
ARC Review: Worth the Fight by Vi Keeland

I really loved this book! I loved the characters. I loved the writing. I pretty much just loved everything about this story, especially Nico! Vi Keeland is a new to me author, but after seeing that this was a standalone sports romance I knew that I had to give this one a shot. I could not be more happy to have taken a risk on an author that I didn't already know. This book drew me in from the start and I read this one super quick, only stopping when I absolutely had to. Worth the Fight was one of the best books I have read in awhile, and I am sad now that I have finished the book. I wasn't quite ready to be done with Nico.

Elle has been going through the motions. She has a good job as a lawyer and a boyfriend who anyone would consider to be a catch, but her life is boring. After a horrible past, this is exactly the type of life she was looking for. But when boyfriend William walks in with Nico to have her consult on a contract, everything changes. The attraction between them is instant. Nico wants Elle, but he is determined to be the only one in her life, he refuses to share. Elle wants Nico more than she has wanted anything in a long time, and after having met him she realizes that she has just been going through the motions. Not wanting to live her life that way anymore, Elle breaks up with William and begins to pursue a relationship with Nico. Nico also has been struggling with his past and an event so tragic that it forever changed him. As Nico and Elle move forward with their relationship, they fight to leave the pasts behind them and look toward their future. But without dealing with their issues, how can they possibly have a working relationship even though that's what they both want? Will they be able to move on and be together, or will they let the obstacles in their way tear them apart?

I absolutely loved Nico. He is hot and sexy, with tattoos and a killer body from constantly being in training. But he is also sweet and thoughtful and a really great guy. There is so much more to him than meets the eye, and he just felt so genuine and real. I also really liked Elle. She was very easy to relate to as a heroine and I felt like I was rooting for her from the start. She was absolutely perfect for Nico and I loved how she was with him. She was very caring and nice and was always looking out for those around her. I really loved how her and Nico started off slowly despite their insane attraction to each other. It was really sweet to watch them go on dates and get to know each other. I think that is what made their relationship so real and believable. They took their time and it wasn't at all rushed. It just felt really natural. Once these two got together though, man were they hot! Their steamy scenes were seriously sexy and extremely well written! It felt like Elle and Nico could combust just from being near each other, and I loved every bit of it!

Overall, this book was fabulous! I absolutely loved reading it. The characters are interesting and deep, and it was very easy to be invested in them from the start. Elle and Nico are perfect and really balanced each other out. I loved how they supported each other, and were able to heal and grow together. They had a one of a kind connection, and I believed that they were meant for each other from the start. Vi Keeland may have been new to me at the start of this book, but after reading this story I am very eager to read more from her. I loved her writing style and the depth and emotion that she was able to give her characters. I will absolutely be looking for more books from her in the future. I am also anxiously awaiting the second book in this series called Worth the Chance! This one will be about Nico's protege Vinny, and I cannot wait to see him all grown up! Hopefully we will get more of Nico and Elle also, because they are great and will definitely stay with me for a long time! This story is an absolute must read. It has everything that I look for in a romance, and I loved every word of it! If you haven't read this yet, this is one you should definitely check out because you do not want to miss this one!

**ARC provided by AToMR Blog Tours**

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