
A Naughty New Year with Cari Quinn and Giveaway

A Naughty New Year - Cari Quinn

USA Today bestselling author Cari Quinn gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars. When not scribbling furiously, she can be found watching men’s college basketball or playing her music too loud. Visit her at to sign up for her brand new newsletter (Contests! Excerpts! Fun!) - or join her reader group, the Word Wenches on Facebook (Even more contests! Excerpts! Fun!) 

Places to find Cari:

Don’t forget the cling wrap and butter…

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be here today as part of the Naughty New Year’s event! I love New Year’s for a lot of reasons, not the least of which that it’s so exciting to turn the page on a new year. Imagine all of the possibilities! Another reason I love New Year’s is that it’s the perfect time to celebrate a new romance. When I was thinking of which characters I would share for this event, I realized the answer was simple—I’d share a never before revealed scene with Noelle (Nellie) and Jake from No Dress Required, the first book in the Love Required series from Entangled Publishing. As Jake’s little sister’s best friend, Nellie was sure he’d never noticed her. Until a carjacking on New Year’s Eve proves otherwise, anyway!

It’s been almost two years to the day that I published this sweet, sexy novella. If you’re looking for a perfect bite-sized romance to enjoy during the turn of the year, this one can be fit in between your fancy dinner and champagne toast. Or, you know, the next morning when you’re recovering in bed. ;)

Not only am I going to share a funny, sexy (NC-17 for sure!) scene from No Dress Required, there’s a chance to win an eBook combo pack of both NDR and No Flowers Required, the second book in the series, plus a $10.00 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card (open internationally if I can email you the gift card for your chosen store; if not, you can pick two more of my eBooks of your choice!) All you have do is share who YOU would love to spend New Year’s Eve with and you’ll be entered into the contest! Happy holidays! =)


“It’s almost time for the New Year’s kiss,” Jake said. “You know what the legend is, right?”

“That the person you kiss will be the one you kiss all year?” Nellie replied.

“Yes.” On TV, the announcer started to count down the big ball’s drop in Times Square. “I take such legends seriously.”

Her heart pounded loud enough she was sure he’d be able to hear it. “Oh, do you?” He’s flirting. Just teasing.

“Very.” He leaned in and, keeping his eyes on hers, ran the tip of his tongue over her upper lip. “So you might want to be sure before you go for it.”

Playfully she let her own tongue sneak out to flick along the underside of his. “Does it still count if I kiss somewhere other than your mouth?”

Nellie didn’t hear Jake’s answer—or the rest of the countdown for that matter—because he groaned and pulled her onto his lap. Then she couldn’t hear anything at all as he kissed her thoroughly enough for this year and next.

She clung to him when they finally parted to breathe, afraid to break the spell.

“Can we—can I—” He panted against her cheek and tried again. “Let me do things to you.”

“Anything.” Everything. Please.

“If you want me to stop, just tell me. I will.” He shuddered when she rubbed the planes of his chest through his shirt. “It might kill me, but I will. I promise.”

“No stopping.” She grabbed the remote and aimed it at the TV, then slid back into place on his lap and tentatively brushed against his erection. Judging from the ripple of his throat as he swallowed, he liked it. She ground harder and reveled in his soft, eager groan. Her face—and other parts of her—heated with pleasure. “Now where were we?”

Wordlessly, he yanked off her shirt. After he’d tossed it aside, he took another of those shuddery breaths and went to work on the front clasp of her bra, his fingers so far from steady, she had to help him.

And, oh God, wasn’t it a thrill to see Jake shaking over her? Average little Nellie Gregory, formerly classified as “little sister” in his mind.

Not anymore.

“Finally.” He pulled the bra off and sent it flying, his expression nothing short of reverent as he touched her bared flesh. “You’re so fucking hot. Just like I knew you would be.”

Before she had time to process that, he closed his lips around one erect nipple and pulled, nearly upending her onto the floor with the force of his suction. He did it again and again, shifting his attention between her breasts while he ran his hands up and down her sides. She clutched his head and moaned, stunned that what she’d wanted for so long had finally arrived and it was even better than she’d guessed.

His eyes never left hers. Arousal darkened his green irises, tinting them with a passion she hadn’t ever experienced before. And she knew if she could see her own, the same expression would be reflected there.

