
Monthly Giveaway - November

Want to win some books and swag?

Each month here at Ramblings From This Chick a new prize pack will be up for grabs for 4 lucky winners.

Here's a peek at this months prize.

4 lucky people will win an envelope of swag + a book from my stash.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 4 Envelopes of Swag + Book

To Enter: 
  • Must be a blog follower.
  • US ONLY-Will substitute prize for a $10 Gift Card if someone outside US wins. 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Victoria said...

Not fair! I'll give you three of my favorites ;) - Larissa Ione, Cynthia Eden and Joan Swan. Honestly, I have so many favorite authors.

traci16 said...

Jonathan Maberry, Rhiannin Frater and JD Ward

Sophia Rose said...

Jane Austen, Diana Gabaldon, Patricia Briggs! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Unknown said...

Only 3? Toni Aleo, Ruthie Knox and Rachel Gibson are some of my favorites.

Anne said...

Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs and Jim Butcher.

Michelle said...

This is so difficult! 3 of my current faves are Ruthie Knox, J.R. Ward, and Shayla Black

Preet said...

Too many to choose from. Can you help me narrow it down by giving me a genre and then maybe a specification? Lets see...In YA I love Kasie West, Jennifer E.Smith, Rainbow Rowell. Paranormal Romance there is Nalini Singh, Christine Feehan, Shana Abe. In contemporary romance we have Lisa Kleypas, Rachel Gibson, Laura Florand. In historical romance we have Sherry Thomas, Brenda Joyce, Lauren Willig. In women's fiction we have Jane Porter, Beatriz Williams, Jojo Moyes. In chick lit we have Gemma Burgess, Phillipa Ashley, Harriet Evans. In NA we have Abbi Glines, Jamie McGuire, K.A. Tucker. In Australia rural romance we have Rachael Johns, Loretta Hill, Rachael Treasure. For authors from New Zealand I love books by Michelle Holman and Rosalind James. I'm sure I'm missing many other genres but I feel so bad about leaving out authors I love. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Julie Ann Walker, Catherine Anderson, and Alexandra Richland.

Thank you for the giveaway! I absolutely love swag (especially bookmarks!), so I'd love the chance to win. Fingers crossed. :-)

JenM said...

That's a hard question. Current favs - Ilona Andrews, Ruthie Knox, Shelly Laurenston.

NoraA said...

It's hard to choose from so many.

Roxanne St. Claire,
Cleo Coyle/ Alice Alfonsi
Alexis Morgan
Phyllis Smallman
Maggie Toussaint

And as the old joke goes, and Many More

Sandy Kenny said...

Only 3 faves???? Yikes! I am all over the board with favorite authors from different here are a couple:
Jill Shalvis
Sophie Barnes
Sarah Maclean
Lisa Kleypas
Valerie Bowman
Rachael Gibson
Sara Humphreys

Plus, I am always open to read new authors!

MissRlovesbooks said...

Madeline Sheehan.. JM Darhower.. Abbi Glines.
TY for the giveaway :)

Texas Book Lover said...

Three of my favorites are JR Ward, Jill Shalvis and Ruthie Knox but there are many, many more on this list

Lauren said...

Angela McCallister, Annie Nicholas and Vi Keeland...well, TODAY those are my favorites ;)

May said...

Hard, hard question. Right now, Julia Quinn, Eloisa James, Julie Anne Long.

erin said...

Hehe... so hard to choose! I'd have to say... Ilona Andrews, Nora Roberts, Dean Koontz... but this list is subjective to my reading list at the moment :) Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Jane said...

My three favorites are Lisa Marie Rice, HelenKay Dimon and Barbara Freethy.

Jeanne M said...

Narrowing it down to my favorites would fill up the entire page but 3 of my favorite new and "seasoned" authors are Anne Barton, Valerie Bowman and Maggie Robinson! To be honest they are the three authors books that I read this week so if you ask me next week you'd get three different authors!

