
Resolving a Feud...with Anna Campbell and Giveaway

Resolving a Feud on Christmas Eve - Anna Campbell

ANNA CAMPBELL has written eight multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes fulltime. Her latest release is A RAKE’S MIDNIGHT KISS, book two of the Sons of Sin series. Don’t miss her free short story, “His Christmas Cinderella”, in the e-anthology A GROSVENOR SQUARE CHRISTMAS, released in October 2013.

Places to find Anna:

I’ve been reading a few royal stories lately and thought I’d have a go at the start of one in a Regency context for my theme this year, resolving a feud on Christmas Eve. Princess Marina is ready to do her duty – but will her marriage to the brooding Prince Ferdinand turn into something more than a political alliance between enemies? Thanks as ever to Danielle for a fun opportunity.


Carlton House, London, 24th December 1814

The gold that proliferated in the overdecorated ballroom blinded her. The heat in the crowded space was stifling. The great and the good jostled to glimpse the woman whose marriage on Christmas Day would end five hundred years of feudal warfare. Fat Prince George, England’s Regent, clutched her hand tighter than he’d clutch an apple pie. His palms sweated unpleasantly through his gloves. He was visibly proud of himself for engineering this match.

Princess Marina of San Isidro sternly reminded herself that if she fainted, she’d cause a diplomatic incident. Europe had just declared peace after decades of war. If she offended her royal bridegroom, there would be more bloodshed.

But, dear heaven, she wished the great and the good spent more money on soap and less on overpowering perfumes. She caught a shallow breath. Prinny who presented her to the man she was to marry tomorrow stank like an ageing courtesan.

As she and the Prince Regent poised at the end of the red carpet, the glittering crowd parted to clear the way to the closed double doors at the far end of the room. The orchestra scratched out the San Isidran national hymn.

A portentous drumroll.

Then the orchestra launched into Delfini’s anthem. Marina stiffened with rage to hear the song of her countrymen’s deadly enemies played so triumphally, before she reminded herself that she went through this farce for her nation’s sake.

Two liveried footmen flung open the opposite doors to reveal the man standing behind them, flanked by the Prime Minister Lord Liverpool and the newly created Duke of Wellington. Marina had been informed of arrangements beforehand, but even so, the stage-managed theatricality made her heart skip a beat. For six months, London had been awash with parties and fireworks and celebrations to mark Napoleon’s abdication, but the Prince Regent was determined that this union to cement the alliance between two warring nations wouldn’t be lost in the mix.

Marina had never met Prince Ferdinand, although she’d seen his image on everything from cruel caricatures to the diamond encrusted miniature that had arrived with the marriage documents. She was familiar with his intense dark face with its watchful green eyes and commanding blade of a nose.

But as he bowed flamboyantly to her from the other end of the huge ballroom, her heart plunged in dismay. She’d expected him to be handsome. She hadn’t expected him to be spectacular. She’d expected him to be regal. She hadn’t expected a man whose air of command put his two companions, magnificent as they were, in the shade.

She’d hoped to wield some power in this ill-suited marriage. But even in these first few seconds, she could see that His Royal Highness Prince Ferdinand de l’Avray d’Ascalon was a man accustomed to having his own way in all things.

As if to confirm that fact, he broke with the carefully constructed script for their meeting and strode toward her, his long, powerful legs eating up the distance far too quickly for her peace of mind.

“Damned cheek,” Prinny muttered beside her. Compared to the man in the heavily braided uniform of a general of Delfini, he was a nonentity, despite his grand empire and his victorious armies.

Prince Ferdinand stopped a foot away from Marina, just a fraction too close for propriety. He surveyed her with an arrogance that made her itch to slap him.

“My sweet maiden bride from San Isidro,” he drawled in a voice deep enough to vibrate in her bones.

She fixed a cold smile to her face and regarded him as she’d regard any cockroach. “My ardent suitor from Delfini.”

To her surprise he laughed. If he’d been striking when serious, the brilliant amusement that lit his face made him unforgettable. He extended a gloved hand. “Shall we dance?”

