
Romance is Bliss Event with Roxanne Snopek

Meet Bliss author, Roxanne Snopek.

Roxanne Snopek is the author of ten books, more than 150 articles, and has had short fiction published in several anthologies. She is currently serving as Vice-President of the Romance Writers of America Greater Vancouver Chapter. She and her family live in the Pacific Northwest, where she’s at work on more love stories for Entangled Publishing.

Places to find Roxanne:

Why I Write Romance

I had my first crush about the time I started school. A little boy named Tommy. He was very cute (duh –he was five!) with dark hair and sweet eyes. He had a sprained ankle or something and his big brother brought him to school in a wagon.

In my fantasy, I got to pull that little red wagon. (Keep it clean, people.)

Yes, that was my fantasy. Dragging my broken hero around in a red Radio Flyer. Hey, I was five.

Skip ahead several stages/years/decades. I dated some good guys. A fun-loving athlete who looked like Orlando Bloom and was devoted to me. A strong, silent farmer with a kind heart and a quarter-section of land. That cute blonde with the trust fund.

Unfortunately, something was always missing. Orlando was sweet, but not enough to beat out bad knees and a speech impediment. Trust-fund-boy had a weak chin. The farmer’s self-sufficiency just didn’t turn my crank. Also, he was built like a Weeble.

But the whisky-eyed intellectual crippled by self-doubt? The passionate activist who intended to save the world or die trying? That foreign guy with the prison record? Sign me up!

Don’t worry, I slipped my noose of bad decisions just in time. (I drew the line at lithium and assault rifles. Unless he’s Jax Teller or Patrick Jane, I recommend you do the same. Just my 0.02.)

It occurred to me that one of the forces driving me is the need to be needed. I wasn’t drawn so much to the drama of the bad boys as I was to the vulnerability I saw in them. They weren’t bad; they were strays, outsiders, broken boys in little red wagons, who hid their wounds beneath leather, sarcasm and delusions of grandeur. (Plus the occasional psychotic break.)

Turns out that while these wounded heroes are not the best choice for Real Life, they make excellent fiction. On the page, I can explore the source of their wounds, create scenarios in which they learn to overcome them, and put in their paths women who bring out their best qualities without being destroyed. I can create heroines who change and grow in response to the men they love while remaining true to themselves.

This is the official reason I write romance: to create the ultimate fantasy, in which two people see each other at their very worst, and within a couple hundred pages, become their very best, through the power of love. Boom! The End.

And here’s the deeper reason. I write romance to remind myself that as continually-changing, ever-wounded, ever-healing heroes and heroines of our own stories, we get to build our own Real Life Happily-Ever-Afters, not just once, but over and over and over.

Love works. And love is work. And that’s the truth.

The End.

This cowboy doesn't know what he's in for...

Real-estate tycoon Mitchell Granger has a problem. In order to secure a lucrative deal with an eccentric client, he told the teeny white lie that he was engaged…and now he needs to prove it. Even worse? The only name that came to mind was Sabrina Becker, the girl he was never good enough for growing up, and who still lives near his family ranch.

Sabrina doesn’t mind posing as Mitch’s fake fiancĂ©e—no, she doesn’t mind at all. One, she’ll make him pay with new construction for her business. And two, Sabrina’s got a plan to exact revenge on her first love, the boy who left her and Three River Ranch behind. She’ll pretend so well, he’ll fall in love with her…and then he’ll get a taste of what true heartbreak feels like.

But as Mitch sheds his corporate skin and picks up his dusty jeans and cowboy hat, will both his and Sabrina’s grand plans get derailed by love?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook of Choice from The Three Rivers Ranch series

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Roxanne.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Roxanne Snopek for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Are any of the characters from this series based on anyone you know or solely from your imagination? Ive loved this series so far btw! ;)

Marcy Meyer said...

Thanks for the great giveaway chance! This series looks great! Can't wait to read it!

lorimeehan said...

The book looks really good. Thank you for the giveaway chance.

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Dani! Hi Roxanne! Gosh, this post was really great, Roxanne. Thanks for sharing why you write romance! As you know, I am a huge fan of your River Ranch series and can't wait for more! Hurry up and type faster, would you please? ;)

Unknown said...

