
Review: Wait For You by J. Lynn

Wow this book was so amazingly good, I hardly have the words to describe it. I had been told by more than one person how great this book was, and I knew I would like it. I just didn't know that I would absolutely love it! This story is one of those books that will stick with you and I find myself unable to let these characters go. I absolutely adored Cam and Avery, but I also loved their friends. I am so glad that this is a series and that we will be getting more of all these characters! This story was a perfect example of everything I love about the New Adult genre. It had its sweet moments, some steamier ones, and even though there were some heavier parts they didn't bring the story down or make you feel as though it was all dark and angsty.

Avery's first day of college starts off nothing like she planned. She is running late due to traffic and is forced to rush not to be late to class. She runs straight into the back of Cam. He is really nice to her and extremely gorgeous, so of course she is super embarrassed. She ends up running away, unable to face him or an entire class staring at her for being late. Then on her way to her car, she runs into him again. Then later that night she finds out that he is living in the apartment across the hall from her. The more times they seem to be thrown together, the more Avery starts to like Cam. Its not long before they are spending time together and becoming friendly. Avery left Texas and went to a school in West Virginia in order to get away from her parents and a town filled with people who remember a horrible incident that happened five years ago. Even though Avery knows that Cam is the last person she should get involved with, the more she gets to know him the less she can resist. He keeps asking her out until she finally gives in. But with both of them having secrets about things in their past that they are not proud of, its only a matter of time before the truth comes between them. Can they get past their secrets and trust enough in each other and the relationship they are forming to share all? Or will they continue to hide their secrets and let it tear them apart?

I loved Cam. He was definitely one of the best characters I have read in a long time. He was sweet and patient, sexy and funny. I loved that he was able to really wait for Avery to come around. He never really gave up on her when so many others would have. It was really sweet how much he cared her and looked out for her. I honestly think I fell for him when he pulled out the cookies, I just knew he was the kind of hero I will always have a soft spot for. I really loved how he was just such an easy going straight up kind of guy. What you see is what you get with him and he was just so real to me. I loved Avery also. She was independent and strong despite all that had happened, and she was also quirky and awkward in a cute way. I loved her and Cam together. I think that they are so real and believable. They had everything that makes a perfect pairing in my opinion. They were sweet and sexy together. I loved that we were able to see their relationship really develop. They didn't just instantly jump into a relationship or into having sex, and I think that watching them go from their first encounter to friends to love was what made them seem like they weren't just characters in a story to me. I was so invested in these two, and I just had to keep reading to see them figure everything out together.

Overall, this book was absolutely fabulous and I really loved reading about Cam and Avery. I felt so connected to these two and I was sad when the story was over. I wasn't ready to leave these two, or their friends. Their friends were great characters, and I found them all to be extremely likable and interesting. I am really looking forward to more books in this series and seeing all these characters get their HEAs too. There was only one small criticism that I had and it wasn't enough for me to lower my rating. I was waiting for them to bring up protection or birth control when things started to get serious between them, and there was not a single time that it was ever mentioned. It was just something that I felt should have been mentioned and never was and for some reason just really stuck out to me. But despite that small issue this book was one that will stick with me, and I can see myself re-reading many times in the future. I highly recommend that you check this one out if you haven't already. Wait for you is sweet and is a beautiful love story that I think romance fans will really enjoy. This one is definitely a must read for me and I look forward to the rest of the series and more from Jennifer Armentrout/J. Lynn in the future!


Tina B said...

One of my favorite things about reading is falling in love with the characters, their world and their family and friends. This book sounds like an amazing read!
Over the summer I went to a book convention. One of the authors, Cora Carmack, actually recommended this one to me. I have it waiting on my Kindle. I guess I need to move it up my TBR. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Casey!

Casey said...

You should definitely give it a shot! It is worth the read and Cam is amazing! :) Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did!!

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