
Spooktacular Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the SPOOKTACULAR Giveaway Hop. This hop is organized by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and will run from October 14th - October 31st.

Up for grabs:
  • 2 Swag Packs 
  • Box of Books

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering the question: What's your favorite thing about Halloween?
  • If chosen winners reside outside of US, a $10 book credit/gift card will be given.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

There are more than 375+ blogs participating, so there are plenty of chances to win something. So make sure to check out the blog hop list and hop over to some of the other blogs.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Diana said...

The spooky movies :)

Barbara E. said...

I love everything about Halloween, especially the fact that my birthday is the next day and I get to have pumpkin pie with whipped cream. :D

Erika Marie said...

I love taking my daughter around to see all the decorations and going to the events!

Emi said...

Trick or Treating with the kids

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the kids and their excitement! Thanks for the giveaway

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

The treats and the horror movies! ;)
-Riz B.

Bryann James Almeda said...


brookea_2006 said...

Horror movies and candy!

Kel said...

Candies and costumes!!!! And of course do not forget having fun!!!

Bewitched reader said...

When I was a younger I loved the whole idea of getting a bunch of candy! And now that I’m an adult I love to see what costume my kids will choose that year. And seeing how excited my kids get when they go out trick-or-treating that night.

Sarah Meral said...

Since I am in Germany, I don´t really celebrate Halloween. It has become more popular here too, but mostly only the dress-up part, not the part where children go from house to house to collect sweets. We have a similiar day later in the year for this.

Kathleen said...

I LOVE seeing all the little ones dressed up when they come to the door!

Unknown said...

Costumes and candy!

Unknown said...

i love the dressing up, and the halloween parties

Book Bunny said...

Costumes! Thank you for the giveaway :)

Gaby G said...

I live in Venezuela, and children doesn't really trick-or-treat around the houses, but people like to dress up in costumes and party :) I like the costumes!

CrystalGB said...

The kids' joy of trick or treat.

jessie2247 said...

I love all the creepy decorations and being able to dress up as someone else

Unknown said...

I love pumpkins! The smell of them, the feel of their insides (not creepy, I swear.) and carving them!

krg said...

I love the smell of pumpkins with lit candles in them and the little kids in their costumes. =D

Syren said...

My favourite thing is costumes. I love pulling things together to make a new one every year.

Anonymous said...

I like the smell of the leaves and the crisp air, and the pumpkins, too!

Thank you for the giveaway — fingers crossed. :-)

mk said...

I love the candy!!

kathy p said...

I love watching Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin!

Unknown said...

The costumes!!

Darci said...

Costumes and Halloween parties!

Anne said...

The little kids' excitement and the leftover candy.

Chrisbails said...

I love dressing up and seeing what others dress up as. I also love the movies. I love the scary movies and also the Halloween stories like It's A Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. I also love taking the kids Trick-or-Treating.

Marcy Meyer said...

My favorite part is seeing all the great costumes that kids and adults come up with. Some are so creative and fun!

Unknown said...

I love seeing all the little kids dressed up and so excited!

kelly g. said...

Every Halloween my husband and I do an all-day horror movie marathon. That's my favorite!

lorimeehan said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is all the little kids in their costumes.

NoraA said...

My partner and I love driving around the neighborhood looking all the homes that have been decorated for the holiday. Our kids are grown and gone but we buy a couple of bags of candy in case any of the children in our co-op decide to ring our bell and show off their costumes.

If no one shows up the candy just walks down the hall to my FIL who has a very sweet tooth.

mariehahn13 said...

The kids dressed in costumes :)

Sharlene said...

Candy corn!

Em said...

Horror movies and the decorations

Jen's Reading Obsession said...

Being someone else for the day!

Joseph Hawkshaw said...

I love paranormal things this is my favorite.

penney said...

Scary movies, seeing the little kids all dress up. watching Ghost hunters and the others on TV and making cookies with my teenagers.

geschumann said...

All the kids costumes.

Unknown said...

Seeing my grat nephews and nieces in costumes!

miki said...

the candy and all the decorations!

courtney hennagir said...

i love all the great movies and music! dressing up is fun too!

ikkinlala said...

I have to admit it's the candy.

Deerwalker said...

