
Review: Falling For Her Fiance by Cindi Madsen

I love a good friends to lovers story. I always find them to be so much more believable because they seem to be the most plausible trope out there. That being said, sometimes the storylines tend to become very similar and can almost seem to be the same old thing just regurgitated with a few differences. Falling For Her Fiance was different though. I really loved the spin that Cindi Madsen put on this one, and it was nice to see these best friends actually fall in love. Wes and Danielle really were just friends before this story started, and I found it unique that neither one of them had been secretly pining away for the other. It really caught them both by surprise and this one was a fun one to read because of that. I really enjoyed watching them as they began to feel more for each other than just friendship.

Danielle needs a date for a work retreat. It is her best chance to convince her boss that she is ready and deserving of a promotion. When she approaches her best friend Wes with the idea, he is happy to help on one condition...that she attend his sister's wedding with him as his fiance. Wes is ready to prove to his family and his ex-fiance that he has moved on, and what better way to do that than with a new fiance. Even though Danielle and Wes have always been just friends, they think this is the perfect solution to both of their problems. They have always got along great and have a lot of fun when they are together. But what they don't expect is to start developing feelings for each other and the more time they spend together the more they become attracted to one another. But can they admit that things are starting to feel less fake and more real? Or will they continue to fight what they are feeling in order to not risk their friendship?

I loved Wes. I thought that he was sexy and sweet, and I loved that he was spontaneous. He brought out a side in Dani that she didn't seem to have with anyone else. It was nice to see that he loved and cared about his family and that they were such a big part of his life. I also really liked Dani. She was exactly the type of heroine that I connect with. She is anything but girly and definitely more into being one of the guys. She was determined and strong, and I liked how much she did to help take care of her family. She was kind and thoughtful and definitely put them first. I liked both Dani and Wes individually, but absolutely loved them together. Their relationship was natural and easy. They definitely belonged together, even if they couldn't see it. They were sweet and funny, but also really supportive and always there for each other. It was great to see them as they started to feel the chemistry between them and really sort of look at each other in a new way. With this being a Bliss title, there was more less steam than I would have liked though. I was really hoping to get a bit more of them actually together, but I still found their scenes to be enjoyable.

Overall, this book was a great quick and light read. I found it to be sweet and romantic, but also funny. These two were not only great together, but because they were friends first they had a familiarity that you just don't get without knowing each other for years. The characters were interesting and likable, and I felt really invested in Wes and Dani. I kept turning the pages on this one until I had read the very last one, as I was unable to put it down. My only criticism is the fact that I was missing a bit of the sexiness. I just wish that there would have been a bit more physical interaction between them as I think it would have really strengthened the growing love and relationship between them. I also wish that we would have been given a bit more of an ending. It felt a bit abrupt to me, and I was hoping to get a bit more of them after everything that had happened. But those complaints are minor and didn't keep me from liking this book. I think that this is book is one that any romance fan will find to be very enjoyable and believable. Wes and Dani are fantastic characters, and its impossible to not root for them and fall in love right along with them. If you haven't read this one yet, it is absolutely worth checking out.

**Copy provided by Publisher**

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