

Her short stories have been published in print anthologies and magazines, and her vampire story, Immortal Beloved, was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award.

When she's not writing, Lisa is a professional vocalist, performing with the San Diego Opera as well as other musical theater companies in San Diego.

Places to find Lisa: 

Hi everyone –

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! I’m super excited to be celebrating my favorite holiday with all of you on Ramblings From This Chick today!!!

I’m also celebrating my newest release, HUNTER’S MOON, which centers around a werewolf pack in Reno Nevada… I had such a blast writing these books. They’re action-packed and felt like I was watching the movie in my head and writing the story as fast as I could to keep up.

I hope readers feel immersed in the action like a movie as well, and that leads me to my Top 10 Werewolf Movie List. Perfect for Halloween, right?

Get your popcorn ready and let’s do this…

#10 - This isn’t my favorite werewolf movie, but without it, werewolves may never have reached their legendary status.

My werewolf hero in MOONLIGHT named his Jeep, Chaney, after the man who put werewolves on the map…

#9 - You can’t go wrong with Stephen King. This one is creepy and scary! Not one of my favorite though because you never really have any empathy for the werewolf… For me, werewolf movies are about knowing the man behind the wolf.

#8 - Okay this one was cheesy and silly, but you can’t help but fall in love with Michael J. Fox and his wolf family. I haven’t seen the tv show yet, but if you’ve never seen the movie, you should check it out. It won’t change your view of werewolves, but I bet it’ll make you smile.

#7 - This movie got panned by the critics, but I enjoyed it for what it was. The atmosphere was very creepy and the fear of the townspeople about the wolf was palpable. I loved the two men you thought might be the wolf, and I won’t spoil the ending. If you love werewolves, don’t pass this one by.

#6 - Okay you might be scratching your head here, but hear me out… This is one of my all-time favorite movies, and Rutger Hauer is cursed to be a wolf by night, so he’s not a traditional full moon werewolf, but I think it still counts, right? Also the scene where he and Michelle Phifer start shifting (she’s cursed to be a hawk by day) and they almost touch… Heartbreaking! Love this movie! So it might not be a traditional howl at the moon werewolf movie, but definitely worth seeing!

#5 - I wish I had seen this one in the theaters. I let wishy-washy reviews keep me away and watched it on HBO instead, but WOW! I thought the special effects in this one were AMAZING! The dark tones of all the lighting and the gothic feel of the atmosphere put it over the top! I thought it was also fabulously acted with just enough romance to tear your heart out at the end.

#4 - I can remember when MTV first started and we didn’t have cable! *pout* I went to a friend’s house when Thriller premiered and we squealed with delight and waited to watch it over and over. I love that at the end Michael wasn’t a vampire, he looked up at the moon and turned around as a werewolf creature… Nice! Add in VIncent Price’s laugh and this video never ever gets old.

#3 - LOVE this movie!!!! The rich backstory that began the battle between the vampires and the lycans made for an action-packed film with werewolves to DIE FOR!!! Loved all the passion and forbidden love… The special effects were also amazing. You definitely feel for the werewolves in this one.

#2 - Hugh Jackman as a werewolf. Need I say more?
It was a really wild ride of a movie with fun special effects and an ending that made me cry! (OF course I’m a total sap so your movie mileage may vary) Love this one and the Dracula was fabulous too!!!

#1 - My all-time still-to-this-day favorite werewolf movie is An American Werewolf in London. It’s got funny cheesy moments like all the dead in different states of decay haunting him in a movie theater, but man is it ever fun! I’ve never seen another werewolf movie like it and it still has lots of heart even after all these years!

Thanks again for letting me visit… So what do you think? Did I miss any of your shifter favorites? Let me know in the comments… And I hope you’ll check out HUNTER’S MOON too!

Sasha’s future was stolen from her the moment she was bitten. Now she's on the run from the Nero Organization that transformed her from a human detective into a shape shifting jaguar assassin.

When a rogue bounty hunter threatens her younger sister, she'll be forced to fight, and with nowhere else to turn, Sasha will need to trust the one man who has every reason to want her dead.

Aren is a werewolf with a secret. While protecting his twin brother and Alpha of the Pack, he found his one mate for life. Sadly she's also the jaguar assassin who tried to kill them both. Now Aren is struggling between his animal nature to love and protect her, and his loyalty to the Pack.

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Check out the Moon series:
Click for info.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card + Werewolf Earrings
  • 2 eBook sets of the Night Walker series
  • 1 signed copy of Night Walker

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Lisa's question: So what do you think? Did I miss any of your shifter favorites?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Lisa Kessler & Sizzling PR for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Happy Halloween! And congrats on your release for Hunter's Moon! :)

Maria Medeiros said...

Happy Halloween!! Congratulations!! Love all the films chosen. I haven't seen a lot of these films! I'm excited to watch some.

Sophia Rose said...

I think you covered all the ones I've seen other than a fun Abbott and Costello that has the Wolfman in it. Look forward to read your book and thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

NoraA said...

I think I own a few of those movies on DVD. Happy Halloween and congrats on the release of Hunter's Moon.

Mary Kirkland said...

Happy Halloween. I love the Underworld movies so that's my go to favorite for shifters these days. i agree with your other choices as well.

Victoria said...

Happy Halloween! Excellent movies :). Congratulations on HUNTER'S MOON.

Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks so much Emi!!! Happy Halloween to you too!!! :)

Hope you enjoy Hunter's Moon!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Have fun with the werewolf movies!!! :)

And Happy Halloween!!! :)


AquarianDancer said...

I like watching the Buffy Halloween episodes. They're always fun. ;-)

Donna Harms said...

Great list of movies! Happy Halloween! Congrats on the release of Hunter's Moon! Thanks for a great giveaway! <3

Glenda said...

Your top 3 match mine perfectly!! Great list and looks like a great book!

Sandy Kenny said...

Thanks for the great list of movies. I loved Van Helsing! Thank you for the great opportunity and congrats on the new release!

gamistress66 said...

I don't watch too many movies so not too familiar with the above though have seen several, guess I prefer my shifters in books ;)

Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks for checking out the Moon Series Sophia!

I hope you enjoy the books... :)


Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks so much Nora! :)

Hope you had a great Halloween!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks for coming by Mary!

Hope you had a great Halloween! :)


Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks Victoria!!! Can't wait for you to Hunter's Moon!!!

Hope you had a super Halloween!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Oh you're right!!! I love the Halloween episodes of Angel and Castle too! :)

Fun times! Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks Donna!!! :) Hope you enjoy Hunter's Moon!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Awww thanks Glenda!!!! :) You've got great taste in werewolf movies too!!! LOL


Lisa Kessler said...

Oh I loved Van Helsing too!!! You can't go wrong with Hugh Jackman and long hair, right??? :)

Thanks for commenting! Hope you enjoy Hunter's Moon!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Nothing wrong with that! :)

Thanks for commenting! I hope you enjoy Hunter's Moon!

Lisa :)

Arely ZPerez said...

I don't watch many shifter movies since I mostly like to read about shifters :D

TerrieLynn61 said...

I love anything werewolf and/or shifter. I haven't heard of this series before. It has been added to my TBR list. Thanks for the opportunity to win this gift card and the awesome earrings.

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