The fact that for weeks before and after I can have bags of candy around and no one will say anything

Unknown said...

I love seeing all the different costumes, especially on the little ones.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing how excited kids get for the holiday. I love seeing their costumes - the cuteness, the creepiness, the creativeness. Plus, Fall is my favorite time of year, so I love the smells, colors, pumpkins... :)

~Jennifer~ said...

Taking my kids trick-or-treating, helping them dress up in their costumes, and horror movies. The scarier the movie, the better! :D

Unknown said...

Movies! Movies! Movies!

Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane said...

My favorite thing is shopping for Halloween candy and decorations.

DShope said...

I love all the pumpkin flavored foods and drinks.

Mary Kirkland said...

Horror movies, candy, spooky decorations.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is that it is also my birthday xD

Thanks so much for the giveaway and the chance to win S2

Ana Death Duarte @ MagicaMagi

Ashley E said...

Chocolate of course! I'm still a kid at heart.

Enbrethiliel said...


I love dressing up in a cool costume. I usually improvise mine from clothes and other stuff I already have, so you can say that my things go Trick or Treating, too, before they go back to being normal. ;-)

Di said...

I love to see the kids in their costumes!

Anonymous said...

The costumes!!

Unknown said...

Halloween is Hubby's birthday so I enjoy dressing up the kids in themed outfits, going trick or treating and just having a great family day :)

Unabridged Bookshelf said...

I love seeing all the costumes that kids come up with and taking my kids trick or treating!

Maureen said...

I like seeing the kids in their costumes.

MissRlovesbooks said...

Scary movies thanks for the giveaway :)

Brittney said...

i love seeing all the kids in their costumes

Unknown said...

Watching a spooky old movie with my siblings. :)

caseykelp said...

I love seeing the creativity come out in some of the costumes. When you really try you make something better than you can ever purchase in a chain store.

Isa said...

I like the atmosphere, I like the way things just seem a little more scary on Halloween and there's anticipation in the air, maybe it's just the marathon of horror movies on t.v. that causes this effect but it's my favourite thing about Halloween. Thank you for the giveaway and enjoy your day! :)

Jeanne M said...

My favorite thing about Halloween are the smiles on the faces of the children who knock on our door! With all the bad things you hear about today it's so wonderful to see their happy smiling faces and to see how much they are able even with all the things that so many families are going through with the bad economy that they still see the joy in the little things. To just see the smiles on their faces and the joy they are able to see in the world makes everything right again in the world.

May said...

The costumes and the candies!

Sue G. said...

The candy!

Kat said...

I love dressing up... and chocolate, always chocolate :P
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Glenda said...

Costumes and not having to clean up the cobwebs they make great decorations!

Think said...


Jennifer Mathis said...

dressing up

Unknown said...

To be honest...EVERYTHING!

Martha Lawson said...

The costumes!!

Jennifer said...

Seeing all of the interesting costumes!

jmcgaugh said...

The little kids in their costumes.

Meghan said...

Costumes! Thanks for the giveaway!

Annwitch said...

Candy! I'm a kid at heart with a sweet tooth.

Rebecca Lamoreaux said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing little kids in the cutest costumes ever!

jeanette sheets said...

seeing all the cute kids in thier costumes

Unknown said...

Truly I LOVE Halloween and everything about it

Unknown said...

I love seeing children in their cute little costumes! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D

deasuluna said...

I love the original costumes I see that my students and their families come up with :)

Iyana Jenna said...


TerrieLynn61 said...

I have more than one thing I look forward to Halloween. The bonfires, the hayrides, and the haunted house. We are busy all month long.

Unknown said...

i love seeing all the cute costumes, and i enjoy the weather change, thanks!

Unknown said...

I love all the decorations, the fun vibe in the air, the great costumes, and ALL THE CANDY :)

Laura Greenwood said...

My favourite thing would probably be the dressing up, and getting the right balance between looking pretty and looking scary (sorry I'm female and a student we're like that!) I like the atmosphere too!

Laura Greenwood

GL Tomas said...

Just entered your giveaway via the blog hop. Awesome blog :) Hope I win! Lol

Followed you via GFC, hope you'll take a chance in your busy day to check out Twinja Book Reviews

Have an awesome Halloween!

