
Review: Jane's Gift by Karen Erickson

So far everything that I have read by Karen Erickson, I have really enjoyed. Jane's Gift is no exception. Being part of the Bliss line from Entangled, Jane's Gift is more sweet and sensual than the sexually charged stories that Erickson usually writes. While normally I really love the sexy and steamier reads the most, I found that I was enjoying this story so much that I didn't miss it like I thought I might. This book is a great holiday read and really brings out the spirit of the season.

After losing her husband in a tragic house fire that left her covered in scars, Jane takes her three small children and moves back to her hometown. Her family and friends rally around her to help out. When her brother Mac sets up a tour with the local fire captain Christian in order to ease the kids' fear, sparks fly between Jane and Christian. Christian is not one for commitment, and Jane is still mourning the loss of her husband as well as self conscious over the scars the fire left behind. But the attraction the feel to each other is unlike any they have felt before. Soon they are unable to fight the connection they feel to each other and they give in to their feelings. Can Christian get past his fear of relationships and commitment, or will the idea of a ready made family and a future be too much for him to overcome? And will Jane be able to leave behind her past and open herself up enough to let Christian in and share herself with him?

I liked Christian. He was a nice guy. I loved that he was persistent in his pursuit of Jane. He never gave up and kept trying no matter how many times she rejected him. I also really liked how understanding and patient he was with not only Jane, but also her kids. He was sweet and sexy, and he was also a great leader and friend. He was a very likable guy and was very easy to root for. Even though he did make a few mistakes, you could tell that he was scared and in unfamiliar territory, making it easy to overlook. I liked Jane. She was a great mom and a survivor. She was a little timid and self conscious about the way she looked after all that she had been through, which was completely understandable. I liked that she began to open up to Christian and he helped her to see that she was pretty despite all that happened to her. He was able to help her emotionally heal and grow and it was really sweet to see. Christian and Jane were a great fit for each other, and I thought that they not only had great chemistry together, but that they also developed a great connection. I liked watching them as their relationship slowly progressed, and I felt that it was very real and believable.

Overall, Jane's Gift was short and sweet. This book was filled with warmth and holiday spirit, and really got me in the mood for the season. I liked all the characters, including the secondaries. I am interested to read more about them, and can't wait to continue this series. Next up is Jane's brother Cameron and I'm excited to get to know him better! I am also anxious to read more about Mac! (hint hint!) Jane's Gift is definitely a book that I would recommend, especially if you love a good holiday romance. This story is heartwarming and has lots of sweet and touching moments. I know that this story will be one that I will want to read every holiday season, just to get more of Jane and Christian and feel the holiday cheer! If you haven't read this one yet, I highly suggest that you check it out! I think that you will fall in love with the little town of Lone Pine Lake and its residents and enjoy reading about them getting their HEAs.

**Copy provided by Publisher**

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