She rocked against him, taking pleasure in every one of his strained pants. His breath scalded her skin and the zipper of his jeans hit her just right as she leaned closer, pressing more of her breast into his mouth. Almost there.

He jerked back and shoved his hand into her yoga pants. “Sorry. Can’t wait.” He nudged aside her saturated panties and groaned. “Oh shit. You’re soaked.”

His long, agile fingers zeroed in on the tight cluster of nerves that throbbed so insistently. She gasped in time with his rapid circling, strangely proud that she was so wet. Now he knew without a doubt how much she wanted this. Him.

Jake stretched his fingers lower, probing her damp slit. Without looking away, he slipped one finger inside, groaning again when she arched and grabbed hold of his shoulders.

Several more thrusts of his finger and strokes of his thumb and she dug in her nails and gasped. “Jake. You’re going to make me come.”

His fevered “Yes” gave her permission to let go. To soar with him strong and steady beneath her, his body trembling in time with hers.

“More.” He dragged her pants and underwear down and somehow lifted her without seeming to move, driving her down into the cushions and racing his hungry mouth over her quivering flesh. Without preamble, he shifted on top of her, his weight heavy on her legs, and began nuzzling her breasts and belly. And then lower, finally stopping when he spread open her thighs and kissed her intimately.

She flew upward, her hips jerking against his lips as if he’d turned on some internal motor only he controlled. His tongue pierced her, driving deep, while he reached up to squeeze her breasts, his hands and mouth ruling her with a mastery that made her whimper.

Dear God, she was going to come again with just a few more thrusts. She’d never wanted a man with such intensity. Never dreaded and longed for a climax so much.

“Don’t hold back. Scream for me.” Jake slid both hands under her ass, urging her that much closer to his mouth. “God, Nellie.” He buried his face between her shaking legs, exploring her while she scraped her nails through his hair and prayed it would never end.

And then it did, in a hot blast of intense pleasure that stole a cry from her throat. She couldn’t see beyond the pinwheel of exploding stars in her vision. But she didn’t want to see anymore, not when she could feel his hands squeezing her ass cheeks and his mouth caressing her in the dark.

Eventually, he asked, “Are you okay?”

Somehow his roughened voice reached her where she’d drifted. She knew she smiled, heard her own contented sigh, but speaking wasn’t possible.

He brushed more kisses over her mound and chuckled, not needing words to understand. Soon his kisses turned exploratory again and she stretched her arms above her head, moving with his mouth as if they’d been doing this for years.

When he nipped her clit, the jolt had her eyes flying open. He was laughing at her, his beautiful eyes radiant with desire. “There you are. Thought you were going to sleep on me.”

“Hardly.” She scooted forward on the couch until his body loomed over hers and tugged up his T-shirt. He helped her remove it, and then together they went to work on his jeans, shedding them and his boxers in a hurry.

When he was naked in front of her, his cock hard and thick against his stomach, she fisted her hands and breathed. Here he was, ready for her. So stiff and vulnerable while he waited for her touch. So why was she hesitating? She should seize this moment—seize him—with both hands.


“Have you ever wanted something so much it scares you?” She knew he’d think she meant sex but she couldn’t articulate the rest. Her heart felt too fragile right now to lay at his feet, while everything inside her still throbbed and burned.

“Yes. Right now actually.” His unsteady laugh as he brushed his hand over the back of her head eased her nerves. Another man might’ve drawn her mouth to his obviously eager cock, but he just kissed her forehead. “You’re a treasure, you know that? Thank you for giving yourself to me.”

Don’t cry. Her misty smile vanished when he unfolded his lanky frame from the couch and stood up.

“Where are you going?”

“Nowhere.” He helped her to her feet. “Turn around and put your hands on the back of the sofa for me.”

She didn’t think to refuse. Whatever he intended to show her, she ached to learn. When she was in position, he rubbed against her, the full weight of his cock a steady pressure against her ass. She let out a sigh. “Is it time for the cling wrap and butter since we don’t have any condoms?”

Jake chuckled and slid his arm up between her breasts to grip her shoulder. “No. It’s time for us to get creative.“

She braced herself, unsure of what would come next. “Jake?”

