
ARC Review: Working It by Kendall Ryan

One glance at this cover and I knew I had to read this one. I have been looking forward to reading about Ben and Emmy ever since. This story immediately sucked me in and I absolutely devoured it. I really loved the way that Working it was written, and I thought that the Dual POV absolutely made this book. It was great to get Emmy's thoughts but also Ben's. I also thought that it was very interesting that the prologue starts in the present day and gives us some knowledge that we wouldn't normally have at that point in the story. Although it doesn't look good for what is to come, it draws you in because you just know that there are two sides to every story and that you have to read all of it to really see everything that has happened. This book is hot and sexy and keeps you invested in the characters. There were a few things that I personally didn't care for, but all in all this one was a great read for me and I am already anxious for the next book in this series!

Emmy is a sweet southern girl who finds herself in NYC working for a model management company as it's owner Fiona's personal assistant. Fiona is notorious for not only not getting along with women, but putting her employees through hell before dismissing them quickly. Working for Fiona is stressful, but the perk of working with such hot men is what keeps Emmy showing up everyday. She meets the company's golden boy Ben Shaw and there is an instant attraction between them. But Ben isn't just a pretty face, and soon Emmy and Ben are developing a connection despite their obvious differences. Knowing that Ben doesn't do commitment and that they will only be in Paris for a few months for the season, Ben and Emmy begin a secret affair. Ben has a past tied to Fiona, and with Fiona's dislike of Emmy they both agree that seeing each other should be kept a secret. But as their feelings grow and things become more serious, will they take the risk of letting their relationship be known and seeing where things can really go? And what will happen when everything finally comes out?

I liked Ben. I thought that he was not only sexy and sweet, but also a little bit dominant and possessive. Even though he wasn't used to wanting more from a girl or relationship, he knew that Emmy was different and wanted to keep her all to himself. I also loved that he was a dirty talker. It was great seeing him pull Emmy out of her shell, and I loved their texts and banter. Ben had some issues and was a little bit damaged, but Emmy was a great balance for him. I really liked Emmy most of the time. There were a few times that I felt like she should have been a bit stronger and that she needed to grow a backbone, but otherwise she was a lot of fun to read about. Emmy was sweet and caring, and I loved how she really took care of Ben. She didn't treat him like a model or a famous person, but as just an average guy. I also really liked that although she was hesitant to get involved with Ben at first, that she decided to go ahead and take the risk. Emmy and Ben had a great connection, and their chemistry was off the charts. They were super hot together and you could almost feel the steam they generated coming out of my Kindle.

Without giving too much away and spoiling it, there is something that happens that I was not okay with. I know that Ben is the victim as well as Emmy, but I thought that the way that Ben handled everything was almost inexcusable. I couldn't believe what had happened, and it was really heartbreaking. I felt so sorry for Emmy and I wanted to strangle not only Ben, but also Fiona. I just can't understand why Ben allows Fiona to get away with so much. I really hope that Fiona gets what is coming to her and that Ben wises up and really does cut all personal ties with her. I also felt like Emmy sort of just let Ben off the hook way too easily. After everything that she had been through, it just seemed like she was way too understanding. I'm sure that if it would have been me in the same situation I wouldn't have given in like she did. Overall though, I really did enjoy Ben and Emmy's story. I can't wait to get more of these two and I just hope that Kendall Ryan will make sure that all the characters get the endings that they deserve. I have to admit that although I really liked Ben and Emmy, Braydon sort of stole the show for me. I really enjoyed all the scenes he was a part of and I really hope that we get a lot more of him! I think that Working it is a great read, and that romance fans should definitely give this one a shot. We are left with some questions and there are still some things unresolved, but I loved how there was no huge cliffhanger. The next book in this series is called Craving Him and is set to release in June 2014. Hopefully time will pass quickly while I wait for more Emmy and Ben.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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