
ARC Review: Shooting Scars by Karina Halle

Let me start by saying, if you haven't yet read Sins & Needles that there may be spoilers ahead so beware. Also, Shooting Scars is the second book in The Artists Trilogy and should not be read if you haven't read Sins & Needles. These books are not standalones, and need to be read in order. If you haven't read this series yet, you are seriously missing out. Ok with all that being said, this series is absolutely becoming one that I know will be a favorite of mine. These books just keep getting better and better. Each time I think I know what will happen, Halle takes us in a completely different direction. These books are well written, unpredictable, action packed, and so interesting that you will be up all night reading in order to finish them. I love that this series is so different and unique from anything I've ever read before. These are not fairy tales, and are dark and edgy. I love that each of these characters are flawed and real. They really draw you in and keep your attention!

Ellie has made the sacrifice of going with her ex Javier in order to save Camden and his family. Javier has plans for Ellie and will do just about anything to make sure that she does exactly what he needs her to do. Fearing for Camden and his son's life, Ellie goes along with Javier. But as the two start working together, Ellie finds herself being drawn more to Javier than she ever expected. Meanwhile, Camden's new life is short lived and before long he is searching for Ellie. Camden teams up with someone unexpected and they begin to track down Ellie. Camden is on a mission to get the woman he loves back and also get revenge for everything that has happened. But when you set off on a mission of revenge, can you possibly remain the same person? Will Ellie still be committed to Camden, or will her connection to Javier be more than she can deny?

When I started this series, I read On Every Street first. After reading that book, I was strongly on Team Javier. I love a bad boy who knows what he is doing and isn't afraid to go after it. I honestly never expected to be anything but Team Javi. But after reading Sins & Needles, I was starting to soften when it came to Camden. He really started to win me over! There is something about a hot nerdy guy who not only has a ton of tattoos, but is also a tattoo artist. I never expected to fall for Camden, but he really showed me how great he was for Ellie. Plus Ellie and Camden had a history, and I loved that their connection went deeper than hers with Javier. Camden and Ellie have had their ups and downs, and their journey has been anything but smooth. But I really think that Camden and Ellie are not only meant to be, but that they are perfect for each other. They really are the balance to each other, and they make each other better. Even if sometimes that means doing things that can they never would have expected of themselves. I like Ellie more and more as this series goes on. She is not a perfect heroine. She is a con artist and is deeply flawed. But I think that all of her imperfections really make her real and because of how real she is, she becomes more likable. Even though I cannot relate to her as far as her actions or the choices she has made, I think she really is a good person deep down.

Overall, I am loving this series and I really enjoyed reading Shooting Scars. I can't go into much of this story without spoiling everything, but trust me this series has so many twists and turns that you will never know what to expect next. I love that Karina Halle takes us on this roller coaster ride and just when you think you have everything figured out you don't. These books are amazing. I think that these characters are some of my favorites that I have ever read about. They are interesting and lovable despite their flaws. I never know exactly what to expect from them, because just when I think I know them there is another layer to them that gets revealed.  I loved that this book was told from both Camden and Ellie's POVs, and that we really got to see what both of them were thinking. I think that added so much more to this story.  I absolutely cannot wait to read Bold Tricks. I am so invested in all of these characters, and I really need to know what happens to them. I think that these books get better every time and I think that these are a must read. If you like action and like your books unpredictable with many twists and turns, this series is exactly what you are looking for. I think if you enjoyed Sins & Needles you will really enjoy Shooting Scars as well.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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