He adjusted his stance so that he could ease his erection between her thighs. At the first slide of his flesh against hers, she gasped. Something so forbidden shouldn’t feel so good. “Just trust me.”

“I do.” With everything.

He started to move between her legs, slow and sure. She rocked, providing the counterpoint to his thrusts as he gripped her hips and slid between her thighs, the most erotic simulation of sex she’d ever experienced.

“Quick learner.” He trailed kisses between her shoulder blades while he fumbled for her clit. His ministrations had made her even more slippery and swollen and he made a sound deep in his throat upon discovering that fact. “So about that cling wrap thing. Does it really work?”

In lieu of a reply, she laughed and dropped her forehead onto the arm of the couch. His strokes gained speed, in and out, driving just that much farther each time so that if she looked down, there he was, teasing her with the endless possibilities finally within her grasp. Possibilities she’d never let herself consider when the joy and wonder—and, okay, the innate ohmy-God, I-have-Jake-naked aspect—of ever knowing him this way had seemed out of reach.

She swiveled her hips and reached down to stroke the head of his cock, her gasps joining his at the first feel of his hard-on in her hand. Smooth and hot, wide and strong. She wanted him inside her, filling her, uniting them. It might not be the best timing, but maybe she could finally express how she felt. Maybe now, after this, he would begin to open up enough to let her to love him.

Wait a second. Love him? Since when? This was just sex—

His broken groan yanked her away from her disjointed thoughts. Her little psychoanalysis would have to wait. Her heart and mind distilled to the strip of manic pleasure between her thighs. If she’d had any sense left, his wild heaves against her sensitive flesh would’ve destroyed it.

And then he was thrusting harder and faster than before. So fast, she knew he couldn’t last long. “Nellie, baby, I’m going to—”

Before he could finish, she spun around. She noted his surprised expression with a grin and dropped to her knees in front of him. Her grip was steady as she brought his erection to her mouth, extending her tongue for a long lick while she maintained the eye contact that felt so natural between them. He didn’t grab onto her hair and drag her closer. Instead he threaded his fingers through her curls tenderly, his touch as light as a caress. The exact opposite of how she was working his cock with tongue, lips, and teeth.

She sucked him down, his agonized moan triggering her own. God, she wanted to make him lose it. She focused hard on his strained features as he tensed and finally fisted his hands in her hair, the bright green of his eyes hazing before he gave himself over to her.

Afterward, she pressed her cheek to his thigh. A tremble moved through his body. “I think you missed the best part of New Year’s,” he said. The great gulps of air he dragged in didn’t make him sound any less breathless.

She glanced up, smiling faintly. “What’s that?”

“The fireworks.” As if he’d been struck dumb, he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “In my head. It is still attached, right?”

“Most definitely.” She laughed and nipped his belly. “Both of them.”

After years of ho-hum dating, Noelle Gregory is tired of fooling around. There's only ever been one guy for her--Jake Conroy, her best friend's older brother. Now that Jake's back in town, she's headed to his sister's New Year's Eve party to make her move. Purse full of condoms? Check. Sparkly dress guaranteed to show Jake the sexy woman she's become? Check.

Carjacker that makes off with both two hours before the party? Check.

When Jake finds Noelle stranded on the side of the road--looking sexier than ever in her striped socks and silly holiday shirt, damn it--he's glad for the snowstorm that cancels his sister's party. His and Noelle's friendship has tormented him for years, and now, Jake wonders if he should dare to sample what he's always wanted…and if he'll be able to walk away when it's over.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Check out the Love Required series:
Click for info.

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Gift Card, eBook copy of No Dress Required & No Flowers Required

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Cari's question: Who do you want to spend New Year's Eve with?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Cari Quinn for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jane said...

I would love to spend New Year's Eve with Tom Hiddleston.

Erica said...

Gah, I love Cari Quinn's books :) I would settle for spending NYE with pretty much any nice sexy man ;)

kathy p said...

With my husband!

mk said...

With my hubby!

erin said...

after the personal drama of the last few days, I'd have to say just my dog! LOL :) Thanks for such *hawt* story!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I want to spend NYE with my husband and kids.

AquarianDancer said...

I'd love to spend it with friends, but I will be working.

