
ARC Review: If You Dare by Jessica Lemmon

This is a mixture of goose bumps, chemistry and love. Although I usually don’t like paranormal, spooky stories, I really enjoyed this one. Lily McIntire works with the sexy but insufferable Marcus Black. They are both very competitive and have a very combative relationship.

Marcus is a very talented and is giving a speech as the distinguished designer for the annual Retail Space Design dinner. Lily admires Marcus and appreciates his talent with design. Although Marcus is always teasing Lily she never guesses the real reason for the teasing-he has a crush on her. Because Marcus is use to women falling at his feet he can’t seem to get Lily to pay an attention to him. One night out for drinks he dares her to spend the night at a haunted house. Lily, although terrified of ghost, refuses to back down. Lily takes his challenge and the price is a trip to Hawaii that Marcus women at their company. Marcus has a condition of his own. If he wins he wants Lily to accompany him to the RSD dinner as his date. Lily can’t figure out why that would be his prize of choice.

At the haunted house Marcus decides to play a little prank on Lily so she will get scared and lose the wager. Both Lily and Marcus discover their true feelings for each other and finally come to turns with their mutual attraction but they are not alone… It turns out that there are things that go bump in the night and both Lily and Marcus are about to discover the ghost of Essie Mae but she has company.

I really thought that the author was able to combine mystery, romance and chemistry very well. Both Lily and Marcus were adorable to watch as they bickered and fought their feelings for each other. The paranormal element was very crafty and it intertwined well with the story. I won’t give away the ending-did Lily win her wager? This is a great and fun story to read and find out!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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