
Romance is Bliss Event with Sara Daniel

Meet Bliss author, Sara Daniel.

I write what I love—irresistible romance, from sweet to erotic and everything in between. On the personal side, I'm a frazzled maid, chauffeur, and slave to my children. I was once a landlord of two uninvited squirrels. (The children's book The Bravest Squirrel Ever by my alter-ego Sara Shafer is the squirrel's fictionalized version of that experience!) I'm crazy about country music and the drama of NASCAR. And I have my very own happily-ever-after romance with my hero husband.

Places to find Sara:

Why I Love Reading and Writing Romance

1. The Love Story: Obviously, right? I love to read about two people who care about each other so much that they’ll fight for each other. I love that they believe in each other more than anyone ever has before or will again. There is something so satisfying, so heartwarming to watch two characters fall in love, usually against their will, and rise above all the conflict to live out that love they deserve.

2. The Emotions: No other genre does the roller coaster of emotions like romance. One minute I’m laughing at a particularly witty line of dialogue, and the next I’m sobbing as the hero or heroine takes a figurative (and occasionally literal) punch to the gut. Does your life feel stale and blah? For the hours that you’re reading a romance, you’re living the gentleness of the hero caressing your cheek, the frustration of that one person who always has to make life difficult, the thrill of finally giving said person their comeuppance, the sweetness of a first kiss, the stark terror of falling for the person who could cause you to lose everything, and absolute joy of spending forever with the love of your life.

3. The Happily Ever After: Of course, we all know how a romance novel ends. The hero and heroine get together and live happily ever after. Some people scoff at this guarantee, but it is my number one reason why I will always read and write romance novels. Every day you can pick up the newspaper and read about a life that ends in tragedy. In our own lives and in the lives of our friends and neighbors, there are problems that we can’t wave a wand and make everything magically turn out okay. Who needs to read about more pain, suffering and general cynicism? Definitely not me. Instead, sit down for a couple hours and escape to a romance. Vicariously conquer every roadblock thrown at you. Best of all, no one can take away your happily ever after when you reach the end.

Leave a comment telling me why you read romances to be entered to win a “Live Your Dreams” charm and a Small Town, Big Dreams series magnet (US only).

Sometimes dreams are where you least expect them.

Connor O’Malley and Becca Sanders were once high school sweethearts, ripped apart by rumors in the small town of Kortville, Illinois. Connor left to join the military, and Becca stayed, waiting for her younger brother to graduate so she could live her dreams of traveling the world. But now that Connor's back as the town sheriff, Becca finds herself struggling to resist the too-handsome man who once broke her heart.

Connor loves Kortville—its quaintness keeps at bay the painful memories of Afghanistan he’s sure make him unworthy of any woman, particularly the beautiful brunette he’s always secretly dreamed of a future with. But when a scandal rocks the town, suddenly Connor and Becca must trust in each other if they want to weather this storm…and come out on the other side of it together.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |
Click for info.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 "Live Your Dreams" Charm + Magnet

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Sara's question: Why do you read romance?
  • US Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sara Daniel for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

I just love that everything ends happily! The world and our lives are so full of problems lately and I like to just "escape into a story". :)

lorimeehan said...

I love a happy ever after!

books4me said...

I read romance to escape! Give me a cup of java, my warm chair with my puppy at my side with a good book and I can get lost for days :)


Rhonda D said...

I love second chance romances and Sara Daniel's books so I can't wait to read this book! Thanks for sharing!

TerrieLynn61 said...

I love reading romance because they take me to a place where I can pretend that all is well in the world. Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway.

Sandy Kenny said...

I love the tension that leads up to the HEA. I love reading romance for the escapism it provides me. Thank you for the great post!

Michelle said...

Love Him or Leave Him was a great story! I love reading romance stories because I love to see couples overcome all of the odds & find their HEA.

Meghan said...


Natasha said...

For the escape and the happy endings!
Thanks for the chance to win!

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