
Monthly Giveaway - December

Want to win some books and swag?

Each month here at Ramblings From This Chick a new prize pack will be up for grabs for 2 lucky winners.

Here's a peek at this months prize.

2 lucky people will win an envelope of swag + 2 books from my stash.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 2 Envelopes of Swag + 2 Books

To Enter: 
  • Must be a blog follower.
  • US Shipping ONLY-Will substitute prize for a $10 Gift Card if someone outside US wins. 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jane said...

I do read holiday themed books. One of my favorites is "Nutcracker Sweet" by Nancy Warren.

Linda said...

Yes I do as long as it has a good story & characters. My fav is Grace Burrowes Lady Sophie's Christmas Wish

Unknown said...

I love Polar was my first holiday theme book as a child.

May said...

I don't mind as long as it's a good story. :)

Unknown said...

One of my fav's I read this year is Christmas on 4th Street by Susan Mallery..

Unknown said...

I love your blog! It is one of the few that I follow because I enjoy your reviews and it gives me books to add to my TBR list.

My favorite holiday story is The Christmas Story. Both the stories by Jean Shepherd and the Movie...the movie plays all day on Christmas day here!

Sharlene said...

I love Christmas books! His Mistress by Christmas, by Victoria Alexander is a good one. I recently read Sleigh Bells in the Snow by Sarah Morgan & that was really good, too!

Anonymous said...

I do love holiday themed books. One of my favorites is North of Need by Laura Kaye.

Thank you so much for the giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

Ann Mettert said...

I like holiday themed books.

Marcy Meyer said...

I do like to read holiday themed books. I loved Brenda Novak's Take Me Home for Christmas!

Unknown said...

I like to read the Amish Christmas books. The Christmas Quilt was quite good.

Beautiful Disaster said...

Yes, I like holiday themed books. I've read a lot through the years. I don't know that I really have a fave but I recently read one I thoroughly enjoyed by Moriah Densley.

Di said...

Yes - I particularly like Regency anthologies - with so much to do around the holidays those shorter reads fit right in.

Preet said...

Themed books are always a favorite. This years offerings in both romance and chick lit are pretty amazing!

Judy said...

Yes, I like holiday themed books. I have a stash of Christmas-themed books that I bring out each December.

Glenda said...

I do. I even like reading some other times of the year -- as long as they are good books. Most recently I've read Grace Burrowes' Lady Jenny's Christmas Portrait and Deborah Cooke's All or Nothing. Both great books!

Unknown said...

I generally do not read holiday stuff but I have a feeling this year might be different.

Theresa said...

I like Gabriel's Angel by Nora Roberts!

erin said...

I also like holiday themed books :) Definitely puts me in the Christmas Spirit. The last one I read was The First Love Cookie Club by Lori Wilde. So sweet :) Thanks for sharing!

Texas Book Lover said...

I read them if there are part of a series like Christmas In Lucky Harbor otherwise I don't just pick them up.

Lisa G said...

I love holiday themed books, especially ones that are part of a series, such as Stephani Hecht's "A Christmas for Ava" or Pamela Clare's "Upon A Winter's Night".

Lauren said...

I haven't read many, but I really liked the one I read! It was A Vampire for Christmas by Felicity Heaton (It's one of her freebies...I LOVED it!)

Unknown said...

I love holiday themed books. I've already read so many but a couple of my favorites from this year so far have been A Copper Mountain Christmas by Jane Porter and Home for Christmas by Melissa McClone

Glittergirl said...

I love holiday books! Right now my faxorite is Jennifer Ashley's A MacKenzie Family Christmas. I haven't read any new ones this year yet ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love holiday themed books too. I've read quite a number, but I can't recall any strong favorites.

lorimeehan said...

I love them. My fav right now is The MacKenzie Family Christmas: the Perfect Gift by Jennifer Ashley.

Debby said...

I do like holiday themed books but I have no favorite. I read them enjoy and look forward to more.

Michelle said...

I absolutely love holiday books! One of my favorites is A Wallflower Christmas by Lisa Kleypas!
I also really enjoyed The Christmas Cookie Collection (which is a set of novellas set in Twilight, Texas) by Lori Wilde.

LilMissMolly said...

Yes. A Season in the Highlands is my favorite.

Barbara E. said...

Yes, I enjoy holiday themed books. There are quite a few I've enjoyed, but a favorite is Eloisa James' An Affair Before Christmas.

Sophia said...

Not particularly, I just enjoy a good story, don't have to be holiday themed.

TerrieLynn61 said...

This is the first year I have been interested in reading holiday themed books. "Christmas Wishes" by Patricia Kiyono is one I enjoyed. I also enjoyed "The Christmas Cottage" by Samantha Chase and "Silver Bells" by Sadie Hart. Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway.

Mary Preston said...

Too many favorites to name, but they do get me into the spirit.

Sue G. said...

I love to read holiday books. I loved Sabrina Jeffries 'Twas the Night After Christmas.

Sherry Butcher said...

I don't read holiday books, I get books but have no idea when I'll read them.

Chrisbails said...

I love holiday themed books. I love anything to do with Xmas. Loved Sabrina Jeffries Twas the Night After Christmas. I also loved Jeaniene Frosts/Lynsay Sands A Bite Before Christmas. I also love the Harry Potter books. Halfway though they have a huge section about Christmas

jmcgaugh said...

I enjoy holiday-themed books. A couple of favorites are Basso's The Christmas Countess and Frost's/Sands' A Bite Before Christmas.

Jeanne M said...

I love reading Christmas stories and have an entire shelf in my bookcase of them so I can re-read them every year. I love historical Christmas stories the best because you can be guaranteed to have a happily every after (sometimes with some misunderstanding and making up to do which just makes them even better to re-read again, just one more time because just know in the end that by Christmas Eve there will that happily ever after moment!).

Natasha said...

I love them!
Some of my favorites are any of Lisa Kleypas.
Thanks for the chance to win!

sheryl said...

I love Christmas stories and novellas. Thanks for such a nice giveaway

Glenda said...

Of course I do. My all time favorite is A Christmas Carol. This year's favorites are Grace Burrowes' Lady Jenny's Christmas Portrait and Deborah Cooke's All or Nothing.
Merry Christmas!

PM350 said...

yes i like Holiday themed books
anth especially

Meghan said...

I do but I haven't read many of them.

Unknown said...

Fingere cross that I win!,,lol

Anita H. said...

Love Holiday-themed books/novellas, they really get me into the spirit of the season. Among my favorites this year are Katie Lane's "Hunk for the Holidays", Susan Mallery's "Christmas on 4th Street" and Sarah Morgan's "Sleigh Bells in the Snow".

Ada said...

Love reading Christmas holiday books. I recommend Jill Shalvis' Lucky Harbor novellas "Small Town Christmas", "Under the Mistletoe" and "A Christmas to Remember".

Brooke Showalter said...

I love reading holiday themed stories!

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