
Guest Post with Author Cynthia Eden and Giveaway

Meet author Cynthia Eden.

Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Cynthia is also a two-time finalist for the RITA® award (she was a finalist both in the romantic suspense category and in the paranormal romance category). Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over thirty novels and novellas.

Cynthia is a “hybrid” author. She has published extensively with New York (her New York publishers include Kensington, Grand Central, and Harlequin), and she has also enjoyed success in her indie writing career.

Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. She loves romance novels, horror movies, and chocolate. Her favorite hobbies including hiking in the mountains (searching for waterfalls) and spelunking.

Places to find Cynthia: 


Hi, everyone! (And a big thank you to Danielle for having me over!)

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I thought I’d spend a little time talking about things that I am thankful to have in my life. I feel so lucky—every day, I get to do the one job that I always dreamed of having…I get to write.

When I think of the things I’m thankful to have, well, my list goes like this:

1. Readers. My readers are wonderful! They are rock stars! I am overwhelmed by the support that they give to my stories. When I meet readers at conferences (like the fabulous upcoming Coastal Magic Con!), I feel like I am actually greeting old friends. To be around people who love romance novels as much as I do—it’s amazing! I am so looking forward to the Coastal Magic Con in 2014—I had a blast at the event last year, and I can’t wait to reconnect with folks—and meet new book lovers! The atmosphere was so fantastic last year—each person there was pumped about books. ;) And speaking of those…

2. Books. I’m thankful for books. I’m thankful to have the chance to write books (again, dream come true!), and I am thankful to be able to escape into the books I read. Real life can get us all down…and an escape can be so necessary.

3. I’m thankful for happy endings. Again, it goes back to the fact that real-life doesn’t come with the guaranteed happy ending—but romance books do. I need that guarantee!

4. My family. My family has always been incredibly encouraging of my writing career. I love that my 7 year old proudly tells people that his mommy writes, “Horror love stories!” (Hmm…I might have to start putting that on business cards!)

5. I’m thankful that when I was twelve years old, I wandered onto a book aisle at my local K-Mart. I picked up a Harlequin Romance that day, and my life changed. I knew then and there that I wanted to be a writer.

My “thankful” list could go on and on…but I want to know what YOU are thankful for this year. Please share with me! I’ll pick one commenter to win a $10 gift card and 5 commenters will win digital copies of my holiday paranormal, A VAMPIRE’S CHRISTMAS CAROL. Good luck!

Cynthia Eden

This holiday season has bite.

Ben Prescott hates Christmas—he’s a vampire, and to him, there’s certainly nothing jolly about the holiday season. While the humans are running around being merry, he’s hunting in the shadows. Ben plans to spend the holidays his way…by stalking deadly prey.

But fate has other plans for Ben.

Three visitors are coming Ben’s way…A demon who will force Ben to face his past, a ghost who will show Ben the present he could have, and a shifter who will reveal the darkness that waits in Ben’s future. Unless Ben can change his ways, he may just turn into a real monster, one who can’t be saved by anyone or anything.

‘Tis the season…to be undead.

Ben’s redemption rests in the hands of the one woman he loved and lost—Simone Laurent. If Ben is going to have a chance at being more than just the beast in the darkness, he has to prove himself to the lovely Simone. A very hard task, considering that, once upon a Christmas Eve, Simone died in Ben’s arms…

Warning: This story features one very tortured vampire, a sexy ghost from his past, and hot scenes designed to melt the winter snow. Plenty of action, adult situations, and steamy times are ahead. Happy holidays!

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance | Kobo |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card
  • 5 eBook copies of A Vampire's Christmas Carol

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Cynthia's question: What are you thankful this year?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Cynthia Eden for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


miki said...

it can be strange but i'm thankful i had put a break in my studies and not working because if it wasn't teh case i wouldn't be able to help my mother right now when she needs it

littleread1 said...

I am thankful for my pets and the unconditional love they always provide, unless someone is offering them treats of course. :-)

Unknown said...

I am very thankful for my family. We have had several scary health issues this year and everyone is Ok now. I am thankful for the doctors, nurses and other who take great care of them all.

Anne said...

I'm thankful for a job with good benefits and with what littleread1 says about pets.

kathy p said...

After recently losing a family member to breast cancer I am thankful for all the family we have.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for my family and that everyone's health is back or improving.

Rita Wray said...

I'm thankful for my wonderful family.

Susan P said...

