
ARC Review: Good Sensations by S.L. Scott

I have loved this series since I first read Good Vibrations. I have both been anxiously awaiting the release of Good Sensations as well as dreading it. I had to know what happened for Evan and Mallory, and yet I wasn't ready to be done with them. I have to say though that I am so glad that Good Sensations is finally here and even though I'm sad for their story to come to an end it was absolutely perfect! If you haven't read this series yet, you are seriously missing out! This series does need to be read in order, so make sure you start with Good Vibrations. S.L. Scott has a way of writing interesting characters that you are instantly invested in and can't help but fall in love with. Evan and Mallory will always be one of my favorite book couples ever, and I know that I will continue to read and reread their stories whenever I need a fix.

What started out as a summer fling has since grown and Evan and Mallory are more committed to each other than ever. While Evan is in New York working for his family's company, Mallory is finishing school in Colorado. Though their lives may be going in two different directions, their love for each other has them both determined to get through the separation. There are still many obstacles standing in their way, and being apart is not easy. With so many things standing in the way of their future, can they make it through and be stronger than ever? Or will their future together be torn apart before it really begins?

I didn't think that it was possible to love Evan more than before, but he went an proved me wrong. He was so committed to Mallory and their future together. I loved seeing a different side of Evan in this book. The evolution of his character from Good Vibrations to his character in Good Sensations shows just how much he has changed. He is still the fun-loving and charming surfer we fell in love with, but he is also more mature and responsible. He really grew up and it was nice to see that he was willing to work to make a future for him and Mallory. I love that he was determined to be happy and live the type of life he wanted, rather than what his parents thought was best. I love Mallory. She is so sweet that you just can't help but root for her. I love that she has such a kindness about her and looks for the best in everyone, even when they sometimes don't deserve it. She is the perfect balance for Evan, and their connection is undeniable. I loved watching these two not only fall for each other, but work to make sure that they didn't let anything tear them apart. Evan and Mallory are so perfect for each other and have been from the very start. Their love and connection are so strong that you can't help but get caught up in it. They also have so much steam and chemistry that I am surprised my Kindle didn't burst into flames while reading this one!

Overall, Good Sensations was the perfect ending to this fabulous series. I loved how everything turned out and I thought that this book was so true to Evan and Mallory that I cannot imagine anything happening differently. Evan and Mallory's story is so real and believable because they so clearly belong together. S.L. Scott could not have written a better conclusion to this series, and I am so glad that Evan and Mallory got the ending that they deserve. Besides Evan and Mallory though, it was great to see the rest of the characters that we have come to know and love. Without giving too much away, I thought that the secondary characters really added a lot to the story and it was great to see the changes that many of them have made from the beginning of this series. If you are a fan of romance, this series is an absolute must read! These books are so much fun to read, and I really enjoyed getting lost in paradise with these two. Even though I am sad that their story has come to an end, I am so happy with the way it ended. I will continue to enjoy reading about these two in the future, as well as reading whatever else S.L. Scott writes. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!

**ARC provided by Just Booked Blog Tours**

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The_Book_Queen said...

I really must start this series; I have 1 & 2 on my ereader. I'm very glad to hear you loved this one so!


Casey said...

Evan and Mallory are impossible not to fall in love with! This series is fantastic and I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did! :) Thanks for stopping by!

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