
Review: Game For Marriage by Karen Erickson

Before reading Game for Marriage I had never read a book by Karen Erickson before. I was not quite sure what to expect, but I am a sucker for a sports romance so I knew that I wanted to read this one. I am so glad that I decided to take a chance on this book. Karen Erickson wrote a great story, and I really loved the characters in this one. Her writing style was enjoyable to read, and there were plenty of sweet and steamy moments which made this one a win for me. I do think that anytime you write a contemporary romance based on a fake marriage or a marriage of convenience, that you are sort of setting yourself up for an uphill battle. But even though it can be a tough story to sell in today's day in age, I thought that Erickson did a great job of making it not only seem possible but actually making it work.

Sheridan is struggling to not only be a successful artist, but also to hold onto her studio. It is in a great location and there are plenty of people who are offering to buy it from her. But it was her grandma's and she refuses to part with it. At a local event, she meets Jared Quinn. He is the local NFL team's quarterback and is known for being a ladies man. Jared and Sheridan spend a passionate night together, but she knows that she needs to stay away in order to protect herself from falling for someone who doesn't commit. She never expects him to show up the next day with his publicist and suggest a mutually beneficial marriage of convenience. If they stay married for a year with no one finding out, not only will Jared's tattered reputation be restored, but Sheridan will end up with enough money to save her studio as well as gain the notoriety she needs to sell her artwork. After thinking it through, Sheridan decides to accept the deal with one tiny caveat. She gets her lawyer to put in a no sex clause so that she will have the distance needed from Jared to protect her heart. Only once they are married and get to know each other better, it becomes harder and harder to keep their hands to themselves. When real feelings start to develop, the both begin to realize that their marriage isn't as fake as it started out to be. Can they turn their fake marriage into a real one, and what will happen if the truth about everything comes out?

I really liked Jared. He was sexy and confident without being a total jerk. He was also sweet and thoughtful. I loved that he was a great friend and teammate and that he always was thinking about others first before himself. It was great to see a hero that had every right to be cocky and arrogant, but yet when it came down to it would always put others ahead of his own needs and wants. I really liked getting to see his thoughts and how he was feeling as he got to know Sheridan better and spend time with her. I also really liked Sheridan. I thought that she was strong and determined and a really kind and thoughtful person. I loved that she was so generous with the community and did a lot of charity work that she kept out of the spotlight. She did things because it was important to her rather than for the publicity. I also really loved how much she cared about Jared. It was so sweet watching her put him first and really take care of him. He wasn't used to having someone put him first and I loved that she always seemed to know just what he needed. Sheridan and Jared were really sweet together, but they also had a ton of chemistry and the attraction was there from the start. These two had a ton of steam, and their scenes together were really sexy. I thought they were great together, and I knew that there was no way that their marriage would stay fake when they were clearly meant to be with each other.

Overall, I thought that Game for Marriage was a great story. I really found Sheridan and Jared to be believable and real despite the way that their relationship started. I loved that they brought out the best in each other and that they were unable to fight what was between them. It was really cute watching them admit their feelings to one another, and I loved how Jared proved himself to Sheridan. I also really enjoyed the secondary characters as well. I am really looking forward to getting more of Nick and Willow, and hopefully seeing a bit more of Sheridan and Jared as well. This story was charming and filled with everything that I had hoped for in a great love story. Fans of contemporary romance will enjoy the sweetness, but also keep turning the pages for the undeniable chemistry between Sheridan and Jared. This book was a great quick read, and I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of a good love story. Sheridan and Jared are easy to love and find interesting, and the reader can't help but become invested in their story.

**Copy provided by Publisher**

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