
ARC Review: The Fine Line by Alicia Kobishop

The Fine Line is the debut novel of Alicia Kobishop. I never quite know what to expect with a debut novel, but I thought this one sounded interesting so I gave it a shot. I am always immediately drawn to stories that feature a heroine that is against love. I think that i'm drawn to them because they are usually unique and I like to watch as they open up and grow as they slowly realize that they can't fight it anymore. This book was not what I had been expecting, and although there were things that I liked about this one there were also quite a few things that I had some issues with. I thought that this book was written well though, and I enjoyed the author's writing style.

Liv has put up walls against ever letting anyone in again. After a past filled with people leaving her, she never wants to feel the emptiness they will inevitably leave behind when they leave her. But all of that begins to change when she meets Logan. She immediately is drawn to him and starts to feel as though he is different. Liv and Logan begin spending time together and develop an easy friendship. Logan wants more from Liv and thinks that they have a shot at having a great relationship together. However Liv is determined to keep things just friends. But she quickly finds out that it isn't always that easy to fight a connection and attraction like the one that they share. Can Liv take a risk and give a real relationship with Logan a chance? Or will they end up losing everything including their friendship?

I liked Logan. I thought that he was a nice guy and I loved how determined he was when it came to winning over Liv. I feel as though we don't really know him that well though. I would have liked to have seen more character development and see his motivation behind the street racing and his pursuit of Liv. I have to say that I didn't care for Liv as a heroine. I was never able to warm up to her and her push and pull with Logan really made it impossible for me to like her. I just don't think that she was fair to Logan with all the mixed signals. I understand that she was confused and trying to fight falling for him, but it still just didn't work for me. I honestly couldn't figure out why Logan kept trying to change her mind and why he would stick around for her. I think part of that is because we didn't really get much of Logan and his motivation. Liv and Logan did have chemistry and you could feel their attraction as well as the friendship they shared. But the whole relationship didn't really seem to be real to me after all the back and forth that they went through. I just didn't quite buy their HEA after all that had happened.

I also really didn't like some of the things that happened as far as Liv and Logan with other people. I know that they weren't together officially, but with the feelings that they had for each other it just seemed wrong for those things to keep happening. I really didn't like how they would sort of use these other people to get back at each other. It just left a bad taste in my mouth and it felt like cheating which I just can't stand. Not only did I not like that, but I also felt like they acted extremely immature at times and that drove me nuts. I also felt like Liv and Logan were never really allowed to have a real shot at a relationship between them. It seemed like every single time that they got close, something would happen to tear them apart. It just got to the point of being too much. By the time that the story was over, it was almost too little too late. Some of the obstacles thrown in their way at the end seemed to come out of nowhere for the sole purpose of drama, and they just seemed to really detract from the progress of Liv and Logan's relationship. I did like that Liv and Logan worked well together when they weren't fighting against their feelings. I thought that they were great friends and had a great foundation for a relationship. I just would have liked to have seen them really be together without so much constantly trying to be in the way of a future for them. It was nice to see Liv's growth from not wanting to have a relationship to finally admitting her feelings for Logan though.

Overall, I felt like Liv and Logan were great for each other and could have had a really wonderful relationship if they just would have been honest with each other and themselves. There was a lot of miscommunication between them as well as some very bad reactions to situations. I think that their relationship had a lot of promise though, and I would have liked to have seen more character depth and development. I think if we would have seen more of that and less drama and obstacles that their relationship would have been much more believable. I did however really like the author's writing style. I thought that the story flowed well and the pacing kept me interested and reading. I was drawn into the story and didn't feel as though my attention wandered at all. I was interested the whole time and despite the problems I had, I really wanted to know how Liv and Logan would end up. I think that Alicia Kobishop has a lot of promise, and I will look for more from her in the future. I think that this book was a good first effort, and I think that there are many New Adult fans that will enjoy reading The Fine Line. Give this one a shot if you like a friends to lovers story with some drama and angst mixed in.

**ARC provided by Author**

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