GL Tomas said...

I just like Halloween for the costumes :)

Beth said...

I love giving out candy and having kids dressed up coming by

beverly e said...

I love everything Halloween! I enjoy decorating and the music and gifting treat boxes to my favorite peeps!

Kim said...

My favorite thing is probably the candy. :)

Maria Medeiros said...

Dressing up my girls and having them trick or treat from door to door.

Unknown said...

my fav's are all the custumes

Abinormyl said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing how everyone has decorated their houses and going trick or treating with my son.

It's a Clements thing said...

The costumes!

Cheryl said...

Kids and candy!

Adelina Priddis said...

I love the fun kid friendly decorations at Halloween.

Carolyn J said...

costumes and candt

Unknown said...

Barmbrack or what we call it in Ireland (Irish: bairín breac) is a type of bread with raisins in it and usually theres a ring inside it , if you get the ring its good luck :) Halloween tradition


Mommy Evolution said...

I'm ready for hot apple cider :-)

I am so thrilled to be a part of this book giveaway extravaganza and have entered yours! Find me at

Jennifer @ The Jenny Evolution

Donna E said...

Halloween -- I like seeing the costumes the little ones wear. I especially like the unique and / or homemade ones.

D.E. Malone said...

I love when the kids come to trick-or-treat. Thanks for the giveaway!

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction said...

Trick or treaters!!

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Unknown said...

Dressing up :)
Thanks for the chance.

Chenise Jones said...

Definitely candy!

Mia J. said...

My favorite thing is seeing all the great costumes when I take my daughter trick or treating.

Unknown said...

My favorite part are the candies

Megan said...

I love how excited my kids get to go trick or treating and seeing all the kids from the neighborhood dressed up.

Anonymous said...

Definitely dressing up, I'm never too old for it.

Mary Preston said...

I love all the books that come out.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is the wonderful selection of horror books, television shows, and movies available to creep me out.

Unknown said...

I love the air of cheerfulness and festivity. People seem more lighthearted. Thanks for the giveaway.

Nara said...

To be honest we don't celebrate Halloween in Australia! But it would be fun getting all the candy haha

Blacky said...

It's fun and I love when the kids dress up :D

To boldly polish said...

I love the dressing up part - it's not a traditional holiday here but my friends and I usually have a little Halloween party anyway (complete with spooky costumes).

Jo's Daughter said...

Eating pumpkin soup, apples & candy :D We don't do much at our home to celebrate, but having a traditional meal is something I really enjoy!

Jillyn said...

The onslaught of pumpkin and cinnamon recipes!

Celticlady's Reviews said...

The little kids all dressed cute.

Natasha said...

Decorating the house!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I like those spooky movies and those candies shaped like a zombie <3

Unknown said...

The costumes. Loved to see the costumes :)

Janhvi said...

The spooky movies and books, of course.

Megan Parsons said...

I love skulls, so I love all the skull decor that is out at Halloween!

mk said...

It would be the candy if we celebrated it in my country. I would have loved to grow up dressing up for Halloween though. It sounds and looks awesome from what I've seen! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

There's lot of things. Horrors, masks, parties, food :-)

Charity and John said...

Candy and attending Halloween festivals.

Anonymous said...

I love the candy and the costumes!

Michelle Bledsoe said...

Seeing the creativity of the costumes.

Unknown said...

I love dressing up! And all the candy isn't bad either ;)

Enchanting Reviews said...

my favorite thing about Halloween is helping my kids with their costumes and then going trick or treating with them!

Jeann @ Happy Indulgence said...

I love the smells, pumpkin, candy corn, etc!

Makaela said...


RachelAnne345 said...

Handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters!

Brooke Showalter said...

Taking my daughters trick or treating is my favorite part of Halloween.

Chantelle said...

Probably the parties haha

Frida A said...

Favorite thing about Halloween is watching horror movies and reading spooky books :)

Unknown said...

All the dress ups and the candy you get :) major sweet tooth here.

Carol L. said...

I love the whole atmosphere of it. The weather, the treats and seeing the really little ones dressed up and at their Halloween school parades. Adorable.
Thanks for taking part in the Hop.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

mareb said...