When she took his hand, a strange frisson ran through her at this, their first physical contact. She beat back fleeting confusion and glared at him with the pride of a thousand years of royal blood. “Your Highness, the pleasure is all yours.”

Will a chance meeting on Christmas Eve…

Alicia Sinclair, Countess of Kinvarra, cannot believe that fate has been so cruel as to strand her on the snowy Yorkshire moors with her estranged husband as her only hope of rescue. During their rare encounters, the arrogant earl and his countess act like hostile strangers. Now that Alicia has fallen into Kinvarra's power, will he seek revenge for her desertion? Or does the dark, passionate man she once adored have entirely different plans for his headstrong wife?

..deliver a second chance at love?

Sebastian Sinclair, Earl of Kinvarra, has spent ten wretched years regretting the mistakes he made with his young bride, but after long separation, the barriers between them are insurmountable. Until an unexpected encounter one stormy night makes him wonder if the barriers of mistrust and thwarted desire are so insurmountable after all. When winter weather traps Sebastian and his proud, lovely wife in an isolated inn, could the earl and his headstrong countess have a Christmas miracle in store?

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 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of A Rake's Midnight Kiss

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Anna.
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment.
  • Choice of print or eBook copy.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Anna Campbell for sponsoring this giveaway.


Karen H said...

Happy Holidays to you and your family, Anna! I've read several of your previous books and loved them all. Looking forward to reading this new series. Thanks for the giveaway too.

Linda said...

Loved the excerpt. Looks like there will be lots of sparks in this marriage!

May said...

Great excerpt! Love it!

maybe31 at

Rita Wray said...

I like the premise of the story and can't wait to read it.


divavixenqueen said...

Looks really good. Great excerpt.
e-book would be fine.

Marcy Meyer said...

Love historical romance! Thanks for the giveaway chance!
ebook please

clintmar (at) grm (dot) net

Unknown said...

Hi Anna, as you know I love historical romances! I read " Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed" your first one of the Sons of Sin series and loved it very much. Also, I have read some beautiful reviews for
"A Rake's Midnight Kiss" and I would love to discover the story of Genevieve and Richard. Thank you for offering your book as a print.

Unknown said...

This is the perfect story to get me in the holiday spirit. I loved the excerpt, very intriguing. I can't wait to read it.


Jan Hougland said...

I'm sorry if this duplicates my prior comment...but the first one seems to have gotten "lost" in the Ethernet I get "lost" in your stories, Anna. So glad I was introduced to your writing several years ago...and that you keep writing stories so I can keep reading them. I love your writing.

erin said...

Congrats to Anna on the new release! Thanks for sharing :)

Betty Hamilton said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New years to you and yours!!
Also best wishes on your new release!!
I would love to win a print copy of A Rake's Midnight Kiss. I LOVE your books!!
Best Wishes,

Anna Campbell said...

Karen, Happy Holidays to you and yours too! Thanks for swinging by and saying such nice things about the books!

Anna Campbell said...

Linda, that's what I thought once I'd written it! Seriously think I might make something of this one.

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, May!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Rita! Glad you enjoyed!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks for swinging by, DVQ!

Anna Campbell said...

I think historical romance is just right for this time of year, Marcy!

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Nicole! Thanks for saying you enjoyed Rogue - I've been really overwhelmed at the lovely reviews for Rake. Good luck in the draw!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Steph! Sadly at this stage, this excerpt is all that exists of this particular story but I've got interested in the idea of writing it one day!

Anna Campbell said...

Janice, isn't a pain when the Net eats a comment? Grrr! Thanks so much for persisting. And thanks so much for saying such nice things about the books!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Erin!

Anna Campbell said...

Betty, Merry Christmas to you and yours and I hope you have a wonderful 2014. I can't believe how quickly 2013 has gone. Thanks so much for saying you love the books!

Joyce Burkhardt said...

Merry Christmas! This story was left off at a point that was so frustrating in that I want to know more about them now.... so clever of you ;-) Would LOVE to win an ebook copy. Thank you.

Anna Campbell said...

Ha ha, Joyce! My work is done. Actually the excerpt was specially written for Danielle's Christmas even (hi Danielle!). At this stage, the story for me ends at that point too!

