
ARC Review: London Falling by T.A. Foster

London Falling
I will admit that this gorgeous cover is originally what drew me in and made me want to read this book. I absolutely loved London Falling and had so much fun reading this story. This book was unique and different from any other New Adult books that I have read, and I found the story really refreshing. This is definitely a feel good story that was really adorable and left me smiling. I can't wait to read more from T.A. Foster after reading this book. I found this book almost impossible to put down and didn't stop reading until I had devoured every last page.

London is a senior and only needs one more class to graduate. Her communications class is taught by a professor who is known for being a bit different and unconventional. In order for London to take the next step towards moving to LA to achieve her dream of becoming an actress, she must first get an A and graduate. When her professor assigns the class the task of proving if a reality show is real or staged with the help of a partner, London will do anything to make sure that they get an A. London gets assigned Beau as a partner and they get the reality TV show Love Match. Love Match centers around a man or woman who sets out on several over the top dates with multiple people in order to find love. Beau and London decide that they will fake date to prove the show is made up and keep a record of their experiences through a blog that students and their professor can see. But after a few dates, they are beginning to develop feelings for each other. They can't fight their attraction to each other and the connection they are forming is too strong to ignore. They decide to date for real, but hide it from everyone and pretend that they are still fake dating in order to continue with the project and not risk their grade in the class. But when things get more serious, they must decide if a relationship together is worth risking everything for.

I really liked Beau. He was fun and carefree, and really adventurous. I liked how he was able to really bring London out of her shell and help her to experience life. He was sweet and sexy and I thought that he was just a really great guy. He was so normal and felt really real to me. I liked that he was out to have a good time and really enjoy himself without taking things too seriously. London was great also. She was dedicated and determined. At first she was a bit uptight and seemed to be pretty single minded when it came to her life. But soon after meeting Beau she really started to open up and there was a whole other side that Beau was able to bring out in her. It was really nice to see her transition as the book progressed. Beau and London were so different from each other, but they really proved that opposites do attract. They worked so well together and seemed really natural to me. They also had a ton of chemistry and I really enjoyed how they went from being partners to friends to falling in love.

Overall, this book completely exceeded my expectations and really blew me away. I loved Beau and London and their entire story. This book is addictive and as much of a guilty pleasure as the reality show that they reference. I was sad to finish this book because I just wasn't ready to be done with Beau and London. I also really liked the secondary characters in this story and thought that they were all really interesting and entertaining as well. I especially loved London's friend Nina and London's brother Austin. I would love to see more of those two as well as the rest of London's brothers. To me, this book had everything that I look for in an entertaining book and I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a light and fun read. Fans of the Bachelor and Bachelorette will really love this book, but I think that this is one that pretty much anyone can enjoy. Beau and London's story is one that I won't soon forget, and I can't wait to go back and reread it. I look forward to reading more from T.A. Foster in the future.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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