
Review: Tease by Missy Johnson

I have to admit that this book is definitely one that I was drawn to because the blurb really intrigued me. I mean a male escort...tell me you aren't immediately curious! I have been anxiously awaiting the moment when I could one-click and read this one. I have never read a book by Missy Johnson before, but I have heard great things and figured this was the perfect one to start with. So all that being said, I will tell you that this book is not what I was expecting at all. There were some parts that I really liked, and then there were others that I had a lot of issues with. For a book about a male escort and all the sex he was having, I have to say that the steam factor on this one was surprisingly low for me.

Liam "Coop" Cooper is a male escort. In order to pay for his mother's medical bills and take care of his family, he starts having sex with rich and powerful women. He has clients that are all different ages and are in several prominent occupations. When his childhood crush and sister's best friend comes back into his life, he views her as nothing more than a complication. Mia was not only his crush, but he was also friendly with her. Now that she is moving back to NYC, she needs a temporary place to stay that is close to her job. Liam's sister Nic quickly volunteers Coop's place as a temporary home for her. Not able to say no, Coop allows Mia to move in and things start to get complicated. They are both determined to keep things platonic for their own reasons, but the attraction quickly becomes more than either one of them can fight. But how can the possibly have anything more when Coop needs to keep his job in order to support his mom? And what happens when the truth comes out about his job?

I liked Coop. He was a fun loving guy who was able to just go with the flow. You could tell that he didn't get worked up too often, and I loved that he wasn't over the top dominant. He was sweet and loving to those he cared about, and was extremely loyal to those he was close to. I loved that he would do anything for his family, and always put them first. Sometimes he did this to a fault, but you could really tell that they meant everything for him and he would gladly sacrifice himself for them. I liked Mia, but I felt that we didn't really get to know her much. For being the heroine of the story, I felt that she was still mostly a mystery even after I had finished the book. She was nice and you could tell that she really cared for Coop. I liked that she was funny and had no problem joking around with Coop as well as his family and friends. But really, I can't say too much more about her because I honestly feel like I don't know her. Coop and Mia seemed to have some good chemistry and attraction between them, but really Coop had chemistry with just about everyone in this story.

My main problem with this book isn't the fact that Coop continued to sleep around after Mia reentered his life. It came from the fact that I was expecting so much more from the sex scenes than I felt that we got. They seemed short and often times abrupt. It was almost as if they were completely rushed with very few details. Not what I was expecting from an erotic novel. They also were really repetitive. There were some differences between the different characters and their kinks, but overall they were mostly the same with a few twists. I also thought that there were times that the story was sort of hard to follow and didn't flow well. We would be in one situation only to switch mid paragraph into another, and it was at times confusing for the reader. I wished that we had been given more of a chance to really get to know Mia and Coop better as a couple. I think that this book would have worked better for me had we seen them really get through everything and spend some time getting to know them. I liked Beth a lot though and I am excited to read her story next. Honestly she was one of the best parts of this book and I really enjoyed her scenes with Coop. I will admit that I thought he had better chemistry with Beth than Mia, and I was really hoping that they might somehow end up together. I thought that we knew her much better than Mia. For me, this story had so much promise but it just didn't live up to my expectations. I was hoping for steamier sex scenes and I feel like these just fell flat. I will give Promiscuous a shot though because I am excited to see what is in store for Beth, and I'm hoping that it will be more of what I was expecting from Tease.

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