Di said...

oh boy - political intrigue plus a Regency Romance! Tho I'm supposed to be getting an eReader soon I'd still love a print copy (I do like to hold a book & see it on my shelf).
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Glittergirl said...

I actually have a print copy of ARMKiss and well all of your books ;-) I'd love a copy of this novella. MERRY CHRISTMAS glittergirl54 at ymail dot com

Vanessa Barneveld said...

Hi, Danielle! Hi, Anna!

Anna, what a delicious excerpt! Seriously, you have to keep going with Princess Marina and Prince Ferdinand's feud -- I was completely hooked!

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Di! I had great fun writing this - Danielle always sets writers such delicious challenges. Hope you have fun with your ereader!

Anna Campbell said...

GG, how lovely that you've got all the books! Thanks so much for picking them up. Good luck in the draw - at the moment all that exists of the royal story is what's above, but I have plans to pursue it. I was really interested in the characters!

Anna Campbell said...

Vanessa, how lovely to see you! And thanks for saying you enjoyed the excerpt. I had such fun writing it.

Unknown said...

Oh Anna. I feel like you're my favorite auntie. I love your work and admire you as a person. Who is your favorite author?

Anna Campbell said...

Justine, what a lovely thing to say! Happy Holidays! Favorite author? Oh, man, so many. I love Dorothy Dunnett who doesn't write 'pure' romance but definitely has a lot of romance in her sweeping historical novels.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to a truly brilliant author whose responsiveness to your fans makes me even more proud to support you! These Haunted Hearts was among my favorite short stories since...well, ever. :) All the best!

sheryl said...

Happy holidays to you and your family. What a great exerpt and I can't wait to read it. Also want to read The Winter Wife, I love Christmas stories.

Barbara E. said...

Loved the story, it was fun and I'd love to read more. Also, I love second chance at love stories and I can't wait to read all about Alicia and Sebastian's in the Winter Wife.
I love print, so I would choose that if I were to win A Rake's Midnight Kiss.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

Glenda said...

Anna, I can see you turning this short story into a great novel!! Please seriously consider doing so! I do love reading your work!

Laura said...

Can't wait to read the whole story. My choice would be a print copy of the book.

Anna Campbell said...

Wow, I think I want to frame this comment! Thank you so much. And I"m absolutely DELIGHTED that you enjoyed These Haunted Hearts. I had such fun writing a really romantic ghost story.

Anna Campbell said...

Sheryl, I"m a sucker for Christmas stories too! Thanks for saying you enjoyed the excerpt. Hope you have a wonderful festive season!

Anna Campbell said...

Barb, I'm such a slow adopter of technology, I don't own an e-reader so it's print all the way for me too. I'm absolutely delighted that people seem to be picking up Alicia and Sebastian's story in droves this Christmas too!

Anna Campbell said...

By the way, did you girls know that I've got a freebie on the go at the moment? Shana Galen, Vanessa Kelly, Kate Noble and I teamed up to do a Christmas anthology called A GROSVENOR SQUARE CHRISTMAS and it's FREEEEEEE! Here's the Amazon link:

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Glenda. I really think I could get a great story out of these two characters - so much at stake, not just romantically but for their kingdoms.

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Laura. Itching to write this one. I think the sparks will really fly. Good luck!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Thanks for sharing the excerpt. I'm looking forward to reading this book. I think you're an awesome writer.
Happy Holidays!

Anna Campbell said...

Lori, how lovely! Thank you! So glad you enjoyed the teaser - I think I really need to write this book.

Annie West said...

Ooh, Anna, what a great scene. I agree with the others - this royal story is one you definitely need to write. I love the way you make the sparks fly even while they both look outwardly composed. In the meantime, while waiting for you to write it, at least we've got your terrific new 'Sons of Sin' series and 'The Winter Wife' to enjoy. Great Christmas reading.

jmcgaugh said...

Great scene; I definitely need to read the rest of this story!
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

Anna Campbell said...

Annie, it was one of YOUR royal stories that got me thinking along these lines. Love the private passion, public perfection element of those stories. So glad you enjoyed.

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, J! Now I want to know what happens too! Think that means I"m stuck having to write it to find out!

