
Interview with Author Jill Shalvis and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to Jill Shalvis. Jill is one of my most favorite authors and I am so happy to have her here to celebrate her newest release, Rumor Has It.

Jill Shalvis is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over four dozen romance novels, including her fun contemporary Animal Magnetism series, which promotes animal rescue dogs. Jill is a 3-time National Readers Choice winner, and lover of animals! More information about Jill and her collection of fabulous romance titles can be found at

Places to find Jill:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

Can you tell our readers a little bit about the Animal Magnetism (Sunshine, Idaho) series, and where your inspiration came from?
I’ve always wanted to write a series where I could incorporate cute animals. Cute animals and sexy heroes together, who can resist that. So I came up with a series about a set of wildly alpha brothers running an animal center in Sunshine, Idaho at the base of the Bitteroot Mountains.

What is your favorite thing about writing this series? The sexy men, the heroines, or the animals?
All of the above, but okay, let me admit the truth – the combination of hot guys and adorable animals is pretty much irresistible for me.

What do you think makes romance readers and the romance community so strong?
I think what makes the romance community so strong is that romance readers are awesome. They’re loyal and dedicated and always so willing to help support our community by talking about the books and making it okay to read whatever you want, may that be straight contemporary, romantic suspense, erotica, whatever. I love that. As far as having a strong presence, that is an accidental cause of working alone most of the days out of the year. Reaching out to romance readers and writers via social media is just a really great way to not always be alone. 

Are contemporaries your favorite genre to read as well as to write? If so, can you give our readers some of your favorite recommendations?
Yes, though I love to read everything, across all genres. Heck, I’m happy reading the back of a cereal box. But as for my recommendations in the contemporary genre, you can’t go wrong with Robyn Carr, Kristan Higgins, Carly Phillips, Susan Mallery, Lori Foster, Rachel Gibson…

Do you think reading romance makes us expect more from our own romantic partners? What effect do you think romance has on those that read it?
We’re writing fiction. Not nonfiction. But made up stories, fantasies really. I’m not writing “How To Have A Hot Romance.” Or “How To Train Your Significant Other Into Being A Perfect Mate.” I’m writing a fictional tale. I think our readers are sharp, and are well aware and capable of knowing the difference between a pat Happily Ever After and real life. If I can provide someone with a fantasy, a little escape from her reality, then I am considering it a job well done

You write so many wonderful contemporaries, how do you keep each novel fresh and exciting?
Keeping it fresh is a constant battle, and I struggle with that daily. I just love writing, and this genre, and work hard to do the job so I can keep doing it and pleasing readers. Also, I find that stalking neighbors and friends, and being extremely nosy about their personal lives and conflicts is very helpful. =)

What’s your advice for a first-time pet owner?
  1. Read up on your pet, on the specific breed.
  2. Be patient.
  3. Be patient.
  4. Be patient. =)
  5. Oh, and if there’s training issues? Chances are it’s you, so revisit #1.

The interactions shared between you and Alpha Man always entertain; what is a recent “He Said, She Said” between you and Alpha Man that we may not have heard yet?
Me: What are you eating?
Him (mouth full): Nothing
Me: It smells like Oreos.
Me: Are you … eating Oreos? I thought we were out of cookies!!
Him: There’s only four left.
Me: I need two.
Him: I’ll give you one.
Me: No! You can’t eat just one cookie!!! There’s a rule!!!
Him: Show me the book where this rule lives.
Me: I’LL WRITE YOU THE $%#!#$!@ book, give me a second cookie and no one gets hurt!
Him: Is it possible that you need something to go with that cookie?
Me: Milk?
Him: I was thinking Midol…

Your friendship with Kristan Higgins and your friendly battle for “Man Wars” has become infamous. Why do you two connect so well?
I think our chemistry translates well because it’s genuine. You can’t fake a real friendship. We connect on lots of levels, such as competing for readers (kiddin!), and because we’re both raising aliens—er, teenagers.

What’s next for Jill Shalvis?
If you read RUMOR HAS IT, you may notice a new vet is working at Belle Haven. Dr. Wyatt Stone. He and his two sisters, Darcy and Zoe, are each going to get their own story next year. =)

He’ll help unleash the new woman in her…

Special Ops soldier Griffin Reid doesn’t exactly have happy memories of growing up in Sunshine, Idaho. He’s only come back to recover from a war injury, and while he refuses to admit he’s in a weakened state, he finds comfort in the last person he’d expect.

Kate Evans teaches fourth grade science in Sunshine, the place she’s always called home. Dreaming of graduate school and a happily-ever-after, she’s desperate to break out of the monotony of Sunshine. Luckily, a certain sexy man has just come back into her life.