The cool weather. (Also it's around my birthday, haha)

Sherry Butcher said...

Love all the home inside & out Deco.

Library Lady said...

I love the scary movies!

Juana said...

I love the scary movies marathons.

Armando Read said...

I like how the people take their time to wear a costume of a scary monster.

Unknown said...

I love the effort during Halloween :) everyone making costumes and having gatherings and stuff.

Unknown said...

well here in mo we got tthe colors ad then the festival for the all at the prk an then at the pumkin patches

Pam said...

I love the candy!

Unknown said...

Halloween is ALL about the candy!!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Triquetra said...

I love everything! The seasonal change, the costumes, the movies, the creativity that goes with the holiday!

Unknown said...

I love seeing the costumes.

Unknown said...

Weird Costumes are the best!

Mimi Smith said...

We don't really celebrate Halloween.

Emma said...

little kids in their costumes.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing our 3 children all dressed up and seeing the excitement on their faces as we are heading out to go Trick or Treating.. melts my heart every time <3

Kristia said...

The candies and the dressing up! :) Thank you for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Candy and watching scary movies! Thanks for the giveaway! :D

Fiction_TheNewReality (Jayne) said...

My favorite thing is reading creepy books while drinking hot tea on a windy Halloween night.

Mystica said...

No Halloween in my part of the world though I do like reading about it.

Mona said...

I like to see the new costumes that come out every year.
Thanks :)

Queen of Reading said...

Lollies and costumes! I get to be a big kid :P

Kaitlyn Weaver said...

The marathons of scary movies that they run on tv! I love me some Michael Meyers and Freddie!!

Andrea Amy said...

favourite thing about halloween: the candy

Unknown said...

the costumes :D i love dressing up

Cricket said...

Candy Corn!

Blodeuedd said...

We do not celebrate Halloween so that would be nada, but if, then the candy!!

Victorique de Blois said...

Trick or treat.

Maidenveil said...

dressing up in costume!

Ashfa said...

The horror movies!

Sophia Rose said...

Fall colors, cooler temps, cider, candy, football....

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Alie said...

I love carving pumpkins and watching scary movies then reading very UNscary books so I can go to bed :)

Alisia said...

Pumpkin Seeds! I love roasted pumpkin seeds!

Wendy Mastin said...

I like seeing all of the smiling children

Caitlin said...

My favorite part of Halloween is the "feel" of the holiday. I love the excitement and mystery! Thanks for offering a great giveaway.

ChiKittie said...

Watching all my favorite scary movies!

Texas Book Lover said...

Carving pumpkins with my daughters.

Unknown said...

Seeing kids excited and pumpkin carvings.

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

The weather, candies and crazy books releasing! :)

amanda whitley said...

my favorite thing is getting dressed up.

Tara W said...

I love staying up all night watching horror movies.
Tara Woods

Unknown said...

I love that my friends agree to watch scary movies with me during Halloween. :)

Perava said...

Dressing up in costumes

Why Not? Because I Said So! said...

Watching Hocus Pocus and seeing my own kids enjoy Halloween.

Unknown said...

I love when kids dress up in costumes :)))

Jolene and Family said...

Dressing my kids up!

Linda Kish said...

Good selection of candies in the store.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is dressing up and all the creepy decorations! :)

Anita H. said...

The costumes! Well just the cute ones, I"m not a fan of the creepy or gory

Ada said...

I'm not really into the Halloween thing except for the chocolate/candies :P

Unknown said...

I love seeing all the decorations people put up

Sarika Patkotwar said...

We don't really celebrate Halloween here in India although I love taking a look at the costumes people wear at the parties so that's my favorite part! Thanks for the giveaway!

Di said...

I love to see the kids in their costumes!

Unknown said...

Those little white chalk like candy that we used to pretend were cigarettes when we were kids. Those are the best.

Kiku said...

Black cats. I just love cats.

We don't celebrate Halloween here though.

Unknown said...

Seeing all the kids in their costumes and having fun.

Unknown said...

CANDY!!! I have a jumbo bag of snack size Hershey bars on my desk :)

Unknown said...

I love all of the costumes and of course the yummy candy! Thanks!

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Definitely the candy variety!

Unknown said...

Mmmmmm Chocolate!

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