Kandy Shepherd said...

I'm intrigued by the start of this story, Anna, so when do we get to read the rest of it! Please don't put me in the draw for A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS as I am fortunate to already own a copy of this wonderful book.

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks for swinging by, Kandy. Glad you enjoyed this one - I had fun writing the encounter. Think the sparks would fly in something longer!

Cathy P said...

Hi, Anna! Happy Holidays to you and your family! I love your books! I relly enjoyed the excerpt for Marina and Ferdinand. Please make it a full length book. If I am lucky enough to win, I would like to have A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS in print, please.

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Cathy! Greetings of the season to you and yours too! Love this time of year. Thanks for saying such nice things about the books - and the excerpt. I really think these two need a full-length book! I used last year's excerpt as the basis for a Christmas novella that because of A CHRISTMAS IN GROSVENOR SQUARE has been pushed back to Christmas 2014. Danielle inspires really delicious stories!

lorimeehan said...

Congrats on the new release. I enjoyed the short story and I'm looking forward to reading The Winter Wife.
Lorimeehan 1at aol dot com

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Lori! It's lovely having a Christmas story out. This is the second year I've done it and it really has become part of the season for me.

Michelle said...

Happy Holidays, Anna! When I saw the cover of A Winter Wife, it looked familiar. Checked my Goodreads account, and sure enough, I had already read and loved it! Not sure how I missed looking for more of your work this year, but I'll be taking care of that right away! Thanks for the lovely story!

Anna Campbell said...

Michelle, you rpost is music to my ears! Thanks so much for saying you loved the Winter Wife. It really was a treat having a Christmas story out. Did you see that I've got a freebie short in an anthology for Christmas this year? Definitely won't break the Holiday budget!

Sandy Kenny said...

Happy Holidays, Anna! Love both book excerpts/blurbs. I can't wait to read them both! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed and healthy New Year!


Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Sandra! Happy Holidays to you too. So glad you enjoyed the excerpts!

Sharon Archer said...

Wah! Cyberspace ate my first comment, Anna and Danielle at RFTC - so that means I can claim it was incredibly fabulous and witty! LOL

Seriously, I loved the beginning of your royal Xmas story, Anna! I hope it will be ready for my 2014 Christmas stocking! I've got my Anna Campbell goody for this years stocking with A Grosvenor Square Christmas! And no need to put me in the draw for A Rake's Midnight Kiss 'coz I have that on my keeper shelf!

Merry Christmas, Anna!

dstoutholcomb said...

thanks for the excerpt

dstoutholcomb said...

dholcomb1 (at) aol (dot) com print

Anna Campbell said...

My pleasure! Thanks for checking it out.

Anna Campbell said...

Sharon, your comments are always fabulous and witty! Thanks for swinging by - and for picking up Grosvenor Square! We've had such a lovely reaction to that free anthology. It's been as much a treat for the writers as the readers! And thanks for saying such lovely things about Rake! xxx

gamistress66 said...

enjoyed the tidbit :-)

Unknown said...

I love the excerpt! It was short but cuts to the point. Thanks for the giveaway! Have a happy holiday!

Unknown said...


Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Sandy! Good luck in the draw and all the best for Christmas and 2014!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Gamistress! I think there might be a book in that opening!

Unknown said...

Hi Anna! Love your books, loved Seven Nights and A Rake's Midnight Kiss is on the very top of my TBR list! Happy Holidays and all the best!

Unknown said...

P.S. I also loved Days of Rakes and Roses. It was short but just right! :)

Anna Campbell said...

Ivana, thank you so much for saying you've enjoyed the recent stories! I've just handed Cam's story into my editor and it will be out next August as WHAT A DUKE DARES. Hope you have a lovely Christmas!

kipha said...

Oh I so want this to become a true novel or nevella!!!! What happens next, what happens next!!!!!

Diane D - Florida said...

Hi Anna,

That excerpt was delicious, and I enjoyed very much. You know how much I adore your books, and you. Thank you for this chance to win.

I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. xx

Anna Campbell said...

Kipha, given it's a dynastic marriage, they're going to have to go to bed together too - wow, I can see that being a really amazing scene!