You're welcome, Kathy!

Unknown said...

I'm delighted to hear it, Karen! Imagination, mostly. Though I think there are teeny-tiny mash-ups of various people in some of my characters, as well. Unconsciously done, of course. ;)

Unknown said...

I hope you like it, Marcy!

Unknown said...

You're welcome, Lori! Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Hi Robin! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for popping in to see us!

And now I'll get off the Internet right now and get back to work! Since you asked so nicely. ;)

Paula Altenburg said...

Love this series! And I'm a total sucker for bad boys with good intentions. Well, maybe okay intentions.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Paula! We just love to find the good in them, right?

Sue G. said...

Ooh, you must have been a spitfire in your younger days! Already wanting to push, I mean pull a boy around at 5! ;)

Sandy Kenny said...

Thank you so much for such an awesome giveaway! Also, it feels good to know that I am not the only one who had a crush at so young an age--mine was a few years older and my older brother's best friend, someone who was considered a "bad boy" but was always kind and respectful to me and my family (we were his "normal" defacto family)...of course it helped that he was super cute!

books4me said...

Roxanne, where do your ideas for books come from?

Thanks for the giveaway!


TerrieLynn61 said...

I love cowboys! I haven't read this series yet but I do have it on my "Must Read" list. Thanks for the opportunity to win an ecopy.

Janice said...

Thanks for the giveaway. The synopsis drew me right in. I can't wait to read.

Unknown said...

I wish. Remember, Sue, that was my fantasy. Never actually got up the incredible courage necessary to act on it. Now I'm sad for 5-year old me. Never mind, I'm over it.

Unknown said...

AHH, Sandra! That's the premise of my current work-in-progress!!! Older brother's best friend more or less grows up in the family... only younger sister doesn't quite see him as a "brother." You, my dear, are a real-life romance heroine!

Unknown said...

Short attention span meets wildly erratic imagination plus a good dash of voyeurism. Hm. Maybe not that last bit. And yes, I said erratic. Not erotic.

Unknown said...

You're welcome, jTerrieLynn! As far as I'm concerned, cowboys are like bacon. You can try not to like them, but really, who can resist?

Unknown said...

Well, I'm so glad to hear it, Janice! I hope you like it. Good luck with the draw, maybe you'll get to read it for free!

erin said...

congrats to Roxanne on the new release! Thanks so much for sharing ;)

Glenda said...

Looks like a great book and great series! Thanks for sharing!

Meghan said...

Hi Roxanne! If you could choose any author, dead or living, to collaborate with who would you choose and why?
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Erin! I appreciate the good karma!

Unknown said...

You're welcome, Glenda! If you read any of them, do let me know what you think!

Unknown said...

At the moment, I'm reading Sandra Brown's Envy. You know how sometimes you read a book and you think, "I should try writing a book like that." And sometimes you read something and go "Holy moly. How on earth did she pull that off??" That's what I feel reading Envy. Elaborate plotting, the kind that I love to read but have NO CLUE how to actually write. So, if I could get inside Sandra Brown's head, see how she plots, how she keeps it all straight... wow, I'd be on that like stink on a pig.

Thanks for asking! (Bet your sorry now, aren't you? ;))

MissRlovesbooks said...

Can't wait to read this! Ty for the giveaway :)

Mary Preston said...


how much input do you have for your fantastic covers?

Unknown said...

You're welcome!

Unknown said...

More than a lot of authors, Mary! They ask me for an art fact sheet, early on, in which I describe my main characters, the setting, general mood, etc. They take it from there. Because my books are part of the Bliss imprint, the designs all incorporate the same features, the bottom swoop, the fonts, etc. I get to see a mock-up, once it's ready. Theoretically, I could suggest changes at that point, I suppose, but I've always loved my covers. Besides, what do I know about cover art?? I'm glad to hear you like them as much as I do! Thanks for the question.

Esined615 said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to read Fake Fiance, Real Revenge. Great title!

Jolene and Family said...

Cant' wait to read the Three River Ranch series!!

Unknown said...

Thanks! We batted around a few titles, and this is the one that stuck. Glad to hear it works!

Unknown said...

Delighted to hear it! Hope you enjoy it, Jolene!

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