Rebe said...

I want to spend it with my husband - we didn't get to spend Christmas together this year!

Unknown said...

I'll be spending NYE with my boyfriend!

Cassie Polla said...

My hubby and kids!

Marcy Meyer said...

I'm going to spend New Year's Ever with my husband and sons, plus we're having a late Christmas get together with his family that evening too.

Linda Henderson said...

With my grandkids, so their parents can go out and celebrate.

Unknown said...

Going to spend New Year's Eve with my family.

Unknown said...

Going to spend New Year's Eve with my family.

NoraA said...

Going to spend New Year's Eve with my wife and another couple from our Temple. A very quiet evening of dinner out and a movie.

Unknown said...

My hubby!

krg said...

I love spending NYE with my husband. This year we have friends coming from out of town so I am looking forward to celebrating with them also. =D

Glenda said...

With my family. I know my husband will be home, not sure yet if my 17 and 19 year olds will be home or at friend's.....

Preet said...

I'll be celebrating NYE with family and friends. We usually go to church every year. It's always packed and a great time.

kmannrn said...

My husband!. I look forward to reading this book.

Debby said...

I shall spend it with my husband.

Bookgirl said...

A sexy man would do, that would make my New Years Eve!

PM350 said...

I'm grouchy old woman - my CAT

Natasha said...

My family.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

My friends and family.

dstoutholcomb said...

my husband

lorimeehan said...

With my husband he works in Florida so I only see him about once a month.

Esined615 said...

I want to spend it with my husband but he goes to work on the morning of the 31st and comes home the morning of the 2nd. I will get my kiss then.

Cindi said...

I want to spend it with the same people I've been spending NYE with for the last nineteen years---my children and family (parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews) and now my boyfriend:)

Unknown said...

Family! NYE is always spent with my family every year. My siblings and I would stay up late watching movie

MissRlovesbooks said...

My hubby and granddaughter :) Thank you for the giveaway!

Pamk said...

my family though sometimes I could pinch my teenage son's head off. He's 17 and thinks he can do whatever he wants lol

Unknown said...

With my hubby and kids. :) Nothing better then spending it with the ones you love.

lisagkendall said...

With my hubby, niece, nephew in law, good friends. Thanks for asking.

Cari Quinn said...

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! I'm so excited and grateful to be here today and it's so much fun reading about all of your New Year's plans. I hope you have fun no matter what you choose to do! And PM350...I'm with you, I think I'll be spending at least part of NYE with my cat too. :) Keep those comments coming and good luck in the contest!

lavendersbluegreen said...

Quiet night this year with a couple friends. Maybe drink some red wine and eat snackies...

Mary Preston said...

I will spend NYE with family.

Anne said...

My family, as usual.

Rhonda D said...

I spend NYE at home with my hubby and kids. We always ring in the NY together. :)

TerrieLynn61 said...

I am spending NYE with my niece and nephew and a bunch of their friends. Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway.

Unknown said...

I'd like to spend New Years with an old friend of mine I haven't seen since high school to catch up. I miss him.

Sue G. said...

My hubby like I have for the past 33 years!

Beautiful Disaster said...

My husband and children :)

books4me said...

I'm right where I want to be for hubby, daughter, and mom (and her hubby)...if my baby bro and his family were here, it would be beyond perfect. though.


Kim said...

I love spending NYE with my husband. Usually when the kids are asleep we watch so movie that is completely not kid friendly. I think last year it was one of The Hangover movies.

Kim said...

I love spending NYE with my husband. Usually when the kids are asleep we watch so movie that is completely not kid friendly. I think last year it was one of The Hangover movies.

Jo said...

I would have liked to spend NYE with my 2 sisters, but we are spread out across North America.

Unknown said...

I would have liked to spend NYE with my Panda(that's my boyfriends nickname)! :))

KV H said...

I spent New Year's Eve with my family.

Unknown said...

I spent New Year's Eve with my hubby & kids.

veRONIca said...

I would love to have spent it with Ryan Gosling (or you know the bf or whatever :P )

ilookfamous said...

New Years Eve w/Acheron from Sherilynn Kenyons Dark Hunter series! A man around since the beginning of time? No way would that conversation be lagging lol

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