Anna Campbell said...

Diane, wishing you a wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2014 too! Thanks for being such a stalwart supporter! Good luck in the draw!

Anna Campbell said...

Mary, I had fun writing it. I find these challenges of Dani's set off a lot of inspiration for me. Happy Holidays!

Mary Preston said...

Just so fabulous thank you!!


Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Mary, thanks for swinging by. I think there might be a book in this one!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Anna! I look forward to your new book! All the best!

Meghan said...

Hi Anna! This looks like a really great read! I think I would LOVE it!
I was just wondering, if you could collaborate with any other romance author who would it be and why?
Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com

Sharon said...

Anna, I have read everything that you have written that I can get my hands on. I love the stories, the characters as they as real as you and I. Keep up the great work!
Thanks, Sharon

Sharon said...

Sorry forgot to leave my email address in the previous comment. It is sharon.pauley And I prefer print books

Michelle said...

Yes, I did. I've got a copy of A Grosvenor Square Christmas and plan on reading it in the next week or so. I was thrilled to see you were part of an anthology with Vanessa Kelly and Shana Galen!

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
I would love a print copy.
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Oooh, a fab scene! I'd love to read Marina and Ferdinand's story!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

cerianh at rocketmail dot com

Anna Campbell said...

Meghan, I had a wonderful time working with Vanessa, Shana and Kate on the Christmas anthology, but having said that, we were pretty independent regarding what story we told once we'd set the actual theme. I'm not sure I could co-write with someone, although I'd love to do another anthology at some stage. My critique partner Annie West and I have talked about doing a two-parter where I do the Regency story and she does the contemporary one. I think that would be fun!

Anna Campbell said...

Sharon, what an absolutely lovely thing to say! Thank you so much. They're certainly real in my head when I'm writing it - in fact they usually go completely their own way and tell me just to take notes!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks for swinging by, Natasha! Good luck in the draw!

Anna Campbell said...

Cerian, all that pride and passion would make for a really dramatic story, I think. Definitely got them on my list of stories that might be worth investigating in the future.

Anna Campbell said...

Michelle, I do have wonderful taste in writer friends, even if I do say so myself! ;-)

Unknown said...

Great scene!

Tin said...

Hi, Anna!

That was a great scene! Really enjoyed it!

What's your favourite dessert to serve at Christmas?

Thank you for the great giveaway!

- Tin (khriscc at yahoo dot com)

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Shannon! Glad you enjoyed!

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Tin! Thanks for saying you enjoyed the piece. I enjoyed writing it. Dani gives the best challenges! Ooh, fave dessert. My mother used to make a wonderful traditional Christmas pudding - I still miss that at Christmas time. Give how hot it is down here at Christmas time, I've moved from heavy English fare to ice-cream! Happy Holidays!

Filia Oktarina said...

Wanna read more!!! Looking forward to read this book.
Thanks for sharing :)

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

Thanks for the story. I just downloaded your Christmas anthology and look forward to reading it.

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks for checking it out, Filia. Thought it had real potential once I'd written it! Liked both characters!

Anna Campbell said...

Kim, thanks so much for picking up the anthology. I hope you enjoy it!

Eli Yanti said...

Already have winter wife and can't wait to read it. You are a must read author for me Anna :)

Unknown said...

Very interesting description of the story.
olga_sergejeva (at)

Anna Campbell said...

Eli, what a lovely thing to say. Thank you so much! Actually it's been lovely seeing lots of people pick up the Winter Wife this Christmas as well as the last one. Nice to think it's still got legs!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Olga. Delighted you enjoyed it!

Preet said...

Oh please do tell me there is more? I'm so intrigued by the little I read. I love that the distrust and animosity between Prince Ferdinand and Princess Marina could turn to love. Enemies to lovers is one my favorite themes.

print please

Anna Campbell said...

Chanpreet, thanks for swinging by! At this stage, that's the sum total of the story but as I was writing it, I could see so many possibilities for how it might develop. I'm a great fan of enemies into lovers stories too!

mk said...

thanks for the giveaway chance!

LilMissMolly said...

Hi Anna. Love your books. Thanks for the giveaway!

Emma said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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