I love your list! I am thankful for those things too, books, HEA, family. I want to add I'm thankful for a content and good life and great health at the moment.

Beautiful Disaster said...

Family :)
I'm looking forward to reading this book.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for my boyfriend and my family.

Rhonda D said...

I am thankful that my family is safe, healthy and happy. Thanks for sharing!

erin said...

congrats to Cynthia on the new release!!! Thanks for sharing :)

Jane said...

For our family and friends and our health.

lorimeehan said...

I am thankful for my family and friends.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for my family and friends. They are always their for me no matter how rough my year has been.
This story looks great and perfect for the holiday season.

Unknown said...

I'm thankful for freedom and that I had the good sense to buy A Vampire's Christmas Carol.

Sandy Kenny said...

Thank you for your list. I am thankful for those same things. I am also thankful that my hubby still has a job, despite 3 layoffs in the last year. I am so much more thankful for things than I had been in the past. I am also thankful for books--they provide a much needed getaway for me when life gets me bogged down. Thanks for all the wonderful writing that you do!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're able to help your mom!

Unknown said...

LOL, my dog always leaves me when treats are offered--he gets all fickle like that!

Unknown said...

So glad everyone is ok, Crystal!

Unknown said...

Great things to be thankful for!

Unknown said...

Oh, Kathy, I am so sorry!

Unknown said...

I hope 2014 brings everyone good health!

Unknown said...

And I bet they are thankful for you!

Unknown said...

:) Thanks, Susan! And I love your list, too!!!

Unknown said...

Family is the best!!! They can make our lives miserable some days, but they can also make 'em great.

Unknown said...

And I am sure they are very thankful for you!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing, too, Rhonda!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Erin!

Unknown said...

Great list!

Unknown said...

;) Great things to be thankful for!

Unknown said...

I hope that 2014 is a fabulous year for you, Steph!

Unknown said...

LOL, I love that, Sebella!

Unknown said...

Sandra, I hope this holiday season is wonderful for you and your family!

Victoria said...

I'm thankful for my family and our health. I'm also very thankful for living in this country. We are SO fortunate.

Unknown said...

I'm thankful to have all my family in good health and happy :)
And I have to say this, for discovering an amazing author this year through the book Deadly Fear, you are on my best author EVER list and I am thankful that you keep writing amazing books <3 Sorry for the gush, I just had to <3

Natasha said...

My family.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Glenda said...

Today I am most thankful that my newborn grand niece doesn't have a major infection like the doctors first thought (she's gonna have a hard enough time of it).

I'm also thankful for my loving family and my pets; my job; and that all the problems that come up in day to day are not as major as they could be. :-)

Thanks for sharing today!

TerrieLynn61 said...

I am thankful for the family I have. When my husband away 5 months ago my daughters were there for me. My oldest even to on most of the financial aspect, we had just purchased life insurance the day before his sudden death. I was unable to return to the home we were living because he passed there. My niece and her family took my youngest daughter and myself in. There is nothing like family to come and be by you in a tragedy.

Martha Lawson said...

My family, friends, pets, our health, and jobs.

Di said...

I'm thankful for the time I got to spend with the newest little member of the family.

Barbara E. said...

I'm thankful that I have a great job that I enjoy and that my health is better than ever since losing weight that I'd been carrying around for about 20 years.

Meghan said...

My wonderful family!

nurmawati djuhawan said...

for having good health for me and family :)

Perava said...

I am thankful for my family!

JenM said...

It was a very fun year with lots of good trips, so I'm thankful for that.

PM350 said...

I'm thankful for my health - last year was awful - found out I had congestive heart failure - already diabetic - quit smoking & on low sodium diet - I MISS ketchup & Rees cups
but I want to breathe & all that

Anonymous said...

One of the things that I'm thankful for is taking a big trip to visit China.

sheryl said...

I am thankful for a wonderful and healthy family and many great friends. So happy that we are not in a situation where we are struggling or anything like that. Thankful to all the great authors that keep me happy writing those books

gamistress66 said...

thankful for wonderful family, friends & books :)

Pamk said...

a job, a health family and great books to read.

Mary Preston said...

I'm thankful for my good health.

PM350 said...

and lets add sleep apnea - had a sleep study the other night :)

Filia Oktarina said...

I am thankful for my healthy family.

jmcgaugh said...

I'm thankful for my family and friends.

Holly Letson said...

I am thankful to be alive and healthy.

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