
ARC Review: Talking Dirty With The Player by Jacki Ashenden

Talking Dirty with the Player is the second book in Jackie Ashenden's Talking Dirty Series. I didn't know that this was the second book until after I had already started reading this story. Luckily, these books can be read as stand alone and I didn't have any problems with feeling lost or missing anything. This book does a great job of including the characters from the first book and giving enough back-story that you know everything you need to. That being said though, I think that having read the first book before this would have given me some extra insight to these characters. I really enjoyed this book though, and I can't wait to go back and read the first one now.

Judith is used to being in control. After having her heart broken by her brother's best friend Caleb eight years ago, she is reluctant to give him the time of day at her brother's wedding. Caleb needs a photographer for a charity fundraiser and thinks that this is a great chance for them to catch up. He knows that the feelings he has for Judith are not something that he should pursue for many reasons, not the least of which is her brother. But once he convinces Judith to do the fundraiser, he can't help but want to rekindle the relationship they once had. However convincing Judith to give him another chance after the way he pushed her away so many years ago will not be easy. He sets out to win her back and promises that this time he won't hurt her. They begin a relationship and their relationship and connection are stronger than ever. But with the end of his career in sight, and a possible job in another country how can they possibly make things work? Will they both be able to put their fears and the past behind them, or will they continue to push each other away to try and avoid another heart break?

I really liked Caleb. I didn't think I was going to like him much at first. When we first meet him in this book, he comes off as arrogant and out to annoy Judith. But he quickly turns things around, and becomes the hero that you want to root for. He was strong and sexy, and yet he was also really sweet. Caleb and Judith were very witty, and their banter was so much fun to read! I also loved that Caleb was always calling her cute nicknames. Judith was for the most part a likable heroine. There were a few times that I felt she was somewhat confused. She seemed to be a bit wishy-washy to me and would flip back and forth. I was frustrated at times that she wouldn't just make up her mind. But once she finally was honest with herself and stopped fighting Caleb, I was glad that she opened up to him and was honest about what she wanted. I think it spoke a lot about her character that she would lay herself and her feelings bare to someone that had broken her heart once in the hopes that the risk would be worth the reward. Caleb and Judith were really hot together and I thought those scenes were very well written.

Overall, this story was enjoyable. I am a huge fan of this particular trope, and I always jump at the chance to read stories like this. This one was very fun to read, and I found myself laughing many times throughout this story especially because of the characters' witty banter. It was also nice to see both of these characters evolve and grow. They both had things in their past that they had to overcome and I loved watching as they shared with each other and their connection grew deeper. I think that Caleb and Judith were a very believable couple and they were a great balance for each other. I think romance fans with find this story to be a very satisfying and enjoyable story that is not only heartwarming, but also very funny. I am looking forward to reading more from Ashenden, and I cannot wait to go back and read the first book Talking Dirty with the CEO which is the story of Judith's brother Joseph and Christie.

**ARC provided by Goddess Fish Promotions**

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Unknown said...

Great review. Would love to read this

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