
Guest Post with Author Cynthia D'Alba and Giveaway

Meet author Cynthia D’Alba.

Cynthia D’Alba was born and raised in a small Arkansas town. After being gone for a number of years, she’s thrilled to be making her home back in Arkansas living in a vine-covered cottage on the banks of an eight-thousand acre lake. When she’s not reading or writing or plotting, she’s doorman for her two dogs, cook, housekeeper and chief bottle washer for her husband and slave to a noisy, messy parrot. She loves to chat online with friends and fans.

To send her snail mail, write to: Cynthia D’Alba PO Box 2116 Hot Springs, AR 71914

Places to find Cynthia:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Been on an Easter Egg Hunt Lately?

Hi All! Cynthia D’Alba here. Glad to be here on Ramblings from This Chick’s blog to celebrate the release of TEXAS TANGO on Nov. 5. I thought we’d talk about Easter Eggs today. I know what you’re thinking…this is November! Easter isn’t until spring. Well, yeah, but that’s not the kind of Easter Eggs I’m talking about. I’m thinking of the Easter Eggs authors hide in books for readers to find…just like the Easter bunny does with your pink and blue and yellow Easter Eggs.

Some authors (especially those who have been around a while) can hide tidbits within their stories for their reader-fans to find. As a reader-fan, I know I LOVE when I “get the joke” or the Easter Egg in a book. Names of dogs appear. Names of friends I recognize. Even an event from an RWA conference was “disguised” in a book. I chuckled…a lot!

I, however, haven’t been around long enough that reader-fans know enough about me that they can find mine. Yep, I do put some in there for my friends. Like what, you may be asking? Well, in Texas Two Step, Olivia’s address is 1974, which is the year I graduated from high school. In Texas Tango, my heroine is Caroline Graham, named for my life-long friend, Carol Graham. She inherits a 1964 Rolls Royce. My brother-in-law’s sister married a guy with a…yep, you guessed it…a 1964 Rolls. I worked that in there for them.

Once my sister called me very concerned that our mother had told her that she (mom) was in a book. It seems the antagonist had the same name as my mother. My sister was sure mom was losing it. Nope. The author was in my chapter, met my mother, loved her name, and used it. Mom was thrilled.

Tell me about an Easter Egg you’ve found in a book…or is this a whole new concept for you?

Their wedding might be fake, but there’s no faking the mutual attraction.

Dr. Caroline Graham is happy with her nomadic lifestyle fulfilling short-term medical contracts. No emotional commitments, no disappointments. She’s always the one to walk away, never the one left behind. But now her great-uncle is gone and her grandmother is on her deathbed, more concerned about Caroline’s lack of a husband than her own demise. What’s the harm in a little white lie? If a wedding will give her grandmother peace, then a wedding she shall have.

Travis Montgomery has one dream left—to build the ranch he and his wife planned before he lost her to cancer. There’s just one thing standing between him and the last bit of acreage he needs—a last living heir who has one traveling foot out the door…and an unusual request that challenges his determination to never again place his heart at risk. The land he wants in exchange for a faux marriage. Everyone wins. Until things start to snowball…and the hearts they stand to lose are their own.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Samhain | Kobo |

In the spirit of Christmas sneaking up on us, I’ll pick among the comments for someone to take home a western-themed ornament. Here’s just a sample…

Plus, I doing a jewelry-themed For my TEXAS TANGO Jewelry-Themed Rafflecopter Giveaway. Be sure and look for the Rafflecopter widget at the end of the post. Here’s the loot you can win…

Also check out my personal blog for other places you can enter!

AND I have swag for the asking! But when it’s gone, it’s gone. Pens, jar openers, postcards, bookmarks, trading cards…just go by my contact page and send me a note.

Thanks for coming by! Be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win one of the Christmas ornaments!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Cynthia D'Alba for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Cynthia D'Alba said...

Hi All! Thrilled to be here today. If you've been trying to win a Christmas ornament, my tour is almost done so be sure to leave a message!

penney said...

Thanks for coming here today I've enjoyed your tours. have a great day

Cynthia D'Alba said...

Thanks Penny. It's nice to pick up a new fan/follower!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I need to started paying attention to those "Easter Eggs". Never, ever would I have thought about that! Thanks for sharing!

Cynthia D'Alba said...

I don't know that readers realize these even exists! So much fun to look for

Thanks for coming by and leaving a message

Sherry Butcher said...

I'd love some swag, the Christmas ornament and of course the book!

Cynthia D'Alba said...

Hi Sherry. Thanks for coming by. Texas Tango is available at your favorite online store. Check it!

Ashley F. said...

Swag is cool and those little boot ornaments look super cute ^ ^ Blog tours always have me adding books to my tbr list and yours is no exception. :D

Cynthia D'Alba said...

Hi Ashley! Thanks for coming by and leaving a message. If you don't win an ornament here, I'll be doing a Facebook only for those fans who wanted one and didn't win one on the tour :)

Cynthia D'Alba said... chose....ASHLEY FASOLO as my winner from this blog. Congrats!!!

penney said...


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