
ARC Review: Cowboy’s Way by Cathryn Fox

Chase Cooper has his sights set on Mari Blair, he decides that it’s time to settle down and Mari is the person that he decides to settle with. There is a mix up in plans and Mari’s sister, Julia Blair is the one that ends up at the dude ranch with the sexy doctor/cowboy Chase Cooper. When Julia receives a mysterious note in the middle of the night she is not sure how to react but realizes that her quiet lifestyle needs a change.

Chase is shocked when he discovers that Julia is the one at the dude ranch and not Mari, but both decide that even though it was not what they planned on they are going to make the best of the situation. Chase realizes that he’s thought Julia was the right girl for him all along but she never gave him the time of day and seemed very disinterested in him. When Julia realizes that the invitation was meant for her sister she is ready to leave but Chase convinces her to stay until the next flight out and enjoy the ranch.

This was a very cute story. I really liked that both Chase and Julia were nervous about getting to know each other. They reminisce about their time together in high school and start to get to really know each other. Julia is bothered by the mix-up but when Chase finds her out for a swim and asks her for company, Julia can’t resist.

This was a short but incredibly sweet story about how Julia and Chase finally find their way to each other. What started out as a mix up ends up as a perfect love story.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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