
Interview with Author Lisa Swallow and Giveaway

Meet Lisa Swallow, author of Because of Lucy.

Lisa was born in the UK and she moved around Europe with her military family before completing a BA (Hons) in English at the University of Leeds. Her home is now in Perth, Australia with her husband and three children.

In between running her home based craft supplies business, looking after her family, and writing, Lisa sometimes finds spare time to do other things. This often involves swapping her book worlds for gaming worlds. She even leaves the house occasionally, enjoying walks with her dog and time with her family. She loves all things from the Whedonverse and preferred vampires before they sparkled.

Places to find Lisa:

Where did you grow up?
I was born in the UK and I grew up in Europe, travelling around with my military family. Most of the time I lived in the UK and Germany.

Where do you live now?
Perth, Western Australia.

If you could live anywhere, where would you choose?

How long have you been writing?
Since I was 8 years old when I had a poem published in the local newspaper. Last year, I decided it was time I tried to find a publisher!

Where did you get the inspiration for ‘Because of Lucy’?
I love the new adult genre - being able to write about the time of self-discovery that comes from moving away from family influences and into adulthood. I wanted to show the struggle that people often have at this age when trying to forge an identity outside of the one that they may have unwillingly been molded into.

I love hidden secrets in books, but only ones which keep the reader guessing. When I was half way through the first draft, I tested the story on a friend. If she’d guessed who Lucy was before she was revealed, I would have scrapped the book!

Do you have any pets?
A Weimaraner named Tilly who is not the brightest of dogs. She does a great impression of a Weeping Angel (geek reference!). We also have a cat called Twinkle but, as all cat owners know, we’re her pets.

Something about you not many people know?
Until I moved to Australia, I had never lived in one house longer than two years or one city longer than three. Eight years later, I don’t want to move again!

Who would you cast as actors if a movie was made of your book?
I always find this question tricky because every reader has their own pictures in their heads of who the characters look like. When I started writing Because of Lucy I was watching Supernatural a lot and Evan looked a little like a younger Jared Padalecki in my mind. But not as tall! Ness is more difficult - maybe I don’t pay enough attention to female actresses lol.

If you were a cartoon character who would you be and why?
Lisa Simpson. Because I was a little like her when I was younger (and we share a first name and initials!)

Early bird or night owl?
Night owl.

What is your next project?
I’m currently finishing the third book in my paranormal romance series, Soul Ties. I have also started writing a second book featuring Ness and Evan. Because of Lucy was going to be a standalone as it has no cliffhanger and a happy ending, but readers have asked to follow more of Ness and Evan’s story. And I’m happy to do that because...more time with Evan!

"In life, there are some people you have to lose in order to find yourself."

Ness’s parents are shocked when she turns down her place at Leeds University and takes on a full-time job in a call center. Determined to begin her adult life the way she wants, Ness moves to Leeds to live with her best friend Abby.

One night she meets Evan, who is everything she hates about guys. He may be hot but he’s also drunken, arrogant, and on top of that, he apparently has sex with girls and forgets about it. But Evan isn't what he seems and Ness soon discovers they have more in common than she thought.

Evan is struggling to escape from his past too, and when Lucy appears she threatens his new relationship with Ness. Unsure if she can deal with the effect Lucy has on Evan, Ness makes a decision about her future which pulls them apart.

When their new lives don't go as planned, Ness and Evan are both faced with difficult choices. All because of Lucy.

*Recommended 17+ due to strong language and sexual content*

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Evan’s mouth hovers close to mine, his warm breath on my skin. The effect on me is weird, different to before, with other guys. Abby once told me she met this guy who didn’t even need to touch her and she got aroused. At the time, I concluded Abby was exaggerating. Now I think maybe there is something primal, where that can happen between two people. Because the heat floods through my body towards the surface, searing where his hand touches my face.

Evan’s eyes focus on my mouth. “Sorry I left last time.”

“Who said I was inviting you to stay last time?”

“Okay, sorry. But I did kiss you goodbye.”

Is he teasing me again? Because Evan’s mouth remains a tantalizing distance from mine, and he’s not kissing me. I shift, trying to disguise my rapid breathing and realize he’s waiting for me to make the move. Fine. I place my mouth on his, wriggling into him. Evan winds his hand into my hair, and gently holds my head to his, kissing me lightly, lips sparking power across my skin.

Our position on the sofa allows me to lean against Evan, half on top of him and I push myself into him, not taking my mouth from his. Evan’s arms wind around my waist and pull me closer. Where I’m lying on him, I can feel his erection against my thigh. Wow. I’ve hardly touched him - maybe I do the same to him? I pull my head back and meet his eyes, the hungry look I expected is held in them.

“Are you pinning me down so I can’t leave this time?” he asks.

I smile. “No. You can go now.”

“I think I’ll wait for Matt to wake up.”

With strong, rough hands he holds my face again and his tongue darts into my mouth. He tastes less of beer than last time. Our teeth collide and I move away from him, holding my mouth. He watches as the dress rides up over my legs.

The short black dress isn’t very decorous when it comes to lying on top of a man. But I’m not behaving very decorously. Evan’s hand slides up my leg, stroking gently.

And I’ve definitely had too much vodka but screw it. He’s here and he’s fucking hot and it’s my choice. I’ll deal with the emotional fall out later. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol, or the sexual confidence I’ve found from tonight - guys watching me in the Union and Evan wanting me - but I make a snap decision.

“Do you want to make it two?” I ask.


“Girls. You’ve slept with in Leeds.”

I’ve seen the look on Evan’s face before, the night in the pub when his mask slipped a few seconds. He hesitates.


“You’re saying no?” I remove my hand from where I’m trailing fingers across his muscled stomach.

“Honestly, I don’t know what to say.”

I tug him towards me by his shirt. I’m a bit drunk and a lot reckless but what the hell, it’s about time I had some fun. “How about you hit me with some poetry, I hear the girls really…”

“Ness. Shut up.” He drags me onto him and crushes his mouth on mine, the breath sucked from my lungs as the urgency of his kiss overwhelms me. The tiniest amount of self-control I had just disappeared.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Necklace with Butterfly Picture Pendant
  • 3 copies of Because of Lucy

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Lisa Swallow & Lisa Swallow for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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