TerrieLynn61 said...

Kerrelyn Sparks, Jeaniene Frost, and Nora Roberts are three of my favorite authors. I have a number of them. All of them as good as the other and all are outstanding.

Theresa said...

Nora Roberts, Christine Feehan, and Angela Knight!

Glittergirl said...

I can only pick three? Let me see... Jennifer Ashley, Thea Harrison and Bec McMaster
...oh and Grace Burrowes, Shellly Laurenston and Karen Ranney

Janice said...

Ilona Andrews, Thea Harrison, Elizabeth Hoyt and many more. I could go on and on.

Sue G. said...

Carly Phillips, Roxanne St. Claire, Alannah Lynne, Donna Kauffman, Sabrina Jeffries and Jill Shalvis. I couldn't just name 3. ;)

Unknown said...

So difficult! I have more than three though. Julie Garwood, Sabrina Jeffries, Elizabeth Hoyt, Lisa Kleypas, Jennifer Ashley, Grace Burrowes, Anne Barton, Valarie Bowman, etc.

Barbara E. said...

It's hard to choose, but I'd go with Jennifer Estep, Keri Arthur and Eloisa James.

Mary Preston said...

Right now: Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett & George RR Martin.

Meghan said...

1. Diana Gabaldon
2. Susan Elizabeth Phillips
3. JR Ward

Thanks for the giveaway!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Tough question :)
If only 3 than Christine Feehan, Donna Grant and Kresley Cole.

Annwitch said...

Just three?
Jane Austin
JR Ward
Sophie Kinsella

nurmawati djuhawan said...

jennifer l. armentrout
abbi glines
amanda quick

thx u :)

Anonymous said...

What a tough question because my picks change all of the time and cover different genres. It would be Rex Stout, Megan Derr and Bec McMaster.

PM350 said...

sherrilyn kenyon
dianna love

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

Hmm, I think Nalini Singh, Julie Kagawa and Michelle Moran. There're so many more that I'd like to name! Haha, thanks for the giveaway! Have a good month! :)

Jolene and Family said...

Larissa Ione, Susan Elizabeth Phillps and Kristan Higgins

Anonymous said...

Way more than three - but the ones that came to mind first are: Virginia Henley, Elizabeth Hoyt and Julia Quinn

Glenda said...

Can't do it!! I have more than 3 favorites. My 3 most recently read authors are:
Maggie Robinson
Grace Burrowes
Cheryl Bolen
I could add quite a few people to my list of wonderful authors.

joye said...

This week my 3 favorites are Maya Banks, Sandra Brown, Sabrina Jeffries and next week will be 3 different ones. it depend on the books I am reading each week.

Di said...

I've got way more than 3 - I've read all of Susan Elizabeth Phillips books, most of Stephanie Laurens, lots of Diana Palmer

krg said...

Hard to narrow down but I will go with Jill Shalvis, JR Ward and Shannon McKenna

cheryl c said...

Oh, I have SO many favorites! The first 3 to pop into my mind are Nora Roberts, Kristan Higgins, and Julie James.

Linda said...

I definitely have more than 3 but among the list are
Courtney Milan
Carla Kelly
Shelly Thacker

jmcgaugh said...

Jeaniene Frost
Ilona Andrews
Kresley Cole

Natasha said...

Laurell K. Hamilton
Gena Showalter
Kresley Cole
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

In no particular order (because that's just too difficult!)
Jill Shalvis
Kristan Higgans
Susan Mallery

Zeee @ I Heart Romance said...

My top 3 faves are:
Sabrina Jeffries
Jess Michaels
Laura Lee Guhrke

mk said...

Yikes, that's hard. Patricia Briggs, Suzanne Brockmann, Ilona Andrews

jessiel said...

Only 3???
Abbi Glines, Nicole Edwards & Jaci Burton
Thanks for the giveaway!

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