
Romance is Bliss Event with Ophelia London

Meet Bliss author, Ophelia London.

Ophelia London was born and raised among the redwood trees in beautiful northern California. Once she was fully educated, she decided to settle in Florida, but her car broke down in Texas and she's lived in Dallas ever since. A cupcake and treadmill aficionado (obviously those things are connected), she spends her time watching arthouse movies and impossibly trashy TV, while living vicariously through the characters in the books she writes.

Places to find Ophelia:

I come from a family of six kids. (I know, right?) I’m number five. When I was little, I cherished spending one-one-one time with my mother. At a very young age, I realized Mom and I had something special in common: we loved old movies. I adored being able to live for a time in the glossy, white floor world of Fred Astaire, and Cary Grant’s quippy charm, and especially the romantic comedies of Doris Day. From an early age, I learned to appreciate pure escapism. When my interests turned from movies to books, that desire stuck with me.

And there is no better escape than romance!

I love to watch it, read it and especially write it. But let’s stick with the reading about it for a bit. My book preference began to take shape when I was doing my undergrad in English. That was where I first fell in love with the regency masters, particularly Jane Austen. Though I’ve never had a desire to write regency novels of my own, I simply adore living in Jane’s world. The clothing, the country living, the manners and traditions, the hopes to break free from those traditions to find true love. Talk about escapism!

When I first started writing seriously, my stories either revolved around relationships or the relationship played an important part. I like to keep my stories light and happy and fun, because that’s still what I like to read the most. When I sit down to read or write, I want to be taken away, I want to fall in love with the characters and leave with a huge smile, stupid on my face. Real life can be hectic enough—why not use our precious spare time to make the world a little lovelier and a little more romantic? That’s my motto, anyway. =)

During all these years of romance writing, I knew I was bound to create my own “Mr. Darcy” someday. And finally, I did! My newest novel, DEFINITELY, MAYBE IN LOVE, is a fun and smexy modern retelling of Pride & Prejudice set at Stanford University. My Darcy and Lizzy are two college students metaphorically chained to each other while writing a research paper, who can’t seem to agree on anything…except what a good kisser the other is.

Do you have a favorite classic story (or hero) that you would love to see as a modern day retelling? Tell me all about it…

Spring Honeycutt wants two things: to ace her sustainable living thesis and to save the environment. Both seem hopelessly unobtainable until her college professor suggests that with a new angle, her paper could be published. Spring swears she’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that happens.

“Whatever it takes,” however, means forming a partnership with the very hot, very privileged, very conceited Henry Knightly.

Henry is Spring's only hope at publication, but he's also the über-rich son of a land developer and cash-strapped Spring’s polar opposite. Too bad she can't help being attracted to the way he pushes her buttons, both politically and physically. As they work on her thesis, Spring finds there's more to Henry than his old money and argyle sweaters…but can she drop the loud-and-proud act long enough to let him in? Suddenly, choosing between what she wants and what she needs puts Spring at odds with everything she believes in.

Definitely, Maybe in Love is a modern take on Pride and Prejudice that proves true love is worth risking a little pride.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 I <3 Mr. Darcy Tote Bag

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Ophelia's question: Do you have a favorite classic story (or hero) that you would love to see as a modern day retelling? Tell me all about it…
  • US Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Vicki Wilkerson for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Im not sure...maybe Gone with the Wind? lol Id like to see a newer version of that.

Jenafyre said...

Persuasion! Love the story, would love to see a remake for modern times.

Susan P said...

Oh goodness, I have no clue who to pick. I can't think of a classic that I love that hasn't been done. I stink at thinking of things like that. :)

Unknown said...

I am a big fan of when fairytales get redone.

Ophelia London said...

Stay tuned, I'm working on a spin off of DMIL loooosly based on Persuasion. :)

lorimeehan said...

I like fairy tales retold with a naughty twist ;)

erin said...

Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester!!! Thanks for sharing :)

Beautiful Disaster said...

Gone with the Wind :)

Anonymous said...

Pride & Prejudice's Mr. Darcy of course!

I just saw Austenland in the theater last night and there were people everywhere (in the film) walking around with I <3 Mr. Darcy totes. It was awesome and I would definitely love to have one for myself!!

PM350 said...

sorry guys
don't think GWTW should be messed with

I do like fairy tales -- with a naughty twist idea

TerrieLynn61 said...

I would love to see "Gone with the Wind".

Ophelia London said...

Austenland is where I got the idea for the giveaway. :)

Annwitch said...

I loved Bridget Jones as a retelling of Pride and Prejudice.

Natasha said...

I would love to get to see Gone With the Wind.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Sue G. said...

The movie Grease but in today's world.

Anonymous said...

Did you like the movie? Once I got past the lack of the Austen like film I was expecting and settled into the hilarity, I loved it! Jennifer Coolidge was crazy! Perfect for that role!

Sandy Kenny said...

Hmmm...I love anything of Jane Austen's...although Pride and Prejudice seems to be everyone's favorite, I tend to like Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion. Thank you for posting here--I love finding new authors to read, and this is my go-to place to find awesome reads! :)

Meghan said...

I would like to read Jane Eyre retold.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Michelle said...

I'd love to see a retelling of Emma. I know it's not one of the "more popular" books, but I found it very humorous!

Stephanie @ Love. Life. Read said...

I would definitely say Sense and Sensibility would be my choice. :) It is a great novel and do love the movie adaptation with Emma Thompson.

Daphne said...

I love Darcy, he's such an enigma. I have read tons of retellings & it's always interesting to delve into his psyche.

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