To Griffin, Kate as always been his little sister’s friend, but now he’s finding her to be so much more. As both attempt to forge their paths, they must decide if their passionate connection can turn into something lasting…

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Rumor Has It

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Jill.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Berkley for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


lindalou said...

Wow! I love animals too and your contemporary romances are the best! Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy Casey said...

I love her books!! I can't wait to read this series. I also enjoy her interaction with fans on Facebook. She does keep you laughing!! Thanks for a great interview and the giveaway! :)

Rebe said...

The DH would be dead if he made that Midol comment, lol!!!

KV H said...

I enjoy how the animals are a part of the books.

Maria Medeiros said...

I haven't read her books, it would be really wonderful to win. The covers are wonderful!

Judy said...

Can't wait to read Rumor Has It! I enjoy your books so much.

booknerd said...

Such a great author!

Unknown said...

This book sounds great! Can't wait to read it :))

Sherry Butcher said...

Wonderful! I can't wait to read this and the new Belle Haven with Dr. Wyatt Stone and his two sisters, Darcy and Zoe, in their own story next year. =) Any idea when the release and may be giveaway would be?

krg said...

If anyone can make a story around cute animals and still have a hot alpha man I know you can! Do you pull from your own alpha to make the dialog for your book men more realistic?

Unknown said...

Looks great! How many pets do you have?

Rita Wray said...

Great interview, I enjoyed it.

Unknown said...

Jill is one of my favorite authors. She has a great sense of humor which is on display in all her books and her facebook page when she isn't banned.

laurie said...

I enjoy how the animals are a part of the books.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a fun sounding book to read! I am already chuckling! I agree cute animals and hot guys, that should be a number 1 seller ;-) Have you always been an animal lover?

NoraA said...

I am a pet lover, as long as that pet is not in my home. Both my wife and I are highly allergic to cats, and most dogs. I had a dog when I was in my teens to early twenties. She was a mini schnauzer (not an allergy producing breed).

I love Jill's books and own a number of them. I'd love to add this one to my collection.

Marcy Meyer said...

This series looks great! I'd love to read them. I love when animals are a big part of the story!

Chrisbails said...

Wow, another great book. Love Jill's books. Looking forward to the new release of Rumor Has It.
My questions for Jill are: If you could write any other genre, what would you write? Also who has been your favorite character to write, male & female?

penney said...

I love reading books that have dogs in them and other pets as well. This sound very good.

Janice said...

I love animals. In fact, sometimes I like them better than people. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jane said...

I love this series and so happy to hear that there will be more books to look forward to.

Sue G. said...

Cute men and cute animals! Winner!

CrystalGB said...

I love your series. Rumor Has It sounds great. Love the cover.

Di said...

I love small town stories like this!

Kim said...

I really like dogs, so this series has been nice to read.

erin said...

congrats to Jill on the new release! Love her books :)

Beautiful Disaster said...

Enjoyed the interview. I look forward to reading it.
Thanks :)

Martha Lawson said...

Rumor has it sounds really good. I enjoy your "man wars" with Kristin Higgins on FB!! Thanks for the chance to win this book.

lorimeehan said...

I love this series and I can't wait to read this book.

lisagkendall said...

Oreos are a favorite in our house, so I could so imagine that argument happening here. Thanks for the contest. lisagk(at)yahoo

Unknown said...

I haven't read any of her books, she is a new find for me! Can't wait to get started on one!!

Glenda said...

Romance and people who love animals. How can you go wrong? Looks like a great book! Thanks for sharing!

Texas Book Lover said...

More greatness from Jill. If you don't already follow her blog go do so now. She post things like this all the time. I love it!

Texas Book Lover said...

More greatness from Jill. If you don't already follow her blog go do so now. She post things like this all the time. I love it!

cheryl c said...

Jill Shalvis has become an auto-read author for me!

Unknown said...

Love love your books:)

Anonymous said...

Love reading Jill's books, blog, FB posts, and I agree the He said, She said stuff between Jill and Alpha Man is always funny. The one posted here is hilarious! So a question... How did you come to live in gorgeous Lake Tahoe?

Kathleen O said...

I am so excited to know that there will be more in the Animal Magnetism series... I am currently reading the latest book in the Lucky Harbor series.. So bring it on...

Meghan said...

This looks great! Hi Jill- Would you ever consider partnering up with another author to write a book?
Thanks for the giveaway!

JenM said...

Jill is always so funny on her blog and in her books. I'm looking forward to reading it.

~Erica~ said...

I cannot wait to read Rumor has It, and I want more Lucky Harbor novels !!

Natasha said...

I can't wait to read this one!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the contest! Sounds like another winner of a book.

Jolene and Family said...

Love her books!! Thanks for the chance to win

Pat L. said...

If not too late, count me in please. I love Jill's books. Thanks.

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